Javascript SDK for the Soroban Governor
soroban-governor-js-sdk JS
JS library for interacting with Soroban smart contracts soroban-governor
and soroban-votes
via Soroban RPC.
Use it
Now that you have your library up-to-date and added to your project, you can import it in a file and see inline documentation for all of its exported methods:
import { VotesClient } from "soroban-governor-js-sdk";
let rpc = new SorobanRpc.Server("rpcUrl");
let account = await rpc.getAccount("public key");
let votes = new VotesClient("Contract Address");
let { op, parser } = votes.depositFor({
from: config.admin.publicKey(),
amount: 100000n,
// Create transaction from operation
let tx = new TransactionBuilder(account, {
fee: "10000",
networkPassphrase: "passphrase",
.addOperation(xdr.Operation.fromXDR(op.toXDR("base64"), "base64"))
// Simulate
let sim_resp = await rpc.simulateTransaction(tx);
// Parse Response
let result = ContractResult.fromSimulationResponse(sim_resp, parser);
// Error handling
if (result.result.isErr()) {
let error = result.result.unwrapErr();
if (error.type == ContractErrorType.InvokeHostFunctionEntryArchived) {
// create a restore ledger entry tx_builder
} else {
throw result.result.unwrapErr();
// ...Handle transaction signing and submitting