An SFDX CLI plugin for building and testing images for Salesforce Evergreen functions and services
SFDX CLI Evergreen Build plugin
An SFDX CLI plugin for building and testing images for Salesforce Evergreen functions and service.
Note: This feature is in beta and has been released early so we can collect feedback. It may contain significant problems, undergo major changes, or be discontinued. The use of this feature is governed by the Salesforce.com Program Agreement.
Table of contents
$ sfdx plugins:install @salesforce/plugin-evergreen-build
running command...
$ sfdx evergreen --help [COMMAND]
$ sfdx evergreen:COMMAND
sfdx evergreen:function:build IMAGE
build function source code into a deployable image
$ sfdx evergreen:function:build IMAGE
IMAGE image name, must be in all lowercase
-e, --env=env Build-time environment variable, in the form 'VAR=VALUE'or 'VAR'. When using latter value-less
form, value will be taken from current environment at the time this command is executed. This
flag may occur multiple times if more than one variable is desired.
-p, --path=path [default: /home/circleci/project] path to function dir
-v, --verbose output raw build logs
--buildpack=buildpack Buildpack ID, path to a Buildpack directory, or path/URL to a Buildpack .tgz file. Repeat for
each buildpack in order.
--clear-cache Clear image's associated cache before building.
--env-file=env-file Build-time environment variables file comprised of one variable per line, of the form
'VAR=VALUE' or 'VAR' When using latter value-less form, value will be taken from current
environment at the time this command is executed.
--network=network Connect and build containers to a network. This can be useful to build containers which require
a local resource.
--no-pull Skip pulling builder and run images before use.
$ sfdx evergreen:function:build image-repo/myfunction:dev
$ sfdx evergreen:function:build image-repo/myfunction:dev --path /path/to/function/src
$ sfdx evergreen:function:build image-repo/myfunction:dev --network host
See code: src/commands/evergreen/function/build.ts
sfdx run:function
send a cloudevent to a function
$ sfdx run:function
-H, --headers=headers set headers
-p, --payload=payload set the payload of the cloudevent. also accepts @file.txt format
-t, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target org; overrides default target org
-u, --url=url (required) url of the function to run
--structured set the cloudevent to be emitted as a structured cloudevent (json)
$ sfdx run:function -u http://localhost:8080 -p '{"id": 12345}'
$ sfdx run:function -u http://localhost:8080 -p '@file.json'
$ echo '{"id": 12345}' | sfdx run:function -u http://localhost:8080
$ sfdx run:function -u http://localhost:8080 -p '{"id": 12345}' --structured
See code: src/commands/run/function.ts
sfdx run:function:start
build and run function image locally
$ sfdx run:function:start
-d, --debug-port=debug-port [default: 9229] port for remote debugging
-e, --env=env set environment variables (provided during build and run)
-p, --port=port [default: 8080] port for running the function
-v, --verbose output additional logs
--builder=builder set custom builder image
--clear-cache clear associated cache before executing.
--network=network Connect and build containers to a network. This can be useful to build containers which
require a local resource.
--no-pull skip pulling builder image before use
$ sfdx run:function:start
$ sfdx run:function:start -e VAR=VALUE
$ sfdx run:function:start --network host --no-pull --clear-cache --debug-port 9000 --port 5000
See code: src/commands/run/function/start.ts
Using a different builder
- Grab the desired version from here,
go get -u github.com/heroku/builder/cmd/builder
, or build it yourself. export BENNY_PATH=<path_to_built_binary>
- Now you can run your
commands that require a builder and it will use the provided builder instead of the one downloaded during plugin install.