A ServiceNow custom component for a custom tinymce 4 editor
A Now Experience TinyMCE editor component
Component Preview
Basic Usage
const testContent = `<span>This is a test</span>`;
<ne-tinymce content={testContent} />
Exposed Parameters
| Property Name | Description | Type | Default Value | Example Custom Value |
| ----------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ------------- | ---------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| componentId | A unique component ID | UID | Random | |
| content | HTML content to be added to rich-text editor | String | Empty String | <span>This is a test</span>
| placeholder | Placeholder added to element | String | Enter rich-text-here
| Place some text here
| onInit | callback function | Function | noop
| (e, editor) => { console.log(e, editor); }
| onSetContent | callback function | Function | noop
| (e, editor) => { console.log(e, editor); }
| onFocus | callback function | Function | noop
| (e, editor) => { console.log(e, editor); }
| onChange | callback function | Function | noop
| (e, editor) => { console.log(e, editor); }
| onClick | callback function | Function | noop
| (e, editor) => { console.log(e, editor); }
| onExecCommand | callback function | Function | noop
| (e, editor) => { console.log(e, editor); }
| onSelection | callback function | Function | noop
| (e, editor) => { console.log(e, editor); }
| onBlur | callback function | Function | noop
| (e, editor) => { console.log(e, editor); }
| callbacks | Array of custom callback functions | Array | []
| See custom callback section below |
| buttons | Array of custom buttons | Array | []
| See custom button section below |
| plugins | Array of plugins to include | Array | Bool | [...]
| See plugins section below |
| tools | Array of tool buttons to include | Array | Bool | [...]
| See tools section below |
| extraTools | Array of extra tool buttons to include | Array | []
| ['bold']
| contexts | Array of buttons to add to context menu | Array | Bool | [...]
| See contexts section below |
| extraContexts | Array of extra context menu buttons | Array | []
| ['link unlink']
| menus | Array of buttons to add to top menu | Array | Bool | false
| See menus section below |
| extraMenus | Array of extra menu buttons | Array | []
| ['file']
| readonly | Boolean property to determine read-only | Bool | false
| true
| readonlyTools | Array of tool buttons to show when read | Array | Bool | false
| ['bold italic', 'link unlink']
| readonlyContexts | Array of context buttons to show when read | Array | Bool | false
| ['bold italic', 'link unlink']
| readonlyMenus | Array of menu buttons to show when read | Array | Bool | false
| ['file', 'edit']
| customClasses | Array of custom classes to add to body el | Array | []
| ['custom-1', 'custom-2']
| minHeight | Minimum height for auto-resize plugin | Integer | 100 | 200 |
| maxHeight | Maximum height for auto-resize plugin | Integer | 700 | 1200 |
| paddingTop | padding-top for body el | Integer | 60 | 20 |
| paddingBottom | padding-bottom for body el | Integer | 60 | 20 |
| paddingSides | padding-left, padding-right for body el | Integer | 20 | 40 |
| browserSpellcheck | Enables spellcheck for editor | Bool | true
| false
| relativeUrls | Makes all link urls relative to base url | Bool | true
| false
| convertUrls | No clue what this does, but tinymce uses it | Bool | false
| true
| autoFocus | Enables the editor to be auto-focused on init | Bool | false
| true
| removeHost | Removes script hosts | Bool | true
| false
| validElements | String selector of valid elements and attrs | String | *[*]
| 'span, p, table'
| externalPlugins | Object with external plugins to be loaded | Object | {}
| See tinymce 4 documentation on this property |
| useBorder | Enables the css border around the editor | Bool | true
| false