A pattern that makes a multi-column list out of a single list for Scales CSS
Multi Column List Object for Scales
An object that makes a multi-column list out of a single list.
Scales uses the Sass CSS preprocessor, you'll need either Ruby Sass or LibSass.
- NPM:
npm install --save @scales/objects-multi-col-list
Multi column lists can be used when you have a single list that you want to split into multiple columns.
Two Columns
<ul class="MultiColList MultiColList--two-columns">
Three Columns
<ul class="MultiColList MultiColList--three-columns">
Four Columns
<ul class="MultiColList MultiColList--four-columns">
Five Columns
<ul class="MultiColList MultiColList--five-columns">
Six Columns
<ul class="MultiColList MultiColList--six-columns">
Other uses
Since there are situations where you want a list have a different number of columns at different media queries, the multi column list object is also able to be used as a mixin or extended as a placeholder.
@include MultiColList(2);
@extend %MultiColList--two-columns;
Available Classes
Namespace Variables
The Scales Namespace Variable
All Scales patterns expose the $scales-namespace
accepts a string that will prefix all Scales classes. The default value is null
Class Level Namespace Variable
Class level namespace variables allow you to namespace a selector based on the type e.g. b-
for "base", o-
for "objects", u-
for utilities, and c-
for "components".
This pattern exposes the $scales-objects-class-namespace
accepts a string that will prefix any classes in this pattern and follow the Scales Namespace Variable if it is not null. The default value is null
Namespace Variable Usage
To set either of these namespaces, you will need to set the variables in a file that is imported before any scales files. For example:
@import your-project/settings; // Namespace variables are set in this file
@import your-project/scalescss; // Imports all of the Scales packages
@import your-project/project // The rest of your project imports
In your project or theme, you can easily extend the multi column list object to add more columns. For example:
@import your-project/scalescss/objects-multi-col-list/multi-col-list
// 12 columns
.MultiColList--twelve-columns {
> li {
width: 8.333333333%
You may also want to change the number of columns depending on the screen width. For example:
.MyList {
@include MultiColList(2);
@media all and (min-width: 35em) {
@include MultiColList(5);