i18next-fs-backend is a backend layer for i18next using in Node.js and for Deno to load translations from the filesystem.
This is an i18next backend to be used in Node.js and Deno. It will load resources from the file system.
It's based on the deprecated i18next-node-fs-backend and can mostly be used as a drop-in replacement.
It will load resources from filesystem. Right now it supports following filetypes:
- .json
- .json5
- .yml/.yaml
Getting started
# npm package
$ npm install i18next-fs-backend
Wiring up:
import i18next from 'i18next';
import Backend from 'i18next-fs-backend';
for Deno:
import i18next from 'https://deno.land/x/i18next/index.js'
import Backend from 'https://deno.land/x/i18next_fs_backend/index.js'
- As with all modules you can either pass the constructor function (class) to the i18next.use or a concrete instance.
Backend Options
// path where resources get loaded from, or a function
// returning a path:
// function(lngs, namespaces) { return customPath; }
// the returned path will interpolate lng, ns if provided like giving a static path
loadPath: '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json',
// path to post missing resources
addPath: '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.missing.json'
Options can be passed in:
preferred - by setting options.backend in i18next.init:
import i18next from 'i18next';
import Backend from 'i18next-fs-backend';
backend: options,
on construction:
import HttpApi from 'i18next-fs-backend';
const Backend = new Backend(null, options);
via calling init:
import Backend from 'i18next-fs-backend';
const Backend = new Backend();
Backend.init(null, options);
If set i18next initImmediate option to false it will load the files synchronously
// i18n.js
const { join } = require('path')
const { readdirSync, lstatSync } = require('fs')
const i18next = require('i18next')
const Backend = require('i18next-fs-backend')
// debug: true,
initImmediate: false,
fallbackLng: 'en',
lng: 'en',
preload: readdirSync(join(__dirname, '../locales')).filter((fileName) => {
const joinedPath = join(join(__dirname, '../locales'), fileName)
const isDirectory = lstatSync(joinedPath).isDirectory()
return isDirectory
ns: 'backend-app',
defaultNS: 'backend-app',
backend: {
loadPath: join(__dirname, '../locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json')