SAP OpenAPI Specification for OpenAPI v2.0 (Swagger 2.0) and OpenAPI 3.0
OpenAPI Specification for SAP Ecosystem
This repository contains extensions to the original OpenAPI Specification which are relevant for SAP Ecosystem and corresponding tooling. Additionally, it provides a compiled "ready to use" version of schema files which includes the original schemas with SAP-specific changes on top.
The following versions of OpenAPI Specification are supported:
- OpenAPI Specification v2.0 for SAP Ecosystem (based on OpenAPI v2.0, also known as Swagger 2.0)
- OpenAPI Specification v3.0 for SAP Ecosystem (based on OpenAPI v3.0.3)
Every OpenAPI Specification for SAP Ecosystem document is also a valid OpenAPI document of a corresponding version.
The goal of these specification is to describe SAP's extensions to OpenAPI Specifications in a standardized way. The specification are used by SAP API Business Hub and other tooling in SAP Ecosystem.
Each schema in this repository is described using JSON format.
No specific tools are needed to use these schema files.
Contributors to this repository will need to run the generator, which requires Node.js to be installed.
Known Issues
No known issues.
Primitive Type Mapping
OpenAPI is based on the JSON type system and uses the format
keyword for differentiating JSON types, and in some cases additional keywords:
| ABAP | CAP | Java | OData | SQL | OpenAPI type | OpenAPI format | OpenAPI keywords | JSON example |
| --------------------------- | ------------------- | -------------------- | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------- | --------------- | ------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| RAW16, CHAR32 | UUID | java.lang.String | Edm.Guid | VARBINARY(16), VARCHAR(32), NVARCHAR(36) | string | uuid | - | "1e4c3ce2-452b-4a0f-9ce4-985edc35b4d7"
| ABAP_BOOL | Boolean | boolean | Edm.Boolean | BOOLEAN | boolean | - | - | true
| b | UInt8 | short | Edm.Byte | TINYINT | integer | uint8 | - | 255
| - | - | short | Edm.SByte | TINYINT | integer | int8 | - | -128
| s | Int16 | short | Edm.Int16 | SMALLINT | integer | int16 | - | 32767
| i | Int32, Integer | int | Edm.Int32 | INTEGER | integer | int32 | - | 2147483647
| int8 | Int64, Integer64 | long | Edm.Int64 | BIGINT | string, integer | int64 | - | "9223372036854775807"
| decfloat34 | Decimal | java.math.BigDecimal | Edm.Decimal | DECIMAL | string, number | decimal128 | - | "9.999999999999999999999999999999999e6144"
| p | Decimal(p,s) | java.math.BigDecimal | Edm.Decimal | DECIMAL(p,s) | string, number | decimal | x-sap-precision, x-sap-scale | "12556.33"
| f | Double | double | Edm.Double | DOUBLE | number | double | | 3.141592653589793
| d | Date | java.time.LocalDate | Edm.Date | DATE | string | date | - | "2024-12-31"
| /IWBEP/V4_EDM_TYPE_DURATION | - | java.time.Duration | Edm.Duration | - | string | duration | - | "27DT7H43M40.8S"
| t | Time | java.time.LocalTime | Edm.TimeOfDay | TIME | string | (time) | - | "23:59:59"
| utclong | DateTime, Timestamp | java.time.Instant | Edm.DateTimeOffset | TIMESTAMP | string | date-time | - | "1969-07-20T20:17:00Z"
| string | String | java.lang.String | Edm.String | NVARCHAR | string | - | - | "Hello\nWorld"
| c, n | String(m) | java.lang.String | Edm.String | NVARCHAR(m) | string | - | maxLength: m | "Hôtel de Ville"
| xstring | Binary | byte[] | Edm.Binary | VARBINARY | string | base64url | - | "T0RhdGE"
| x | Binary(m) | byte[] | Edm.Binary | VARBINARY(m) | string | base64url | maxLength: m | "T3BlbkFQSQ=="
| xstring | LargeBinary | byte[] | Edm.Binary | BLOB | string | base64url | - | "R3JhcGhRTA=="
| string | LargeString | java.lang.String | Edm.String | NCLOB | string | - | - | "Once upon a time..."
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