Transformation library with several data transformation methods
Table of Content
Collection of helpful functions for data transformation
Via npm
npm install @scuba-squad/transformation
toArray(value: mixed, opt: ?object = {flatten: false}): array
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to an array
value: mixed
opt: ?object
flatten: boolean = false
returns: array
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toArray('hello world'); // ['hello', 'world']
Transformation.toArray({a: 5, b: true}); // [['a', 5], ['b', true]]
Transformation.toArray(new Set([1, 2, 3])); // [1, 2, 3]
toAscii(value: mixed): string
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to an ascii string
value: mixed
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toAscii('bismi ăl-lahi ăr-raḥmani ăr-raḥiymi'); // 'bismi al-lahi ar-ramani ar-raiymi'
Transformation.toAscii(['$', 'vs', '€']); // 'dollar vs euro'
toBase64(value: mixed): string
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to a base64 encoded string
value: mixed
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toBase64('scubaSquad'); // 'c2N1YmFTcXVhZA=='
Transformation.toBase64(NaN); // 'bnVsbA=='
Transformation.toBase64([null, false, {}, [4]]); // 'W251bGwsZmFsc2Use30sWzRdXQ=='
toBoolean(value: mixed): boolean
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to a boolean
value: mixed
returns: boolean
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toBoolean('hi'); // true
Transformation.toBoolean({a: 5}); // true
Transformation.toBoolean('false'); // false
Transformation.toBoolean('off'); // false
Transformation.toBoolean('no'); // false
Transformation.toBoolean(' '); // false
toCamelCase(value: mixed): string
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to a camelCase string
value: mixed
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toCamelCase('-person- -'); // 'person'
Transformation.toCamelCase('JSON_2_XML'); // 'jSON2XML'
Transformation.toCamelCase('@scuba-squad/transformation:toCamelCase'); // 'scubaSquadTransformationToCamelCase'
Transformation.toCamelCase(['scuba', 'squad']); // 'scubaSquad'
toCSV(value: mixed, opt: ?object = {}): string
Added in: v1.0.0
see: json2csv
Convert value
to a CSV string
value: mixed
opt: ?object
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toCSV([{a: 5}, {b: 4}, {a: 3}]); // '"a","b"\n5,\n,4\n3,'
toFormat(value: string, ...args: mixed): string
Added in: v1.0.0
see: util.format
Convert value
to a string replacing format placeholders with arg[n] value
value: string
...args: mixed
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toFormat('%s: %n', 'number', 5); // 'number: 5'
toJSON(value: mixed, space: string | number = 2): string
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to serialized json
value: mixed
space: string | number = 2
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toJSON({a: 5}); // '{\n "a": 5\n}'
Transformation.toJSON({a: 5}, 0); // '{"d":5}'
Transformation.toJSON({a: 5}, '\t'); // '{\n\t"d": 5\n}'
toKebabCase(value: mixed): string
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to kebab-case string
value: mixed
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toKebabCase('@scuba-squad/transformation:toKebabCase'); // '-scuba-squad-transformation-to-kebab-case'
Transformation.toKebabCase(['scuba', 'squad']); // 'scuba-squad'
toLines(value: mixed): array
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to an array of lines
value: mixed
returns: array
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toLines('1\n2\r\n3'); // ['1', '2', '3']
Transformation.toLines('1\n\n2\r\n3\n'); // ['1, '', '2', '3', '']
toList(value: array, opt: ?object = {delimiter: ?string = ', ', last: ?string = ' and '}): string
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to a list string
value: array
compare: ?object
delimiter: string = ', '
last: string = ' and '
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toList([1, 2, 3]); // '1, 2 and 3'
Transformation.toList([127, 0, 0, 1], {
delimiter: '.',
last: '.',
}); // ''
Transformation.toList([1, 0, 4, 'beta'], {
delimiter: '.',
last: '-',
}); // '1.0.4-beta'
toListSerial(value: array, opt: ?object = {delimiter: ?string = ', ', last: ?string = ' and '}): string
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to a serial list string
value: array
compare: ?object
delimiter: string = ', '
last: string = ' and '
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toListSerial([1, 2, 3]); // '1, 2, and 3'
Transformation.toListSerial(['apples', 'oranges', 'bananas'], {
delimiter: '; ',
}); // 'apples; oranges; and bananas'
Transformation.toListSerial(['alpha', 'beta', 'rc', 'release'], {
delimiter: '-',
last: '>',
}); // 'alpha-beta-rc->release'
toMD5(value: mixed): string
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to an md5 encoded hash string
value: mixed
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toMD5('scubaSquad'); // '3c4c897839aa60f8e6707d8f82256792'
Transformation.toMD5({a: 5}); // '9b574798ab3bf7351f82eaf817c96d50'
Transformation.toMD5([null, false, {}, [4]]); // '505f1cc6122ee7a344b3edfd75e008cf'
toNumber(value: mixed): number
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to number
value: mixed
returns: number
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toNumber('3.5'); // 3.5
Transformation.toNumber(false); // 0
Transformation.toNumber(true); // 1
Transformation.toNumber(new Date('2000-01-01')); // 946684800000
Transformation.toNumber('hello'); // NaN
toPascalCase(value: mixed): string
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to PascalCase string
value: mixed
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toPascalCase('@scuba-squad/transformation:toPascalCase'); // 'ScubaSquadTransformationToPascalCase'
Transformation.toPascalCase(['scuba', 'squad']); // 'ScubaSquad'
toPlural(value: string): string
Added in: v1.0.0
see: pluralize
Convert value
to a plural string
value: string
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toPlural('car'); // 'cars'
Transformation.toPlural('wife'); // 'wives'
Transformation.toPlural('woman'); // 'women'
toRegExp(value: mixed): RegExp
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to a RegExp
value: mixed
returns: RegExp
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toRegExp(/asd/i); // /asd/i
Transformation.toRegExp('|asd|i'); // /asd/i
Transformation.toRegExp('%^\\d+$%g'); // /^\d+$/g
toSingular(value: string): string
Added in: v1.0.0
see: pluralize
Convert value
to a singular string
value: mixed
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toSingular('cars'); // 'car'
Transformation.toSingular('wives'); // 'wife'
Transformation.toSingular('women'); // 'woman'
toSlug(value: mixed): string
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to a slug
value: string
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toSlug('helloWorld'); // 'hello-World'
Transformation.toSlug('$ vs €'); // 'dollar-vs-euro'
Transformation.toSlug(['$', 'vs', '€']); // 'dollar-vs-euro'
toSnakeCase(value: mixed): string
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to snake_case string
value: mixed
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toSnakeCase('@scuba-squad/transformation:toSnakeCase'); // '_scuba_squad_transformation_to_snake_case'
Transformation.toSnakeCase(['scuba', 'squad']); // 'scuba_squad'
toString(value: mixed): string
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to a string
value: mixed
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toString([1, 2, 3]); // '1,2,3'
Transformation.toString({a: 5}); // '[object Object]'
Transformation.toString(); // ''
toTokens(value: string, delimiter: RegExp | string = /\s+/): array
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to an array of tokens
value: mixed
delimiter: ?RegExp | string = /\s+/
returns: array
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toTokens('fruit: apples, oranges, bananas'); // ['fruit:', 'apples,', 'oranges,', 'bananas']
Transformation.toTokens('fruit: apples, oranges, bananas', /\W+/); // ['fruit', 'apples', 'oranges', 'bananas']
toWords(value: mixed): array
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to an array of words
value: mixed
returns: array
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toWords('fruit: apples, oranges, bananas'); // ['fruit', 'apples', 'oranges', 'bananas']
Transformation.toWords('this is $1.00'); // ['this', 'is', '$1.00']
Transformation.toWords('a,b,c'); // ['a', 'b', 'c']
towrap(value: mixed, opt: {start: ?string, end: ?string} = {}): string
Added in: v1.0.0
Convert value
to a wrapped string
value: mixed
opt: ?object
start: ?string
beginning value to wrap the stringend: ?string
closing value to wrap the string
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toWrap('hello'); // 'hello'
Transformation.toWrap('tag', {start: '<', end: '>'}); // '<tag>'
Transformation.toWrap([1,2,3], {start: '[', end: ']'}); // '[1,2,3]'
Transformation.toWrap('regex', {start: '/'}); // '/regex/'
Transformation.toWrap('quote', {end: '"'}); // '"quote"'
toXML(value: mixed, opt: {spaces: number, compact: boolean, indentCdata: boolean} = {spaces: 2, compact: true, indentCdata: true}): string
Added in: v1.0.0
see: xml-js
Convert value
to a XML string
value: mixed
opt: ?object
spaces: 2
compact: true
indentCdata: true
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toXML({name: {first: 'James', last: 'Bond'}, age: 55}); // '<name>\n <first>James</first>\n <last>Bond</last>\n</name>\n<age>55</age>'
toYAML(value: mixed, opt: {skipinvalid: boolean} = {skipInvalid: true}): string
Added in: v1.0.0
see: js-yaml
Convert value
to a YAML string
value: mixed
opt: ?object
skipInvalid: true
returns: string
const Transformation = require('@scuba-squad/transformation');
Transformation.toXML({name: {first: 'James', last: 'Bond'}, age: 55}); // 'name:\n first: James\n last: Bond\nage: 55\n'
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