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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




The Ultimate JSON Transformer package is an implementation of `stream.Transform` designed to be an ultra fast transform stream of JSON data in Node.js applications. Utilizing the power of Node.js streams, it provides a flexible way to parse, validate, an




Ultimate JSON Transformer Documentation


The Ultimate JSON Transformer package is an implementation of stream.Transform designed to be an ultra fast transform stream of JSON data in Node.js applications. Utilizing the power of Node.js streams, it provides a flexible way to parse, validate, and transform partial JSON data without loading the entire object into memory.

It was built for purpose and therefor it has specific deficiencies:

  1. It is only written and tested for encoding utf-8.
  2. It can only extract root level attributes.

How fast is it?

I have provided performance test suite that compares the transformer to JSON.parse and to the library stream-json. On best case scenario, the transformer is about the same time as JSON.parse while about 6 to 10 times faster than stream-json.


Before using JSONStreamTransformer, ensure you have Node.js installed in your environment. then npm i @sealights/ultimate-json-transfomer


  1. Include in your service import { JSONStreamTransformer } from '@sealights/ultimate-json-transformer';
  2. Use the createTransformStream static method to create a transform stream with specified options: const transformStream = JSONStreamTransformer.createTransformStream(options, closeOnDone, logger);
  3. Use stream.pipeline or pipe:
import {pipeline} from "stream";
import { JSONStreamTransformer } from '@sealights/ultimate-json-transformer';
const inputStream = fs.createReadStream(path);
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(outputPath);
// pipeline
const transformStream = JSONStreamTransformer.createTransformStream(options, closeOnDone, logger);
pipeline([inputStream, transformStream, writeStream], (err) => {
// pipe
writeStream.on('end', (err) => {


  1. options: Array of IParserTransformOptions, defining how data should be parsed and transformed.
  2. closeOnDone (optional, default=false): Boolean indicating whether the stream should force close once processing is done. If true, should expect ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE error.
  3. logger (optional, default=console): Custom logger for logging debug, info, warning, and error messages.

Options (IParserTransformOptions)

Each transformer can output multiple times as long as they exist in the data string.

Each option in the options array should adhere to the IParserTransformOptions interface:

export interface IParserTransformOptions<T> {
    attributeName: keyof T;
    type: ParserValueType;
    mode?: ParserMode;
    batchSize?: number;
    skip?: number;
    validator: string;
    output: OutputMode;

Where T is the object/array to be transformed.

attributeName: Name of the attribute to process. type: Type of parser value (Array or Object). mode (optional): Parsing mode, influencing the processing strategy. batchSize (optional): Batch size for processing, relevant for array types. skip (optional): Number of elements to skip, relevant for array types. validator(optional): a function that returns a boolean. output: Output mode (JSON or STRING).

Parser Modes

The class supports several parsing modes (ParserMode enum) for different processing strategies:

SingleObject - Detect and output an object

BatchAndProcess - Output an array of objects until array end, can provide skip as offset element to start from. batchSize will output to event data an array for every batch.

SkipAndStream - Output an array of objects one by one, can provide skip as offset element to start from. can provide batchSize and the transformer will stop when reaching the batch size.

SkipAndBatch - Output an array of objects. , can provide skip as offset element to start from. can provide batchSize and the transformer will stop when reaching the batch size.

Output Modes

Specify the output format of the transformed data (OutputMode enum):

JSON: Outputs data as JSON. STRING: Outputs data as a string.


  1. data: outputs an object that adheres to the following contract:
export interface IDataEmit {
    attributeName: string; 
    data: any; // can be single object or array of object
    amount?: number; // For arrays, amount of objects in the current output
    startIdx?: number, // For array, start index for the output
    endIdx?: number // For array end index for the output

data event is omitted differently depending on the ParserMode(see above). 2. done: Omitted when the transformer has finished extracting all the requested data or when it reaches the end of the JSON.

If `done` Is omitted but an expected attribute `data` event is not omitted and should be treated as not found.
  1. error: Omitted on error. Errors could be either validation error if a validator was provided or a JSON.parse error on the first element.


Below is a simple example to demonstrate creating a transform stream with JSONStreamTransformer:

const options = [{
attributeName: 'exampleAttribute',
type: ParserValueType.Array,
mode: ParserMode.BatchAndProcess,
batchSize: 10,
skip: 5,
validator: e => e.x === 5,
output: OutputMode.JSON
// Create transform stream
const transformStream = JSONStreamTransformer.createTransformStream(options);
// Use the stream in your application


Performance was done using the sf_citylots.json which has 206560 elements and is 189MB in size when uncompressed. See

| Scenario | Amount to output | Output | Skip | Batch Size | Force Close | Duration(sec) | |:-------------------------:|:----------------:|:------:|:------:|:----------:|:-----------:|:-------------:| | JSON.parse | 206560 | JSON | | | | 4.342 | | stream-json | 206560 | JSON | | | | 61 | | ultimate(SkipAndStream) | 206560 | JSON | 0 | - | No | 8.122 | | ultimate(SkipAndStream) | 206560 | STRING | 0 | - | No | 5.517 | | ultimate(BatchAndProcess) | 206560 | JSON | 0 | 10000 | No | 11.8 | | ultimate(BatchAndProcess) | 206560 | STRING | 0 | 10000 | No | 9.1 | | ultimate(SkipAndBatch) | 20000 | JSON | 0 | 20000 | No | 1.235 | | ultimate(SkipAndBatch) | 20000 | STRING | 0 | 20000 | No | 1.054 | | ultimate(SkipAndBatch) | 20000 | JSON | 0 | 20000 | Yes | 0.604 | | ultimate(SkipAndBatch) | 4990 | JSON | 201570 | 5000 | No | 6.43 |


Contributions to improve UltimateJsonStreamer are welcome. :)
