easy mock data with easy config, support customize middleware
easy mock data with easy config, support customize middleware
. And it's easy integrated to your cli or workflow, what you have to do is just to write some config
, and it can be reload automatic
you can see a demo in the demo directory, please update your node to the 8.x version to run the demo
npm i easy-config-mock
yarn add easy-config-mock
const path = require('path')
const easyConfigMock = require('easy-config-mock')
new easyConfigMock({
// just pass config file path to easyConfigMock, the server will watch this file and reload dynamic
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'xxxx.js')
the config file example:
// xxxx.js
module.exports = {
// the common options is not neccessary, the default config is at bellow
common: {
// mock server default port, you can change the port, if the port is used, it will be changed automatic
port: 8018,
// maybe you want to see the ajax loading effect, you can set the request delay
timeout: 500,
// maybe you want to see what happen when the request fail, you can set the rate to 0, rate range between 0~1, mean the success rate
rate: 1,
// set false to stop the mock server
mock: true
// api...
'/pkApi/getList': {
code: 0,
'data|5': [{
'uid|1000-99999': 999,
'name': '@cname'
result: true
'/pkApi/getPerson': {
code: 0,
'data|5': [{
'name': '@cname'
result: true
'/pkApi/getOther': {
code: 0,
'data|5': [{
'name': '@cname'
result: true
to see the mock data
1 how to mock jsonp
just pass the callback
param in the request url
2 how to mock data
you can reference the mock rule
3 how to suit complex situation, I want to customize the response
please see the below demo, api
can be object and can be function too, the function is a standard express middleware, you can write your logic, and don't forget to mount your response in req.myData
module.exports = {
['/pkApi/getOther'] (req, res, next) {
const id = req.query.id
req.myData = { // this is important! mount your response in req.myData
0: {
code: 0,
'test|1-100': 100
1: {
code: 1,
'number|+1': 202
code: 2,
'name': '@cname'
next() // don't forget to call next in the last
you can obtain the param in req.query
in get
request, and you can obtain the param in req.body
in post
feel free to open an issue when you encounter problems, issue list