Vue component to produce form dynamically based on a schema definition.
Quick Form
Vue component to produce form dynamically based on a schema definition.
Runs the code base locally in development. To run on of the different views change the view param in src/main.js. index.html in the root is the entry file for the server. Main.js pass options to select api and schema to run.
Runs the code base after being built but not as a self embedded component. Preview uses public/preview/index.html as the entry point template. However, points directly to dist/dev/es/preview/index.html and uses dist/dev/es/ as the server root.
Change the view param on the fly in dist/dev/es/preview/index.html
Runs the code base after being built and using the one line self embedding component. Preview-widget uses public/preview/widget/index.html as the entry point template. However, points directly to dist/dev/es/preview/widget/index.html and uses dist/dev/es/ as the server root.
Change the view param on the fly in dist/dev/es/preview/widget/index.html
- build
- Replace reference to self in dist/import-map.json to s3 location. '@scbd/idb-views': 'https://scbd-components.s3.amazonaws.com/%40scbd/idb-views%40${version}/dist/widget/index.js'
- In src/widget.js pass cdnUrl to WidgetBuilder
Test the widget released on dev
type = "module"
src = "https://scbd-components.s3.amazonaws.com/%40scbd/idb-views%400.0.2-alpha/dist/widget/index.js?d"
options = "{
debug : true,
baseApiUrl : 'https://api.cbddev.xyz/api',
accountsUrl: 'https://accounts.cbddev.xyz',
year : 2023,
view : 'IdbActionsAdmin',
editUrl : 'https://rjh.bioland.cbddev.xyz/idb-message'
Release directly to npm for prod. This need to be removed for ci release on pr.
deletes all node_modules and reinstalls all dependencies fresh.
// required by all
view : '', // oneOf: [ 'IdbMessages', 'IdbMessagesAdmin','IdbActions', 'IdbActionsAdmin', 'IdbMessagesCommunity', 'IdbActionsCountries' ]
baseApiUrl : 'https://api.cbd.int/api',
accountsUrl : 'https://accounts.cbd.int',
editUrl : '', // url that homes edit form component for message or action
year : '', // year of the IDB
// required by all
// required by views: ['IdbMessages','IdbMessagesCommunity']
order : [], // defines which types in what order are displayed on IdbMessages and what types not displayed on IdbMessagesCommunity
// required by views: ['IdbMessages','IdbMessagesCommunity']
// required by views: ['IdbActionsCountries']
countryBaseUrl:'https://rjh.bioland.cbddev.xyz/biodiversity-day/celebrations', the base url that will end with a country code https://rjh.bioland.cbddev.xyz/biodiversity-day/celebrations/ca
// required by views: ['IdbActionsCountries']
// required by views: ['IdbActions']
country : '', // specifies current country to display
// required by views: ['IdbActions']
debug : false