Vue component to produce different views for the https://www.cbd.int/biodiversity-day
Vue component to produce different views for the https://www.cbd.int/biodiversity-day
Runs the code base locally in development. To run on of the different views change the view param in src/main.js. index.html in the root is the entry file for the server.
[ 'IdbMessages', 'IdbMessagesAdmin','IdbActions', 'IdbActionsAdmin', 'IdbMessagesCommunity', 'IdbActionsCountries' ]
Runs the code base after being built but not as a self embedded component. Preview uses public/preview/index.html as the entry point template. However, points directly to dist/dev/es/preview/index.html and uses dist/dev/es/ as the server root.
Change the view param on the fly in dist/dev/es/preview/index.html
Runs the code base after being built and using the one line self embedding component. Preview-widget uses public/preview/widget/index.html as the entry point template. However, points directly to dist/dev/es/preview/widget/index.html and uses dist/dev/es/ as the server root.
Change the view param on the fly in dist/dev/es/preview/widget/index.html
- build
- Replace reference to self in dist/import-map.json to s3 location. '@scbd/idb-views': 'https://scbd-components.s3.amazonaws.com/%40scbd/idb-views%40${version}/dist/widget/index.js'
- In src/widget.js pass cdnUrl to WidgetBuilder
Test the widget released on dev
type = "module"
src = "https://scbd-components.s3.amazonaws.com/%40scbd/idb-views%400.0.2-alpha/dist/widget/index.js?d"
options = "{
debug : true,
baseApiUrl : 'https://api.cbddev.xyz/api',
accountsUrl: 'https://accounts.cbddev.xyz',
year : 2023,
view : 'IdbActionsAdmin',
editUrl : 'https://rjh.bioland.cbddev.xyz/idb-message'
Release directly to npm for prod. This need to be removed for ci release on pr.
deletes all node_modules and reinstalls all dependencies fresh.
view options
// required by all
view : '', // oneOf: [ 'IdbMessages', 'IdbMessagesAdmin','IdbActions', 'IdbActionsAdmin', 'IdbMessagesCommunity', 'IdbActionsCountries' ]
baseApiUrl : 'https://api.cbd.int/api',
accountsUrl : 'https://accounts.cbd.int',
editUrl : '', // url that homes edit form component for message or action
year : '', // year of the IDB
// required by all
// required by views: ['IdbMessages','IdbMessagesCommunity']
order : [], // defines which types in what order are displayed on IdbMessages and what types not displayed on IdbMessagesCommunity
// required by views: ['IdbMessages','IdbMessagesCommunity']
// required by views: ['IdbActionsCountries']
countryBaseUrl:'https://rjh.bioland.cbddev.xyz/biodiversity-day/celebrations', the base url that will end with a country code https://rjh.bioland.cbddev.xyz/biodiversity-day/celebrations/ca
// required by views: ['IdbActionsCountries']
// required by views: ['IdbActions']
country : '', // specifies current country to display
// required by views: ['IdbActions']
debug : false