Simple caching for Node.js apps.
Simple in-memory caching for Node.js apps.
Getting Started
Create a new instance of the cache, passing in the TTL for its items in seconds:
const cache = new Cache(900)
The following methods are exposed:
set(key: string, value: T): void
get(key: string): T | null
delete(key: string): void
// Clears all items from the cache
clear(): void
Example usage
import { Cache } from '@savla-dev/node-cache'
const cache = new Cache<unknown>(900) // 15 minutes TTL
async function fetchWithCache(url: string): Promise<any> {
const cachedData = cache.get(url)
if (cachedData) {
console.log('Returning cached data')
return cachedData
console.log('Fetching new data')
let response: Response
try {
response = await fetch(url)
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Error during fetch: ${e}`)
try {
const data = await response.json()
cache.set(url, data)
return data
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Error during response parsing: ${e}`)