This plugin offers a management system for awards that can be created and given to recipients in your Backstage deployment, and then displayed onto their Entity profile pages.
This plugin offers a management system for awards that can be created and given to recipients in your Backstage deployment, and then displayed onto their Entity profile pages.
The plugin offers a set of Page Components and an Information card to achieve
this. It also requires the installation of its dependency
Both the backend and the frontend rely on Backstage authentication in order to enforce ownership of awards. Please follow the documentation to enable authentication before attempting to use this plugin!
Install the package
Install the @seatgeek/backstage-plugin-awards
package in your frontend app package:
# From your Backstage root directory
yarn add --cwd packages/app @seatgeek/backstage-plugin-awards
Add routes for the plugin management pages
Open the file packages/app/src/App.tsx
in your Backstage deployment and add
the following lines:
// other imports
import { AwardsPage } from '@seatgeek/backstage-plugin-awards';
// Add the routes for the plugin pages before the <FlatRoutes> block is closed.
// Many routes
<Route path="/awards" element={<AwardsPage />} />
// Rest of the file
Add the Entity Info Card for Awards
Inside the file packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx
file in
your Backstage deployment, add the following items:
import { UserAwardsCard } from '@seatgeek/backstage-plugin-awards';
// Look for the const userPage and add the card to the Grid
const userPage = (
<EntityLayout.Route path="/" title="Overview">
<Grid container spacing={3}>
<Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
<EntityUserProfileCard variant="gridItem" />
<Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
{/* Add this here - BEGIN */}
<Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
<UserAwardsCard />
{/* Add this here - END */}
Add a sidebar entry (recommended)
In the file packages/app/src/components/Root/Root.tsx
in your Backstage
deployment, add the following code:
// Many imports
import EmojiEventsIcon from '@material-ui/icons/EmojiEvents';
export const Root = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren<{}>) => (
<NewAnnouncementBanner max={3} />
<SidebarLogo />
<SidebarSearch />
<SidebarDivider />
<SidebarGroup label="Menu" icon={<MenuIcon />}>
{/* Global nav, not org-specific */}
<SidebarItem icon={HomeIcon} to="catalog" text="Home" />
<SidebarItem icon={ExtensionIcon} to="api-docs" text="APIs" />
<SidebarItem icon={LibraryBooks} to="docs" text="Docs" />
<SidebarItem icon={CreateComponentIcon} to="create" text="Create" />
<SidebarItem icon={DoneAllIcon} to="soundcheck" text="Soundcheck" />
<SidebarItem icon={AnnouncementIcon} to="/announcements" text="Announcements" />
{/* End global nav */}
{/* Add this here - BEGIN */}
<SidebarItem icon={EmojiEventsIcon} to="awards" text="Awards" />
<SidebarDivider />
{/* Add this here - END */}
{/* Other imports... */}
Developing this plugin
Your plugin has been added to the example app in this repository, meaning you'll be able to access it by running yarn start
in the root directory, and then navigating to /awards.
You can also serve the plugin in isolation by running yarn start
in the plugin directory.
This method of serving the plugin provides quicker iteration speed and a faster startup and hot reloads.
It is only meant for local development, and the setup for it can be found inside the /dev directory.