- nodemailer - sendgrid - more may be added in future
Mails module for Nest Js
This mailing module simplifies sending and queueing emails in nestjs. Support for multiple email and queue adapters.
Email adapters currently supported
- nodemailer
- sendgrid
- more may be added in future
Queue adapters currently supported
- Kafka
- bullmq
- more may be added in future
- Install package
npm i @salman3001/nest-mailer
- insatll a mail adapter you would like to use. currently supported adapters are nodemailer and sendgrid
npm install nodemailer
npm i @sendgrid/mail
- register the mailMoule in root module of your nest app
imports: [
transporter: 'nodemailer', //<-- transporter name
options: {
host: 'you host',
port: 1234,
secure: false,
auth: {
user: 'your username',
pass: 'your password',
- or with rigisterAsync to inject providers. like configservice in below example
imports: [
inject: [ConfigService],
useFactory: (config: ConfigService) => ({
transporter: 'nodemailer',
options: {
host: config.get<Config>().envs().SMTP_HOST,
port: config.get<Config>().envs().SMTP_PORT,
secure: false,
auth: {
user: config.get<Config>().envs().SMTP_USERNAME,
pass: config.get<Config>().envs().SMTP_PASSWORD,
- typescript hints will help you to provide proper config based on mail transporter name specified.
- now create a mail implementing the NestMail as shown below. define your payload and menupulate html or text with setHtml method.
- you may use mailgen or any templating engine to generate emails like handlebars.
import { NestMail } from '@salman3001/nest-mailer';
interface ForgorPasswordOtpEmailPayload {
name: string;
export class ForgorPasswordOtpEmail implements NestMail {
to: string;
from: string = '[email protected]';
subject: string = 'Forgot password';
text: string;
html: string;
setHtml(payload: ForgorPasswordOtpEmailPayload): void {
this.html = `<h1>Hi ${payload.name}This is a test email</h1>`;
this.text = `Hi ${payload.name}. This is a test email`;
constructor(to: string, payload: ForgorPasswordOtpEmailPayload) {
this.to = to;
- this module will make MailService provider to be available globaly. you can inject it anywhere and use like shown below..
export class UsersService {
constructor(private readonly mailService: MailService) {}
async findAll() {
// send one email synchronously
await this.mailService.send(
new ForgorPasswordOtpEmail('[email protected]', { name: 'salman' }),
// or queue multiple emails
await this.mailService.queue([
new ForgorPasswordOtpEmail('[email protected]', { name: 'salman' }),
new ForgorPasswordOtpEmail('[email protected]', { name: 'salman' }),
- you can send email in real time by using send method or queue multiple emails. to use queue method. a queue adapter should be defined. if no queue adapter is defined it will send all mails in sync, same as send method. which is helpfull in development as we dont need to setup queue system just yet. to define a queue adapter add below options to mail module.
imports: [
transporter: 'nodemailer', //<-- transporter name
options: {
//... transporter options
queueAdapter: {
name: 'Kafkajs' | 'bullmq' //<-- queue adapter name
options: { }//<-- queue adapter options
- also install the queue adapter
npm install kafkajs
npm install bullmq
// or others once avaialable
- select a queue adapter and provide related config. typescript will help.
- if you choose kafka and provide kafka options. mail queue will produce message 'send-email'. you have to setup consumer your self and send the actual email. check kafkajs docs.
- if you choose bullmq and provide bullmq options. mail queue will create job 'new-email' in 'email-queue' queue. you have to setup a bullmq worker that will process jobs from this queue. check bullmq docs.