A tiny reactive component library with state management, DOM diffing, tweening, server-side rendering and much more.
Component is a simple, "stateful component" thing.
It lets you create re-usable, "functional components" - basically functions that have a "state".
A "state" is a snapshot of your application data at a specific time.
- Easy setup, zero dependencies
- 2.2kb, minified and gzipped
- Simple syntax, quick to learn, easy to use:
- plain JavaScript only
- no compilation or build tools needed
- no virtual DOM or JSX needed
- should work with any test suite
- Works client-side, in browsers:
- auto re-render on state change
- good (re)rendering/animation performance at 60fps, using
- DOM diffing uses real DOM Nodes (not VDOM)
- Works server-side, in Node:
- render your components as strings (HTML, stringified JSON)
- render your components as data (JS objects or JSON)
- Easy state management:
- define "actions" to easily update the state in specific ways
- log all states in a history, for debugging (optional):
- rewind or fast-forward to any point in the state history
- save/load current or any previous state as "snapshots"
- Easy CSS component styling:
- Automatic "scoping"/prefixing of your component CSS (optional)
- Re-render styles on component CSS change (optional)
- Supports "middleware" functions:
- easily customise a components setState and re-render behaviour
- Supports nested components
- embed components in the "views" of other components
- supports various methods and syntaxes
- Works with these optional add-ons:
: validate states against a schema (like a simple PropTypes)html
: simpler, more powerful Template Literals (like a simple JSX)emitter
: an event emitter - share updates between componentstweenState
: animate nicely from one state to the nextstorage
: enables persistent states (between page refreshes, etc)syncTabs
: Synchronize state updates & page renders between browser tabsdevtools
: enables easier component debugging in the browser
Here's some quick examples to demo how it all looks, generally:
"Counter" app
const Counter = new Component({ count: 1 });
const add = num => Counter({ count: Counter.state.count + num })
Counter.view = props => htmel
<h1>Counter: ${props.count}</h1>
<button onclick="${e => add(+1)}"> + </button>
<button onclick="${e => add(-1)}"> - </button>
"Todo list" app
const Todo = new Component({ txt: '', list: [ "one" ] });
const setText = e => Todo({ txt: e.target.value });
const addItem = e => Todo({ list: [ ...Todo.state.list, Todo.state.txt ] });
Todo.view = props => htmel
<input onkeyup="${setText}" value="${props.txt}" type="text" />
<button onclick="${addItem}"> Add Note </button>
${props.list.map(i => `<li>${i}</li>`)}
A re-usable HTML component:
Unlike the previous two examples, the one below is a function that generates re-usable components - a new component is created and returned each time it's called.
function Header(state) {
const Header = new Component({ title: "Hello world", ...state });
Header.view = props => `<h1>${props.title}</h1>`;
return Header;
// And you use it like this:
const header1 = new Header();
// Add it to our page
// Update the state, the heading will re-render for you
header1.setState({ title: "Hello again!" });
// Or set state via the component constructor
header1({ title: "Hello a 3rd time!" });
Nested components
Child components should be regular functions that return part of the view of the parent component:
const Foo = new Component({ title: "Hey!", items: [ "one", "two" ] });
const Header = txt => `<h2>${txt}</h2>`
const List = i => `<ul>${i.map(item => `<li>${i}</li>`).join('')}</ul>`
Foo.view = props =>
`<div id="myapp">
But you can also nest proper (stateful) components inside other components, too:
// create a re-usable button component
function Button(state) {
const Button = new Component({ ...state });
Button.view = props => html`<button onclick="${props.fn}">${props.txt}</button>`;
return Button;
// create 3 buttons from the re-usable component
const btn1 = new Button({ txt: "1", fn: e => alert("btn1") });
const btn2 = new Button({ txt: "2", fn: e => alert("btn2") });
const btn3 = new Button({ txt: "3", fn: e => alert("btn3") });
// create the main (parent) component
const Menu = new Component({ txt: 'Click the buttons!' });
// create a view with our buttons included:
Menu.view = props => htmel`
// add our main/parent component to page
See more short recipes in examples/recipes.js.
In browsers:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@scottjarvis/component"></script>
// use it here
In NodeJS:
npm i @scottjarvis/component
Then add it to your project:
ES6 Modules:
import { Component } from '@scottjarvis/component'
// use it here
Using NodeJS require()
var { Component } = require('@scottjarvis/component');
// use it here
See each add-on module (validator
, html
, htmel
, emitter
, storage
and tweenState
) for their respective installation instructions.
In browsers
Create interactive components for your web pages:
In NodeJS
Or you can do "server-side rendering" (SSR) of your components:
Or run it in your terminal:
node examples/usage-in-node.js
Component API overview
These are the methods and properties attached to the components you create.
- .setState(obj): update the component state, triggers a re-render
- .render(el): (re)render to the given element on state change (browser)
- .toString(): render your component as a string on state change (NodeJS)
- .view(props): receives a state and sets the component view to (re)render (optional)
- .style(props): receives a state and sets the
to (re)render (optional) - .actions(obj): chainable methods that simplify updating the state (optional)
- .tweenState(obj[, cfg]): set state on each frame, supports various easings (optional)
- .middleware: an array of functions that run at the end of
(optional) - ...and more
- .state: an object, contains your app data, read-only - cannot be modified directly
- .schema: an object against which to validate your component state (optional)
- .container: the HTML Element into which the components view is rendered (optional)
- .html: alias of
- .css: the
Element which holds the component styles (optional) - .uid: a unique string, generated once, on creation of a component
- .log: an array containing a history of all component states
- ...and more
- .reactive: if
, disables auto re-rendering on state change - .scopedCss: if
, disables auto-prefixing.style()
CSS with the class.${uid}
- .debug: if true, a record of states changes are kept in
Advanced usage
Using "state validation"
You can validate your component state against a schema, before you set it or render anything.
If the data to set doesn't match a components state schema, an error will be thrown.
This is a similar concept to propTypes
in React, but a bit simpler.
First, you must install a tiny (~300 bytes) additional dependency:
npm i @scottjarvis/validator
Then enable it:
var { Component } = require("@scottjarvis/component")
Component.validator = require("@scottjarvis/validator")
Define a schema object. For each property included, the value should be:
- a
type name, as a string - or a validator function, that returns true or false
Then create your component, passing in the schema as the second parameter to Component()
function Foo(state) {
const defaults = {
count: 0,
age: 20
items: [ "one", "two" ],
foo: {
bar: "whatever"
const schema = {
count: "number",
age: age => typeof age === "number" && age > 17,
items: "array",
foo: {
bar: "string"
// pass in the schema as the 2nd param
const Foo = new Component({ ...defaults, ...state }, schema);
return Foo;
If you try to set an invalid state, your component will throw
an error:
const foo = new Foo();
foo.setState({ count: "a string" }) // this will throw an Error!
See @scottjarvis/validator
for more usage info.
Using "middleware"
When you call myComponent.setState()
, the page is re-rendered (in browser) and a history of state updates are kept.
Using "middleware" functions you can extend this behaviour further, and make other stuff happen at the end of the setState()
Middleware functions can be re-used across lots of components and, unlike "actions", are not tied to one component.
Here's how to use "middleware" functions to customise your components setState()
- Define some "middleware" functions - these will be called at the end of
- Add your "middleware" to a component as an array of functions:
// Define the middleware functions
const countLog = props => console.log("middleware -> count = ", props.count)
// Define a component that uses middleware
function Foo() {
const Foo = new Component({ count: 0 })
Foo.view = props => `<p>${props.count}</p>`
// Add the middleware to your component
Foo.middleware = [countLog]
return Foo;
// ..let's use our component with middleware
const foo = new Foo();
foo.setState({ count: 1 }) // will run the middleware
In the above example, every time foo.setState({ ... })
is called, the countLog
function will be called at the end of setState()
Note that your middleware functions receive the latest state of the host component, as props
See examples/usage-in-node.js for the complete example.
Using the "state history"
Here is how to "time travel" to previous states, or jump forward to more recent ones.
Note: To enable the state history, app.debug
must be true
const foo = new Foo();
// enable logging of state history
foo.debug = true
// Take a "snapshot" (we'll use it later)
var snapshot = foo.state
// ...later
foo.rw() // go to initial state
foo.ff() // go to latest state
foo.rw(2) // rewind two steps to a previous state
foo.ff(2) // fast-forward two steps to a more current state
// Set a previous state
// Set a "named" state, from a previous point in time
Styling your component
Use Foo.style()
to define some styles for your components view (optional):
function Foo(state, schema) {
// ...
Foo.style = (props) => `
#myapp {
border: 2px solid ${props.borderColor || 'red'};
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: ${props.maxWidth};
.btn {
background-color: ${props.btnColor || 'red'};
padding: 6px;
return Foo;
If a component is added to a page with foo.render('.container')
, the CSS is prefixed with the id
or className
of its container.
This CSS "auto-scoping" will prevent a components styles affecting other parts on the page.
It also keeps your component CSS clean - no need to prefix anything with a unique ID or class yourself.
If your container has no class or id attributes, then a unique string, foo.uid
, will be used instead.
You can disable automatic CSS "scoping"/prefixing by using foo.scopedCss = false
When rendering your component in NodeJS, or using toString()
, your CSS will not be auto prefixed.
To see style()
in use, see examples/usage-in-browser.html
Using "actions"
Define "actions" to update your state in specific ways.
These are like regular methods, except they're always chainable, they hook into the emitter add-on automatically, and they're tagged by name in your components state history.
function Foo(state, schema) {
const Foo = new Component({ count: 0, items: [] });
// define the actions
update: props => Foo({ props }), // same as calling Foo.setState()
plus: props => Foo({ count: Foo.state.count + props }),
minus: props => Foo({ count: Foo.state.count - props }),
addItems: props => Foo({ items: [ ...Foo.state.items, ...props ] }),
return Foo;
// ...later
const foo = new Foo();
// use "actions" to update specific parts of your state
// A components "actions" can be chained
.addItems([ { name: "one" }, { name: "two" } ]);
Using the add-on emitter module, components can listen for and react to these actions. This is an easy way to share states between components, and for components to "talk to each other".
Using the emitter
Any time a components state is changed via an "action", it can emit an event that other components can listen for.
To achieve this, just include the emitter like so:
In browsers:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@scottjarvis/component"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@scottjarvis/component/dist/emitter.min.js"></script>
Component.emitter = emitter
// use it here
In NodeJS:
var { Component, emitter } = require("@scottjarvis/component");
Component.emitter = emitter;
The emitter provides the following methods:
foo.on("actionName", props => { ... })
- every timeactionName
is emitted, run the given functionfoo.once("actionName", props => { ... })
- run the given function only oncefoo.off("actionName")
- stop listening toactionName
Note, props
is the latest state of the component that emitted the event.
Here's how to use the emitter:
// Define a component to listen to
function Foo(state) {
const defaults = {
count: 0,
items: [{ name: "one" }]
const Foo = new Component({ ...defaults, ...state })
// Define chainable "actions" that we can listen to
plus: props => Foo.setState({ count: Foo.state.count + props }),
minus: props => Foo.setState({ count: Foo.state.count - props }),
addItems: props => Foo.setState({ items: [...Foo.state.items, ...props] })
return Foo;
Now let's "listen" to foo
using another component, called bar
// Define some other component
const bar = new Component({})
// Define "listeners" for the actions above:
.once("minus", props => console.log("Bar: 'minus'", props.count))
.on("plus", props => console.log("Bar: 'plus'", props.count))
.on("addItems", props => console.log("Bar: 'addItems'", props.items))
// ...now we're ready to run the program..
const foo = new Foo();
// these actions will trigger Bar
// stop listening to the "plus" action, keep listening to others..
.addItems([{ name: "two" }, { name: "three" }])
Also see examples/usage-emitter.js
Using your own Event Listeners
To add your own Event Listeners, you should add them to the container of your components:
// render a component into the page to get its HTML
// now we have the `.html` property on our component, we can use it
foo.html.addEventListener("click", e => {
// get the element clicked
const el = e.target.className;
// work out what to do next
if (el === "foo") {
// ...
} else if (el === "bar") {
// ...
Using the storage
Use the storage module to make your components remember their state between page refreshes and sessions, using localStorage
Note that storage
can be polyfilled for NodeJS, so will work in Node too - by saving to JSON files.
In NodeJS, the state persists between script invocations, rather than page refreshes.
To use the storage
add-on, include it in your project like so:
In browsers:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@scottjarvis/component"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@scottjarvis/component/dist/storage.min.js"></script>
Component.storage = storage
// use it here
In NodeJS:
var { Component, storage } = require('@scottjarvis/component');
Component.storage = storage
// use it here
To enable persistent storage for a component, just define a store name (where to save your data) as myComponent.store = "something"
In a browser, this is how you add persistent storage to our Counter app:
const Counter = new Component({ count: 1 });
const add = num => Counter({ count: Counter.state.count + num })
Counter.view = props => htmel`
<h1>Counter: ${props.count}</h1>
<button onclick="${e => add(+1)}"> + </button>
<button onclick="${e => add(-1)}"> - </button>
// simply define a "store name" (where to save your data) before you render
Counter.store = 'Counter';
// now we can render it into the page - this will load in the persistent state
// from its store as the initial state for the component
In NodeJS, this is how you add persistent storage to our Counter app:
- install the NodeJS localStorage polyfill:
npm i node-localstorage -D
- run your scripts with the
-r node-localstorage/register
option to enable it - the "local storage" used will be a local folder/file, called
./scratch/<store name>
Example command, running a component with a persistent state in NodeJS:
node -r node-localstorage/register examples/usage-persistant-state.js
See examples/usage-persistant-state.js for more info.
Using the syncTabs
The syncTabs
add-on uses localStorage and only works in browsers. It requires the storage
How to use it:
In browsers:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@scottjarvis/component"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@scottjarvis/component/dist/storage.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@scottjarvis/component/dist/syncTabs.min.js"></script>
Component.storage = storage
Component.syncTabs = syncTabs
// your components will now have a persistent state, that is synchronized
// across multiple browser tabs - an update in one tab will update the others
Using the tweenState
With tweenState
it's super easy to do animations that use requestAnimationFrame
and DOM diffing.
Using tweenState()
is much like using setState()
, except:
- you only pass in the state values you want to tween
- you can pass in tween settings as a 2nd param (delay, duration, easing, callbacks)
How it works:
- the tweened state values are passed to
on each frame (or whenever you choose, if using theshouldSetState()
callback) - the state you passed in will be passed to
on the final frame
By default, tweenState()
calls setState()
on every frame of the tweened animation. You can override this behaviour by defining a shouldSetState()
callback in your tween config, which is called on every frame - setState()
will only be called on that frame if shouldSetState()
returns true.
To use tweenState
, import it along with Component, like so:
In browsers:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@scottjarvis/component"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@scottjarvis/component/dist/tweenState.min.js"></script>
Component.tweenState = tweenState
// use it here
In NodeJS:
Note that tweenState
includes polyfills for NodeJS, so works in Node too.
var { Component, tweenState } = require('@scottjarvis/component');
Component.tweenState = tweenState
// use it here
Example usage of tweenState
// Define our app state
var state = {
ignore: "me",
count: 199,
foo: 1,
dontTween: "this property",
bar: {
zzz: 100
// Define a stateful main component
var App = new Component(state)
// Tween (animate) from one state to the next:
// Give the state to tween to, with some tween options as the (optional) 2nd param
// 1st param - object - the new state values to tween to...
// pass in only the properties that you want to tween!
{ count: 200, foo: 10, bar: { zzz: 999 } },
// 2nd param - object - the tween settings
delay: 0,
duration: 500,
ease: "linear",
paused: false,
// called on first frame:
onStart: tweenProps => tweenProps,
// called on every frame:
onUpdate: tweenProps => tweenProps,
// called on last frame:
onComplete: tweenProps => tweenProps,
// called on every frame, choose to set state or not (must return true or false)
shouldSetState: tweenProps => tweenProps.frame % 2 > 0, // for example, this will set state only on odd frame numbers
// called only on the frames where the state was updated:
onSetState: tweenProps => tweenProps
The tween config (2nd param) takes the following properties:
in milliseconds (default:0
in milliseconds (default:0
- the name of a timing function (default:linear
, seesrc/easings.js
for the full list)paused
- true or false (default:false
- called on every frame, receivestweenProps
, should return true or falseonSetState()
- called only on frames where the state is updated, receivestweenProps
called on the first frame, receivestweenProps
called on every frame, receivestweenProps
on each frameonComplete()
called after last frame, receives finaltweenProps
The tweenProps
object returned to callbacks provides the tweening values of the current frame, and includes:
- a number from0
is half-way through the tween)frame
- the current frame numberframeTotal
- the total number of framesvalues
- an array of the tweened valuestweenedState
- the state of your component on the current frame- and more...
Also see examples/usage-tweenState.js
Using html
and htmel
modules for easier HTML templating
To make it easier to build a good HTML "view" for your components, there are two optional add-on functions which provide a nicer way to write HTML in JavaScript "Template literals".
These return your components view as either a String or HTML Object, but are otherwise mostly inter-changeable:
(~650 bytes) - returns your template as a String.htmel
(~800 bytes) - returns your template as an HTML Object (browser) or String (NodeJS).
Both html
and htmel
can be used standalone (without Component
) for general HTML templating.
// Example of using `html` or `htmel` standalone, without any `Component` stuff:
const foo = "Hello world"
const str = html`<h1>${foo}</h1>` // `html` returns a string
const el = htmel`<h1>${foo}</h1>` // `htmel` returns a DOM Node
// ..or in functions that return pre-defined HTML snippets from templates:
const para = text => htmel`<p>${text}</p>`
const list = array => htmel`<ul>${array.map(text => `<li>${text}</li>`)}</ul>`
// now generate the DOM elements
const p = para("Put me in a paragraph.")
const ul = list([ "one", "two", "three" ])
To use html
or htmel
(or both), import them [along with Component], like so:
In browsers:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@scottjarvis/component"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@scottjarvis/component/dist/html.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@scottjarvis/component/dist/htmel.min.js"></script>
// use them here
In NodeJS:
var { Component, html, htmel } = require('@scottjarvis/component');
// use them here
Features of both html
and htmel
// embed JS object properties as valid HTML attributes (ignores nested/child objects)
html`<p ${someObj}>some text</p>`
// embed JS object properties as CSS (ignores nested/child objects)
html`<p style="${someObj}">some text</p>`
// embed JS objects as JSON in HTML data attributes
html`<p data-json='${someObj}'>some text</p>`
// embed real DOM objects
const elem = document.querySelector(".foo");
const elems = document.querySelectorAll(".bar");
// embeds arrays properly, no need to use .join('')
html`<ul>${list.map(i => `<li>${i}</li>`)}</ul>`
// hides Falsey values, instead of printing "false", etc
html`<span>some ${foo && `<b>cool</b>`} text</span>`
// nested templates
var TableRows = props => props.map(row =>
${row.map((item, i) => `<td>${row[i]}</td>`)}
var Table = props => html`
Features of htmel
In a browser, you can use htmel
instead of html
to return DOM Nodes (instead of strings):
// returns a text node
htmel`I’m simply text.`
// returns an HTML node
htmel`<p>I’m text in an element.</p>`
// supports HTML fragments
If using htmel
in a browser, you can also embed functions as event attributes - they'll be attached to the relevant HTML Elements as proper Event listeners:
// embed functions - they'll be attached as Event listener methods
htmel`<p onclick="${e => console.log(e.target)}">some text</p>`
Example usage of htmel
with Component
// Let's define a component with a view, using `htmel`
function Foo(state, schema) {
const defaults = {
css: {
"border": "2px solid red",
list: {
"padding": "8px",
attrs: {
"class": "foo bar",
"z-index": 2,
text: "My Title:",
list: [
status: false,
someFunc: function(event) { console.log(event); }
const Foo = new Component({ ...defaults, ...state }, schema);
// now let's use `htmel` to construct an HTML view..
Foo.view = props => htmel`
<div style="${props.css}" ${props.attrs}>
<ul style="${props.css.list}">
${props.list.map(val => `<li>${val}</li>`)}
${props.status && `<p>${props.status}</p>`}
<button onclick="${props.someFunc}">Click me</button>
return Foo;
Using JSON-LD (linked data)
Adding linked data to your components is easy - just define it as part of your view:
Foo.view = props => `
<script type="application/ld+json">{ ... }</script>
- add a JSON-LD script before your component HTML
- use the
passed in to define/update whatever you need - your JSON-LD will be updated along with your view, whenever your component re-renders
Using "nested components"
Components that are nested inside other components are called child components.
There are two kinds of child component - stateless and stateful - and while they behave the same in most ways, they have slightly difference syntax and features.
All child components have the following in common:
- you include the child component in the "view" of the parent component
- child components do not trigger a re-render of the page
- to re-render a child component that has changed, you must update the parent component
- nested components work with or without the
About "stateless" child components:
Stateless components are just regular functions that take props
as input, and return a view - usually HTML as a string.
// a stateless child component is just a function that receives `props`, and returns a view
const h2 = text => `<h2>${text}</h2>`;
// ...used inside the view of another component:
Foo.view = props => `
<p> ... </p>
About stateful child components
Stateful components are any components with a state, usually created like so:
const Foo = new Component({ ...someData });
NOTE: When nested inside another component, even stateful components do not run setState()
& render()
- they simply return their view, just like stateless child components.
This has a number of implications:
- better performance (fewer page re-renders)
- enforces similar behaviour to stateless child components
- only parent components trigger page re-renders
- nested components have an undefined
property- therefore calling the
method of a child component (usually) does nothing
- therefore calling the
- calling
of a child component will update its state and run its "middleware", but doesn't re-render
For code examples, see the nested component recipes in examples/recipes.js.
Using the devtools
The optional devtools add-on provides a nice UI for inspecting and even editing your components directly in the page.
The devtools only works in the browser.
In browsers:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@scottjarvis/component"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@scottjarvis/component/dist/devtools.min.js"></script>
Component.devtools = devtools
// ..now define or import your components
It's a bit like React devtools but simpler:
- Main Toolbar:
- Choose component: click "Select component" button, then choose a component on the page
- Choose layout: can switch between bottom (horizontal) view, and side (vertical) view
- Overview tab:check a components current state and HTML
- Details tab: view other info about the selected component
- History tab: cycle through a components state history
- Editor tab: edit a components view and styling
Contains modified versions of:
Devtools screenshots:
Vertical view:
Horizontal view:
Server side rendering
If running a NodeJS server, you can render the components as HTML strings or JSON.
Just define a view - a function which receives the state as props
and returns the view as a string, object, etc.
// create an HTML view, using template literals
var htmlView = props => `
<div id=${props.id}>
${Heading("Total so far = " + props.count)}
${Button("Click here", `App.clickBtn(${props.incrementBy})`)}
// or return the state itself (pure headless component)
var dataOnlyView = props => props
// Choose a view to render
App.view = htmlView
// render the component
// ..other rendering options...
// print it to the terminal
If rendering a component in NodeJS that has a .view()
and .style()
, or if calling .toString()
directly, the output will be a string like this one:
#myapp {
border: 2px solid grey;
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 360px;
.btn {
background-color: black;
color: white;
padding: 6px;
<div id=\"foo-id\">
<h1>Total so far = 101</h1>
<button class=\"btn\" onclick=App.clickBtn(5)>Click here</button>
^ Any styles are wrapped in a <style>
tag, and your view is rendered after that.
Note: your component CSS is not auto-prefixed or "scoped" with containers class/id until/unless it's added to a container element, client-side, using .render('.container')
- build a "tree-shakable" ES Module too:
- added new file
- updated the rollup configs
npm run build
now also createsdist/index.esm.js
- added a
field in package.json, that points todist/index.esm.js
- added new file
- new optional add-ons:
JSX-like HTML templating, returns templates as a Stringhtmel
JSX-like HTML templating, returns templates as HTMLObject (browser) or String (Node)storage
- persistent state between page refreshes (browser) or script invocations (Node)devtools
- easier debugging of your components (browser only)
- updates to
:- fixed: in NodeJS, debounced logging now falls back to using setTimeout, if needed
- added: support for all new add-ons
- added: allow view to be HTML Object, not only String
- added:
property - the list of defined actions functions - added:
will return the container (an HTML Element)App({...})
still returnsApp
(for chainable actions, etc)
- added:
property - alias ofApp.container
(returns an HTML Element)
- update docs:
- re-write README and examples to show re-usable components
- add the new add-ons to README and examples
- updated build configs
- doing
Foo = new Component(someState)
now returns a function, not an object - the function returned calls
in its constructor- this means you can now set state using a new syntax - via the constructor:
Foo({ count: 1 })
- this in turns allows for nicer nested stateful components:
- nested stateful components can now use the same syntax as stateless (plain function) components
- this means you can now set state using a new syntax - via the constructor:
- update in
: allowshouldSetState
to be boolean (not only func that returns boolean) - updated examples, README, package.json, dist/, etc
- new feature: state validation
- simply pass a schema as the 2nd param when creating a new component
- then call
as usual - Component will throw an error if the state isn't valid - requires
to be installed (~330 bytes minified & gzipped) - see
for more usage info
- updated README
- updated
deps and rebuilt indist/
- nothing else
- better rendering performance: debounce the
can be called 1000s of times a secondsetState()
also calls the render() functionrender()
will only update the DOM at 60fps
- see https://gomakethings.com/debouncing-your-javascript-events/
- updated README
- new feature: "middleware"
- define an array of functions as
myComponent.middleware = [ someFunc, otherFunc ]
- each function will be run at the end of
- define an array of functions as
- updated README, package.json, etc
- fixes in package.json
- new feature: added an event emitter
- if emitter is installed, component "actions" will emit an event
- other components can listen to it with
myComponent.on('actionName', (props) => { ... })
- props will contain the latest state of the component that emitted the event
- added
, implemented as an optional, extra module - updated build process to also build
- added examples and updated README
- added
- added
- added
and related support files (src/raf.js
) - new build process:
- added
to bundle the source files into dist/ (seerollup.config.js
) - added
to allow easier importing of multiple modules, if desired
- added
- updated package.json:
is the file imported in Node by default - now requires Node 10 or later (was Node 8)
- updated README
- updated install instructions
- added
usage info
- fixed: scoped CSS sometimes not applied on page load:
- here is the new implementation:
- prefix component CSS with the containers existing
, if any - fall back to previous behaviour only if container has no
:- add unique class to container
- prefix component CSS with that same unique class
- prefix component CSS with the containers existing
- here is the new implementation:
- better performance:
- when
is true, don't console log state history on state change - to see the state history, access
yourself instead
- when
- see examples/usage-in-browser.html
- new: automatic "scoping" of component CSS
- prevents component styles affecting other parts of page
- simplifies writing CSS for your components:
- removes the need to define unique namespaces (IDs, classes) in your component CSS
- you can disable automatic CSS scoping like so:
App.scopedCss = false
- see examples/usage-in-browser.html
- README and example updates
- better performance:
- only access/update the DOM from inside a
- only record state history if
is true - set
to false by default
- only access/update the DOM from inside a
- improved README:
- added info about component settings (
- added info about component settings (
- fix: can re-render component to new container
- fix: can render multiple components to page
- fix: can call
before defining.view()
- fix: can call
before defining.view()
(pointless for now) - fix: don't attempt any styling if
not defined
- README fixes
- improved performance:
- added DOM diffing, using BAD-DOM
- only re-render
if needed - only re-render
if needed
- smaller filesize:
- smaller method names:
- removed:
, and.ff(1)
- smaller method names:
- better indentation for server-side rendering
- minify CSS added to components
tag - updated examples
- updated README
- initial release
Making changes to Component
Look in src/
, make any changes you like.
Rebuild to dist/
using the command npm run build
Future improvements
Store manager
- like redux, storeon, etc
Better SSR
- an
add-on method, to render components as JSON envelopes:- render as JSON
- include view, actions & style as stringified HTML, CSS and JS
- pass in config to
, to choose what to render:- Component lib itself
- actions
- methods
- styles
- views
- client-side:
- ability to "hydrate" or takeover a view that already exists in the page:
- simply don't define a view, and call
:- any
attributes will become items inApp.state
- the contents will be grabbed and used for a new
- any
- for (re)attaching events, see yo-yo
- simply don't define a view, and call
- ability to "hydrate" or takeover a view that already exists in the page:
- an
Scroll-based re-rendering/animation:
- create a
Component.scroll({ ... })
add-on module:- hooks
into scroll progress values for components container - see sc0ttj/scrollstory
- e.g. progress = data => App.tweenState({ width:
${data.progress * 100}%
- e.g. progress = data => App.tweenState({ width:
- hooks
- create a
Better animations:
- create a physics based timing functions module:
- like current easings, but more flexible/dynamic
- can pass params like friction, magnitude, etc, to make the anims more/less "pronounced"
- see
, etc - maybe do a
add-on that attaches extra info to component state:- component positioning and motion info:
- (x,y, in view or not, scroll speed & direction, accel, current momentum, etc)
- is inside/outside other component/element
- collision detection
- component positioning and motion info:
- create a physics based timing functions module:
Universal rendering (add-ons):
- use tagged templates to render from
to HTML strings:- from markdown (see YerkoPalma/marli)
- from files/binary/buffer (see almost/stream-template)
- use tagged templates to render from HTML strings to
:- to virtual DOM (see developit/htm, hyperx, snabby)
- to ANSI console output (for coloured terminal output..?)
- to PDF (..?)
- use tagged templates to render from
Support for custom elements/Web Components
- so you can use
in your HTML - see Custom Element patterns
- so you can use
Related projects:
DOM and DOM diffing
- BAD-DOM - a tiny (800 bytes) lazy DOM diffing function (used by this project)
- set-dom - tiny dom diffing library
- morphdom - a nice, fast DOM differ (not vdom, real DOM)
JSX-like syntax in Template Literals (alternatives to html
- developit/htm - JSX-like syntax in ES6 templates, generates vdom from Template Literals
- htl- by Mike Bostock, events, attr/styles as object, other syntactic sugar, 2kb
- zspecza/common-tags:
function - makes it easier to write properly indented HTML in your templates
Template strings to real DOM nodes
- htl- by Mike Bostock, events, attr/styles as object, other syntactic sugar, 2kb
- developit/htm - JSX-like syntax in ES6 templates, generates vdom from Template Literals
- fast-html-parser - generate a simplified DOM tree from string, with basic element querying
- domify-template-strings - get real DOM nodes from HTML template strings, browser only, no SSR
- genel - create real DOM nodes from template string, browser only (no SSR), 639 bytes
Template strings to VDOM and VDOM diffing
- snabby - use HTML template strings to generate vdom, use with snabbdom
- snabbdom - the vdom diffing library used by Vue.js
- petit-dom - tiny vdom diffing and patching library
- hyperx - tagged templates to vdom (used by nanohtml
- twirl - a tag for template literals, turns CSS into objects
- match first part of CSS selector in a CSS string, useful for scoping (see https://regexr.com/524pu)document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[0].style.cssText.split(/\;[\s.]/).slice(0,-1)
- convert cssText to array containing CSS proprties and values, like "margin:0 auto;"str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase()
- camelCase to hyphen-case convertervar cssClassMatchRegex = new RegExp(/\.(-?[_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*)(?![^\{]*\})/g)
- regex to match all classes in a string (maybe useful for "scoping")Math.random().toString(36).split(".")[1]
- unique ID generator (create a unique id for each new component)cssString.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ')
- minify string of CSS
- react-tween-state - tween from one state to another (where I got
idea from) - phena - a petit tweening engine based on requestAnimationFrame (adapted version inside
) - easing functions - excellent set of easing functions (used by this project in
) - react-tweenful - tweening and animation for React
- react-state-stream - instead of one state, set all the states that will ever be, aka a lazy state stream
- router - a tiny, isomorphic router & web server, supports express middleware, runs in browsers, lambdas, NodeJS.
Other tiny component libraries
- yo-yo - tiny UI library, DOM diffing (uses
), Event handling, ES6 tagged template literals - choojs - A 4kb framework for creating sturdy frontend applications, uses
- hyperapp - The tiny framework for building web interfaces, React-like, uses h(), VDOM, etc
- preact - a 3.1kb alternative to React.js
- nanohtml - 8kb, uses vdom, can attach event listers, can do SSR