It provides the CLI to assist Mobile Development Kit (MDK) application developers throughout the development lifecycle to: - deploy MDK metadata project to SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) Cloud Foundry environment, - Mobile Services to run as m
MDK Tools
It provides the CLI to assist Mobile Development Kit (MDK) application developers throughout the development lifecycle to:
- deploy MDK metadata project to SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) Cloud Foundry environment,
- Mobile Services to run as mobile application
- HTML5 repository to run as web application
- Prerequisites
- Node 12 or higher version
- Space Developer role assigned to your user
- Cloud Foundry CLI
- Logon to Cloud Foundry by 'cf login'
- MDK metadata project
- MTA Build Tool (required for MDK web deployment)
- MultiApps CF CLI Plugin (required for MDK web deployment)
cf install-plugin -r CF-Community "multiapps"
- CF HTML5 Applications Repository CLI Plugin (required for MDK web deployment)
cf install-plugin -r CF-Community "html5-plugin"
- Install
npm install @sap/mdk-tools -g
You can build metadata project into js or zip file.
Below command can get build parameter details:
mdk build
Target 'js' can build to bundle.js and bundle.js.map, you can use it to update your local run project.
Target 'zip' can build to uploadBundle.zip, you can uploaded it to Mobile Services. Target 'source' can pack source code into zip with configuration for Mobile Services.This is for scenario to extend a multi tenant application.The build results are generated in .build folder under project.
Metadata project, it's current folder if not provided.
Libs need to be ignored in webpack bundle process. The built-in externals are:
- @nativescript/core
- mdk-core
mdk build --target zip --externals "@nativescript/geolocation" "external2"
Project folders/files need to be filtered in bundle procees. The built-in filters are:
- /Web/
mdk build --target zip --filters "/FolderA/" "/FolderB/readme.txt"
Enable debugging by add devtool option
mdk build --target zip --devtool "source-map"
The definition factory path for build purpose. The default path is the 'out' folder in mdk-tools.
mdk build --target js mdk build --target js --project /path/to/Your-MDK-metadata-project mdk build --target zip --project /path/to/Your-MDK-metadata-project mdk build --target source --project /path/to/Your-MDK-metadata-project
You can deploy MDK metadata project directly to SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) Cloud Foundry and NEO environment.
Below command can get deploy parameter details:
mdk deploy
Deploy to Mobile Services on Cloud Foundry to run it as a mobile application
It bundles MDK metadata project, uploads to Mobile Services and publishes it. The name option is the application id in Mobile Services. If there's no name argument, it reads MobileService:AppId from .project.json file (applicable to MDK metadata project exported from SAP Business Application Studio). If there's no project argument, it reads current folder as MDK metadata folder.
In case of MDK metadata project exported from SAP Web IDE, name argument is mandatory.
mdk deploy --target mobile --name "com.mdk.myapp" --devtool "source-map" mdk deploy --target mobile --name "com.mdk.myapp" --project /path/to/Your-MDK-metadata-project mdk deploy --target mobile --name "com.mdk.myapp" --project /path/to/Your-MDK-metadata-project --externals "@nativescript/geolocation" "external2" mdk deploy --target mobile --name "com.mdk.myapp" --project /path/to/Your-MDK-metadata-project --showqr mdk deploy --target mobile --name "com.mdk.myapp" --project /path/to/Your-MDK-metadata-project
If your Mobile Services is Preview version, you can add --preview option.
mdk deploy --target mobile --name "com.mdk.myapp" --preview
In case of deploying MDK bundle zip exproted from SAP Web IDE or Business Application Studio.
mdk deploy --target mobile --name "com.mdk.myapp" --zip Your-MDK-bundle-zip-file
In case of deploying MDK Base project with project source zip
mdk deploy --target mobile --name "com.mdk.myapp" --zip Your-MDK-source-zip-file --source
Deploy to Mobile Services on NEO to run it as a mobile application
- Prerequisites
- NEO Mobile Services Admin API URL
- Admin user name and password
mdk deploy --target mobile --name "com.mdk.myapp" --project /path/to/Your-MDK-metadata-project --neo
The above example prompts user password input, reads adminApi and user from .project.json, if can't find them, then prompts user input.
mdk deploy --target mobile --name "com.mdk.myapp" --neo --adminApi YourAdminAPI --user YourUserName --pwd YourPassword
The above example starts deploy without prompts.
- Prerequisites
Deploy to HTML5 repository on Cloud Foundry to run it as web application
It bundles MDK metadata project, builds it to MTA project and deploys to HTML5 repository. The name option is the application name in SAP BTP cockpit. If there is no name argument, it reads CF:Deploy:Name from .project.json file (applicable to MDK metadata project exported from SAP Business Application Studio). If there's no project argument, it reads current folder as MDK metadata folder.
In case of MDK metadata project exported from SAP Web IDE, name argument is mandatory.
mdk deploy --target cf --name "MyWebApplication" --devtool "source-map" mdk deploy --target cf --name "MyWebApplication" --project /path/to/Your-MDK-metadata-project mdk deploy --target cf --name "MyWebApplication" --externals "@nativescript/geolocation" "external2"
If you want to use preview web runtime or dev web runtime starts with https://, you can add --runtime option.
mdk deploy --target cf --name "MyWebApplication" --runtime preview mdk deploy --target cf --name "MyWebApplication" --runtime "https://RuntimeUrl"
Migrate the MDK project to the latest schema version.
The option '--preview' is only used to list all files that need to be migrated but not to do a real migration.
mdk migrate --project /path/to/Your-MDK-metadata-project mdk migrate --project /path/to/Your-MDK-metadata-project --preview
If you want to migrate files to the specific schema version, use '--target-version' option (right now, we support only one target-version option 6.3):
mdk migrate --project /path/to/Your-MDK-metadata-project --target-version 6.3
Use 'log-file' option output the logs to a file (no need to create the log file firstly, it will be generated automatically):
mdk migrate --project /path/to/Your-MDK-metadata-project --log-file /path/to/log-file.txt
Validator You can validate MDK project through the below command:
mdk validate --project /path/to/Your-MDK-metadata-project --log-file /path/to/log-file.txt
The option '--log-file' is not required, you can use it to output the logs to a file. You can use option '--log-level' to specify which logs can be output. The acceptable values are: 0 (Debug), 1 (Info), 2 (Warn), 3 (Error). Default value is 1.
mdk validate --project /path/to/Your-MDK-metadata-project --log-file /path/to/log-file.txt --log-level 3
You can use option '--config-file' to specify a JSON format file that includes some exclusion configurations for the validation. By default, .project.json file in the root path of MDK project is used. Below is an example:
{ "validation": { "exclude": { "ui": [ "#Page:myFormCell", // exclude page name "myFormCell" "#Control:myControl" // exclude control name "myControl" ], "i18n": [ "test" // exclude i18n key "test" ] } } }
The MDK Validator supports hook for git commit. If there is no validation errors the command exit with zero, otherwise the command exit with non-zero. You can use option '--show-warnings' to include warnings in the validation result, this option is set to false by default.