SAP Modules Exploration
This is an npm package which provides the ability to explore the available modules/generators installed in a specific predefined folder at runtime. It provides two main APIs. One to get a list of explored modules and API to display the explored modules to the user in a yeoman-base prompt.
Explored Modules should follow the following guidelines:
- Installed in /extbin/[MODULES-TYPE] specific folder (e.g generators will be installed in /extbin/generators)
- Include metadata file: modules.json The modules.json for generators should include the following parameters:
templates: [
"name": string, //This name will be displayed in the yeoman-base prompt as part of templates option list. (e.g "SAPUI5 Application")
"path": string, //Relative path to the template's package. (e.g. "/generators/")
"features" : [{name : string, values :string[]}], // an array of key-value objects. declares the generator supported features in which this generator can be filtered (e.g [{name:"protocol" : value : ["odataV4"]}])
The modules.json for service-provider should include the following parameters:
"name": string,//This name will be displayed in the yeoman-base prompt as part of service providers option list. (e.g "Steam Punk")
"path": string, //Path to the service providers package. (e.g. "/extbin/serviceProviders/OdataProviders/SteamPunk-service-provider",
"features" : [{name : string, values :string[]}], //an array of key-value objects. declares the service-provider supported features in which this module can be filtered (e.g [{name:"protocol" : value : ["odataV4"]}])
"entryPoint" :{ //The main entry point to trigger the specific service provider logic
"class" : "ServiceProviderExample ", //The main object
"method" : "dummyServiceProviderPrompt" //The main method
getExploredModules Returns an array of explored modules metadata the return metatadata is of type ''IModuleInfo[] promptExploredModules Explores installed modules and prompt their metadata (name) to the user using the given generator. The prompt question can be passed as an input. If not passed, a generic question will be displayed