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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Package bridging inventory's advertory package with niche next.js apps





Library that bridges the gap between @sch-inventory/advertory and Niche projects working on Next.js. @sch-inventory/advertory is published only on Artifactory.

Link to Advertory

By design this library is not directly using @sch-inventory/advertory so that for most cases you will have do to changes in at most 2 projects from:

  • @schibsted/niche-advertory-adapter
  • @sch-inventory/advertory
  • web frontent you are working on

API of this library is largely compatible with @schibsted/niche-ads library to simplify the switch.


Creating instance

import { initAdvertoryPackage } from '@sch-inventory/advertory/core/minmote';
import { Device } from '@schibsted/niche-advertory-adapter';
import type { invCodeBuilderSignature } from '@schibsted/niche-advertory-adapter';
import { AdvertoryAdapter } from '@schibsted/niche-advertory-adapter';
import { adsConfig } from '@constants/ads';

const mapDevice = (device: Device) => {
    switch (device) {
        case Device.Desktop:
            return 'wde';
        case Device.Mobile:
            return 'wph';
        case Device.Tablet:
            return 'wtb';
            throw new Error('Unknown device');

const nicheInvCodeBuilder: invCodeBuilderSignature = (placement, device, pageType) =>
        Array.isArray(placement.adFormat) ? placement.adFormat[0] : placement.adFormat

export const ads = new AdvertoryAdapter({
    advertoryConfig: {
        country: 'no',
        defaultThreshold: 200,
        fullscreenScroll: {
        prebid: {
        publisher: 'minmote',
        tcf: {
            enabled: false,
    glimr: {
        clientId: 'H3IYO2A4LD43YPFZIJLN',
    nicheAdsConfig: adsConfig,


  • advertoryConfig - configuration passed to advertory's initAdvertoryPackage function, check advertory documentation for more details
  • finnBlink - optional configuration for finn blink ad, should be object with channel property
  • glimr - configuration for glimr, only required parameter is clientId (it's disabled by default, at this point of initialization we don't know if we can use glimr due to user consents)
  • initAdvertoryPackage - function that initializes advertory package, it's different for each project (different import from advertory package)
  • nicheAdsConfig -
    • keywords - keyboards to be set on the whole ad call
    • pageOptions - passed to advertory, look there for documentation
    • placements - placement configuration, not advertory format, our is much shorter
  • nicheInvCodeBuilder - function building invCode based on placement config, device and pageType, example implementation is provided above

nicheAdsConfig example:

    keywords: {
        common: {
            'no-sno-publishergroup': 'schibsted',
        desktop: {
            article: {
                'aa-sch-page_type': 'article',
            common: {
                'aa-sch-supply_type': 'web_desktop',
            front: {
                'aa-sch-page_type': 'front',
            other: {
                'aa-sch-page_type': 'other',
        mobile: {
            article: {
                'aa-sch-page_type': 'article',
            common: {
                'aa-sch-supply_type': 'web_phone',
            front: {
                'aa-sch-page_type': 'front',
            other: {
                'aa-sch-page_type': 'other',
        tablet: {
            article: {
                'aa-sch-page_type': 'article',
            common: {
                'aa-sch-supply_type': 'web_tablet',
            front: {
                'aa-sch-page_type': 'front',
            other: {
                'aa-sch-page_type': 'other',
    pageOptions: {
        member: 9700, // 9700 - regular member, 9826 - test seat
        disablePsa: true,
        enableSafeFrame: true,
    placements: {
        common: {
            allowedFormats: ['banner', 'video', 'native'],
            native: {
                desc2: { required: false },
                icon: { required: false, sizes: [{}] },
                image: { required: false, sizes: [{}] },
                sponsoredBy: { required: false },
                title: { required: false },
                video: { min_duration: 0, required: false },
            noBidIfUnsold: true,
        desktop: {
            article: [
                    adFormat: 'netboard_1',
                    sizes: [...netboardSizes, nativeSize],
                    targetId: 'text_ad_1',
            front: [
                    adFormat: ['brandboard_1', 'fullscreen'],
                    sizes: [...brandboardSizes, takeoverSize],
                    targetId: 'front_ad_1',
        mobile: {
            article: [
                    adFormat: 'board_1',
                    sizes: [...boardSizes, nativeSize],
                    targetId: 'text_ad_1',
            front: [
                    adFormat: ['board_1', 'board_fullscreen'],
                    sizes: [...boardSizes, takeoverSize, nativeSize],
                    targetId: 'front_ad_1',
        get tablet() { //usually the same as desktop
            return adsConfig.placements.desktop;

If you want to add finn blink to a placement you need to add finnBlink object to placement config, e.g.:

    adFormat: 'board_1',
    sizes: [...boardSizes, nativeSize],
    targetId: 'text_ad_1',
    finnBlink: {
        enabled: true,
        position: 'hayabusa_text_ad_1',


Before you initialize ads you need to know if you can use glimr and have pulse instance.

Initialize adapter:

function adsInitialization(pulseInstance) {
    return ads.initialize({
        glimr: {
            enabled: findGlimrPermissions(),

If you want finn blink ads it should look like this:

async function adsInitialization(pulseInstance, user) {
    const hasGlimrPermissions = await findGlimrPermissions();

    return ads.initialize({
        finnBlink: {
            enabled: Boolean(hasBlinkAdPermission() && user?.userId && user?.uuid),
            userId: user?.userId,
            uuid: user?.uuid,
        glimr: {
            enabled: hasGlimrPermissions,

Where hasBlinkAdPermission looks like this:

const hasBlinkAdPermission = () =>
        (permission) =>
            permission.purpose?.match('processingpurpose:targeted_advertising') &&
   => entry.match('datacategory:interests'))

If glimr consent changes at any point you can update it like this:

ads.glimr = {
    enabled: findGlimrPermissions(),

If finn blink consent or user changes you can update it like this:

ads.finnBlink = {
    enabled: hasBlinkAdPermission() && currentUser?.userId && currentUser?.uuid,
    userId: currentUser?.userId,
    uuid: currentUser?.uuid,

You can skip any fields if you don't have them and update just enabled for example.

If device changes you can update it like this:

ads.device = device;

Loading ads

You are ready to load ads. On any page that you want ads to show you can call loadAds like this:

    keywords: {
        'aa-sch-context_keyword': adsKeywords,
        'no-sno-news-sponsors': adTags,
    pageType: 'article',

pageType is required but you can skip keywords if you don't want to pass any additional keywords.


  • at the moment there is no way to clear already loaded ads, this functionality was not needed for MinMote but likely will be introduced with Tek and Pent
  • you must use _ character as a delimiter in target ids (e.g. front-ad-1 must be changed to front_ad_1) this is currently a limitation of @sch-inventory/advertory