Progress displays for large amounts of tasks
version: 2.1.0
Progress displays for large amounts of tasks
npm i --save @sapphirecode/tasks
yarn add @sapphirecode/tasks
// Create at least one vertical task list to contain all your tasks
const list = new TaskListVertical;
// Have some asychronous task, that can send progress updates
async function mock_task (task: Task, list: TaskListVertical): Promise<void> {
const duration = (Math.random () * 10) + 2;
for (let i = 0; i < duration; i++) {
// set the task progress between 0.0 and 1.0
task.progress = i / duration;
if (task.progress > 0.8)
task.color = chalk.blue; // change the color of the task at any time
list.log({ // Log any messages without affecting the progress display
label: 'task log output',
message: `Progress Log: ${Math.round(task.progress * 100)}%`,
label_color: chalk.blue,
message_color: chalk.red,
await new Promise ((resolve) => setTimeout (resolve, 1000));
task.completed = true; // mark the task as completed
task.color = chalk.green;
// start your tasks
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// horizontal task lists can be used to group tasks and give them a label
const lv = new TaskListHorizontal;
lv.label.value = `Task ${i}`;
lv.label.length = 10; // the label length is used to align the progress bars between all horizontal lists
for (let j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
const task = new Task;
lv.tasks.push (task);
mock_task (task, list);
list.tasks.push (lv);
time_store.use_file ('time_store.json'); // store the average task time in a file
// horizontal tasks can be used for single tasks with label and progress bar
const hz_task = new TaskHorizontal;
hz_task.task_id = 'test_task'; // Task id is used to store the average task time.
hz_task.label.value = "Single Task";
hz_task.label.length = 12;
hz_task.progress_by_time = true;
list.tasks.push (hz_task);
hz_task.start_timer(); // start the timer to measure the task time, also necessary to display the estimated time remaining
// calling stop_timer(true) will store the average task time in the time store and save it to the file if specified
// calling stop_timer(false) will only stop and reset the timer without saving it to the time store
mock_task (hz_task, list).then(async () => await hz_task.stop_timer(true));
// call update once to render the task list
// the display will automatically stop, once all tasks are completed
list.update ();
await list.await_end (); // await the completion of all tasks
Scheduled Tasks
Scheduled tasks will automatically create a progress bar for each task and a summary at the bottom of the console. Dependencies are automatically managed and tasks can run in parallel.
const scheduler = new TaskScheduler;
scheduler.label = 'Scheduled Tasks';
// optional maximum number of parallel tasks (default: 16)
scheduler.max_parallel = 2;
// create a list of tasks with dependencies
id: 'task1',
label: 'Task 1',
process: async (task, next, logger) => {
logger ('Task 1 started');
await new Promise ((resolve) => setTimeout (resolve, 1000));
logger ('Task 1 cleaning up');
// when calling next, all dependent tasks can be started while the current one is doing cleanup jobs
next ();
await new Promise ((resolve) => setTimeout (resolve, 500));
logger ('Task 1 finished');
progress_by_time: true,
id: 'task2',
label: 'Task 2',
process: async (task, next, logger) => {
logger ('Task 2 started');
await new Promise ((resolve) => setTimeout (resolve, 500));
logger ('Task 2 finished');
progress_by_time: true,
id: 'task3',
label: 'Task 3',
process: async (task, next, logger) => {
logger ('Task 3 started');
await new Promise ((resolve) => setTimeout (resolve, 500));
logger ('Task 3 finished');
task.completed = true;
dependencies: ['task1', 'task2'], // task 3 will only start, once task 1 and 2 are completed
progress_by_time: true,
await scheduler.run (); // start the scheduler
MIT © Timo Hocker [email protected]