Tookit for interacting with SUI network
Tookit for interacting with SUI network
- [x] Transfer SUI, Custom Coin and objects.
- [x] Move call
- [x] Programmable transaction
- [x] Query on-chain data
- [x] HD wallet multi-accounts
npm install @scallop-io/sui-kit
How to use
Init SuiKit
import { SuiKit } from '@scallop-io/sui-kit';
// The following types of secret key are supported:
// 1. base64 key from SUI cli keystore file
// 2. 32 bytes hex key
// 3. 64 bytes legacy hex key
const secretKey = '<Secret key>';
const suiKit1 = new SuiKit({ secretKey });
// 12 or 24 words mnemonics
const mnemonics = '<Mnemonics>';
const suiKit2 = new SuiKit({ mnemonics });
// It will create a HD wallet with a random mnemonics
const suiKit3 = new SuiKit();
// Override options
const suiKit = new SuiKit({
mnemonics: '<Mnemonics>',
// 'testnet' | 'mainnet' | 'devnet', default is 'devnet'
networkType: 'testnet',
// the fullnode url, default is the preconfig fullnode url for the given network type
// It will rotate the fullnode when the current fullnode is not available
fullnodeUrls: '[<SUI fullnode1>, <SUI fullnode2>]',
// the faucet url, default is the preconfig faucet url for the given network type
faucetUrl: '<SUI faucet url>',
You can use SuiKit to transfer SUI, custom coins, and any objects.
const recipient1 = '0x123'; // repace with real address
const recipient2 = '0x456'; // repace with real address
// transfer SUI to single recipient
await suiKit.transferSui(recipient1, 1000);
// transfer SUI to multiple recipients
await suiKit.transferSuiToMany([recipient1, recipient2], [1000, 2000]);
const coinType = '<pkgId>::custom_coin::CUSTOM_COIN';
// Transfer custom coin to single recipient
await suiKit.transferCoin(recipient1, 1000, coinType);
// Transfer custom coin to multiple recipients
await suiKit.transferCoinToMany(
[recipient1, recipient2],
[1000, 2000],
// Transfer objects
const objectIds = ['<objId1>', '<objId2>'];
await suiKit.transferObjects(objectIds, recipient1);
Stake SUI
You can use SuiKit to stake SUI.
* This is an example of using SuiKit to stake SUI
const stakeAmount = 1000;
const validatorAddress = '0x123'; // replace with real address
suiKit.stakeSui(stakeAmount, validatorAddress).then(() => {
console.log('Stake SUI success');
Move call
You can use SuiKit to call move functions.
const res = await suiKit.moveCall({
target: '0x2::coin::join',
arguments: [coin0, coin1],
typeArguments: [coinType],
How to pass arguments? Suppose you have a move function like this:
public entry fun test_args(
addrs: vector<address>,
name: vector<u8>,
numbers: vector<u64>,
bools: vector<bool>,
coins: vector<Coin<SUI>>,
ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
// ...
You can pass the arguments like this:
const addr1 =
const addr2 =
const coin1 =
const coin2 =
target: `${pkgId}::module::test_args`,
arguments: [
// pass vector<address>, need to specify the vecType as 'address'
{ value: [addr1, addr2], vecType: 'address' },
// pass vector<u8>, need to specify the vecType as 'u8'
{ value: [10, 20], vecType: 'u8' },
// pass vector<u64>, default vecType for number array is 'u64', so no need to specify
[34324, 234234],
// pass vector<bool>, default vecType for boolean array is 'bool', so no need to specify
[true, false],
// pass vector<Coin<SUI>>, no need to specify the vecType for object array
[coin1, coin2],
All the supported types are:
- address
- u8
- u16
- u32
- u64
- u128
- u256
- bool
- object
Programmable transaction
With programmable transaction, you can send a transaction with multiple actions. The following is an example using flashloan to make arbitrage. (check here for the corresponding Move contract code)
import { SuiKit, SuiTxBlock } from '@scallop-io/sui-kit';
import * as process from 'process';
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
const treasuryA =
const treasuryB =
const dexPool =
const pkgId =
(async () => {
const mnemonics = process.env.MNEMONICS;
const suiKit = new SuiKit({ mnemonics });
const sender = suiKit.currentAddress();
const tx = new SuiTxBlock();
// 1. Make a flash loan for coinB
const [coinB, loan] = tx.moveCall(`${pkgId}::custom_coin_b::flash_loan`, [
10 ** 9,
// 2. Swap from coinB to coinA, ratio is 1:1
const coinA = tx.moveCall(`${pkgId}::dex::swap_a`, [dexPool, coinB]);
// 3. Swap from coinA back to coinB, ratio is 1:2
const coinB2 = tx.moveCall(`${pkgId}::dex::swap_b`, [dexPool, coinA]);
// 4. Repay flash loan
const [paybackCoinB] = tx.splitCoins(coinB2, [10 ** 9]);
tx.moveCall(`${pkgId}::custom_coin_b::payback_loan`, [
// 4. Transfer profits to sender
tx.transferObjects([coinB2], sender);
// 5. Execute transaction
const res = await suiKit.signAndSendTxn(tx);
SuiKit follows bip32 & bip39 standard, so you can use it to manage multiple accounts. When init SuiKit, you can pass in your mnemonics to create a wallet with multiple accounts.
* This is an example of using SuiKit to manage multiple accounts.
import { SuiKit } from '@scallop-io/sui-kit';
async function checkAccounts(suiKit: SuiKit) {
const displayAccounts = async (suiKit: SuiKit, accountIndex: number) => {
const coinType = '0x2::sui::SUI';
const addr = suiKit.getAddress({ accountIndex });
const balance = (await suiKit.getBalance(coinType, { accountIndex }))
console.log(`Account ${accountIndex}: ${addr} has ${balance} SUI`);
// log the first 10 accounts
const numAccounts = 10;
for (let i = 0; i < numAccounts; i++) {
await displayAccounts(suiKit, i);
async function internalTransferSui(
suiKit: SuiKit,
fromAccountIndex: number,
toAccountIndex: number,
amount: number
) {
const toAddr = suiKit.getAddress({ accountIndex: toAccountIndex });
`Transfer ${amount} SUI from account ${fromAccountIndex} to account ${toAccountIndex}`
return await suiKit.transferSui(toAddr, amount, {
accountIndex: fromAccountIndex,
const mnemonics = process.env.MNEMONICS;
const suiKit = new SuiKit({ mnemonics });
checkAccounts(suiKit).then(() => {});
// transfer 1000 SUI from account 0 to account 1
internalTransferSui(suiKit, 0, 1, 1000).then(() => {});
Publish & upgrade Move package
We have a standalone npm package to help you publish and upgrade Move package based on sui-kit.
Please refer to the repository: sui-package-kit