Plugins for SUI Kit
Sui Kit Plugins
This repo contains plugins for Sui Kit.
Plugin list
- Shinami sponsored transaction plugin
is required to use these plugins.
Please refer to the Sui Kit documentation on how to install.
npm install @scallop-io/sui-kit-plugins
Shinami sponsored transaction plugin
This plugin will automatically sponsor your transaction with Shinami gas.
In order to use this plugin, you'll need to get a Gas access key
from Shinami.
How to get gas access key
import { SuiKit, SuiTxBlock } from '@scallop-io/sui-kit';
// import plugins, they will dynamically register themselves to SuiKit
import '@scallop-io/sui-kit-plugins';
import * as process from "process";
let suiKit = new SuiKit({secretKey: process.env.SECRET_KEY});
// init Shinami gas sponsor before using it
* This is an example of using sponsored transaction plugin in nodejs.
async function forNodejs() {
// Create a transaction
const tx = new SuiTxBlock();
tx.transferObjects(['<obj_id>'], '<sender_address>');
const gasBudget = 10 ** 9;
// Sponsor the transaction, and send it
const res = await suikit.signAndSendShinamiSponsoredTxn(tx, gasBudget);
return res;
* This is an example of using sponsored transaction plugin in browser.
async function forBrowser() {
// Create a transaction
const tx = new SuiTxBlock();
tx.transferObjects(['<obj_id>'], '<sender_address>');
const gasBudget = 10 ** 9;
// Sponsor the transaction
const sender = '<sender_address>';
const sponsoredTx = await suikit.requestShinamiSponsorship(tx, gasBudget, sender);
// Get the user's signature from wallet
const txBytes = sponsoredTx.txBytes;
// Implement your own function to get user's signature from wallet
const userSignature = await getUserSignatureFromWallet(txBytes);
// Send the signed sponsored transaction
const res = await suikit.sendShinamiSponsoredTxn(sponsoredTx, userSignature);
return res;