Module to run prettier and eslint configuraction shell
Currently, when development teams have many projects, it is very tedious to create a configuration for each project in order to maintain a clear and understandable code.This module helps to create the configuration of Prettier, ESLint and Git Hooks, with the repositories of @scastro37/prettier-config and @scastro37/eslint-config to solve the problems without the need for the developer to make manual configurations.
- npm v7 or higher.
How to use it
To use the library you just need to follow the following steps:
- Run the script with npx
npx @scastro37/matchbox
- Select the option to install.
Install or Uninstall? (i/u) [i]: i
- Select the type of project JavaScript or TypeScript
JavaScript or TypeScript? (js/ts) [js]:
- List space-separated folders or files, which you want to ignore in configuration.
Omit directories or files (separate with space): node_modules dist *.svg
- At the end of the installation the script run lint-global, which will format and analyze errors and warnings in all project files.
Note: To analyze and correct errors with ESLint run the following script npm run lint
Description Script
The script makes the following changes to our project
- Removes all ESLint and Prettier settings it finds.
- It will install the following dependencies [email protected], @scastro37/prettier-config, @scastro37/eslint-config, [email protected]
- It will add Prettier's configuration of @scastro37/prettier-config and will also add the ESLint's configuration of @scastro37/eslint-config.
- It will create .prettierignore and .eslintignore to ignore directories or files.
- It will create the configuration in .husky and add lint-satged to file package.json for the execution of pre-commit
- Add Prettier and ESLint execution script to package.json
- A small configuration is added in .vscode/settings.json to be able to use when saving changes.
"[typescript]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
"editor.formatOnSave": true
"[javascript]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
"editor.formatOnSave": true
How to Uninstall
- Run the script with npx
npx @scastro37/matchbox
- Select the option to uninstall
Install or Uninstall? (i/u) [i]: u
Description Uninstall Script
- Removes the configuration files from ESLint y Prettier
- Removes configuration created in the package.json
- Uninstall dependencies eslint, @scastro37/prettier-config, @scastro37/eslint-config, husky
The original author and current lead maintainer of this module is the @condor-labs development team.
More about Condorlabs Here.