This package allows developers to easily use Scribblelive Likes.
Scribblelive Toolkit Likes
This package allows developers to easily use Scribblelive Likes.
To install the package run npm i @scrbbl/scribblelive-toolkit-likes
within the project that contains the Scribblelive Toolkit Core.
- Scribblelive Toolkit Core
- Scribblelive authentication token
Likes Example
This example assumes the use of npm and a module bundler such as webpack.
const SLToolkit = require('@scrbbl/scribblelive-toolkit-core');
const token = 'my-token';
const Core = new SLToolkit({token});
const streamId = 123;
const postId = 123456;
// Function to simulate a like for a post being clicked
const likeClick = (postId) => {
// Post being liked on with a given streamId
Core.Likes.post(streamId, postId).then(
res => console.log('res', res),
err => console.log('err', err)
const cb = (err, res) => {
console.log(err, res);
// Getting any Likes
Core.Likes.getLikes(streamId, [postId], cb);
// Polling for new Likes
Core.Likes.pollLikes(streamId, [postId], cb);
// In 10 seconds it will cancel the polling for any new Likes
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000)
Likes Example (non-npm)
<script src="SLToolkit.js"></script>
<button onclick="voteClick(123456, 123)">
<script src="app.js"></script>
var token = 'my-token';
var Core = new SLToolkit({token});
var streamId = 123;
var pollId = 123456;
// Function to call when vote is clicked
function likeClick(pollId, selectionId) {
Core.Poll.vote({streamId, pollId, selectionId}).then(
res => console.log('res', res),
err => console.log('err', err)
function callback(err, res) {
console.log(err, res);
Core.Likes.getLikes(streamId, [pollId], callback);
Likes Methods
Promise post(int streamId, int postId, function callback)
This function will return a promise that when resolved would have liked the specified post in the given stream.
Promise getLikes(int streamId, Array postIds, function callback)
This function will return a promise that when resolved will provide like data for the specified postIds.
int pollLikes(int streamId, Array postIds, function callback)
This function will return a poll identifier and will call the callback with new likes information. This poll identifier can be used to stop polls.
void killPoll(int pollIdentifier)
This function will stop polling for new likes.
Array getAllPolls()
This function will return an array of all running polling for likes.
void clearAllPolls()
This function will stop all polling for any likes.
Made with :heart: at ScribbleLive