Sane default configuration for stylelint with SCSS
Sane default configuration for stylelint with SCSS
Stylelint is used for linting and fixing CSS, including preprocessor syntaxes like Sass, SCSS, SugarCSS, Less.
There are two installation options:
- Via @sane-defaults/stylelint package:
- Install it and add as a dev-dependency
yarn add @sane-defaults/stylelint --dev # or npm install @sane-defaults/stylelint --save-dev
- Create your local configuration and set it to extend this one:
{ "extends": "@sane-defaults/stylelint" }
- Install it and add as a dev-dependency
- Download and move
file to your project root.
Next, install stylelint and its plugins:
yarn add stylelint stylelint-order stylelint-scss --dev
# or
npm install stylelint stylelint-order stylelint-scss --save-dev
- Install a plugin for your code editor.
- Run:
stylelint **/*.scss **/*.vue # or stylelint **/*.scss **/*.vue --fix
Rules summary
This set of rules is opinionated and designed to be sane, not strict. Still, you might run into situations when you need to break a rule, e.g. because you extend a third-party stylesheet. For those rare cases, instead of removing a rule, it's better to explicitly ignore it in the code:
button:disabled {
/* stylelint-disable-next-line declaration-no-important */
background: #f5f5f5 !important;
- Use 4 spaces for indentation.
- File must end with empty line.
- All statements must end with a semicolon.
- Trailing whitespaces are not allowed.
- Maximum of 1 empty line between blocks is allowed.
- Use the one true brace style.
- Use double quotes for strings (e.g.
). - Use leading zeros in decimals (e.g.
). - No units for zero lengths (e.g.
margin: 0
- Custom properties (variables) must be hyphenated and lowercased.
- Properties, colours, units, pseudo-classes, and -elements must be lowercased.
- Properties must be ordered as described in SMACSS. Order configuration taken from scss-lint.
- Shorthands must be used where possible (e.g.
margin: 1em
instead ofmargin: 1em 1em
). - Colours in hex must use long notation (e.g.
). - A generic family name must be provided in font-family (e.g.
). - Use numeric notation for font-weight (e.g.
). - No duplicate or redundant property declarations.
- No vendor prefixes (use autoprefixer).
- No
- Class selectors must be hyphenated and lowercased, or follow BEM convention.
- Id selectors must be hyphenated and lowercased.
- One selector per line.
- Attribute selectors must use quotes (e.g.
). - Selectors must not be repeated in the same file (should be merged).
- No more than 5 levels of selectors.
- Variables, mixins, placeholders, and functions must be hyphenated and lowercased.
- Calls with no arguments must not use parentheses (e.g.
@include mixin-name
). - Operators must be surrounded by spaces (e.g.
$a * $b
). - No redundant parent selector (
) when nesting (e.g.p { > a { } }