Contracts used for token claims
Signed Giveaways
This is a hardhat project, see https://hardhat.org
The main contract gives rewards in any ERC20, ERC721 or ERC1155 when the backend authorize it via message signing.
The message is composed of:
- A list of signatures. If the contract holt too much value more than one signature is needed. Ideally the systems that sign must be independent.
- A list of claim ids used by the backend to avoid double spending.
- Expiration the expiration time of the message in unix timestamp. After the expiration the message cannot be used anymore.
- From: usually the rewards must be transferred to the contract and this value is address(this), if a strategy with approve and transfer is used this is the address of the source.
- To: the destination address that will get the rewards.
- Claims: A list of union structs (ClaimEntry) that include: token type (ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155, etc), token address and a data field that depending on the token type may have: amount, tokenId, etc.
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This package exports the contract source code, for deployments see: @sandbox-smart-contract/deploy package.