Chart.js plugin to draw and sync vertical crosshair lines
This is a fork of chartjs-plugin-crosshair which supports displaying interpolated values for line charts
Chart.js plugin to draw vertical crosshair, zoom, interpolate values and sync chart interactions.
Requires Chart.js 4.4.0 or later.
new Chart(ctx, {
// ... data ...
options: {
// ... other options ...
plugins: {
tooltip: {
mode: 'interpolate',
intersect: false,
callbacks: {
title: ([i]) => {
let x = i?.element?.x
x = x || x === 0 ? x.toFixed(2) : ""
return x
label: i => {
let label = i?.dataset?.label || ""
if (label) label = `${label}: `
let val = i?.element?.y
val = val || val === 0 ? val.toFixed(2) : ""
return `${label}${val}`
crosshair: {
line: {
color: '#F66', // crosshair line color
width: 1 // crosshair line width
sync: {
enabled: true, // enable trace line syncing with other charts
group: 1, // chart group
suppressTooltips: false // suppress tooltips when showing a synced tracer
zoom: {
enabled: true, // enable zooming
zoomboxBackgroundColor: 'rgba(66,133,244,0.2)', // background color of zoom box
zoomboxBorderColor: '#48F', // border color of zoom box
zoomButtonText: 'Reset Zoom', // reset zoom button text
zoomButtonClass: 'reset-zoom', // reset zoom button class
callbacks: {
beforeZoom: () => function(start, end) { // called before zoom, return false to prevent zoom
return true;
afterZoom: () => function(start, end) { // called after zoom
You first need to install node dependencies (requires Node.js):
> npm install
The following commands will then be available from the repository root:
> gulp build // build dist files
> gulp build --watch // build and watch for changes
> gulp lint // perform code linting
> gulp docs // generate GitBook documentation (`dist/docs`)
> gulp samples // prepare samples for release (`dist/samples`)
> gulp package // create an archive with dist files and samples
> gulp netlify // prepare Netlify artifacts (`dist/www`)
is available under the MIT license.