Services for Vue SPA App
Documentation: https://script-development.github.io/vue-services/
To work locally run the following command in this directory:
- npm link
Then run the following command in your project directory:
- npm link @script-development/vue-services
Frontend Controller
Vue Services uses Frontend Controllers. A Controller requires an API Endpoint.
Component layout
App Component -> Controller Base Component -> Controller Page Component
Route layout per Controller
route: plural translation
component: Base Component
page: Overview
route: ''
name: plural translation + .overview
component: Overview Component
page: Create
route: '/create'
name: plural translation + .overview
component: Create Component
page: Show
route: ':id'
name: plural translation + .show
component: Show Component
page: Edit
route: ':id/edit'
name: plural translation + .edit
component: Edit Component
Function Base Component
For every route the Base Component is also being loaded. The Base Component calls the read method from the Controller once it is mounted. This way when you switch from create to overview within the same Controller, the base data is not being loaded again.