SAGE resource OSI
The main OSI resource module for SAGE-JS.
Provides an API for working with OSI files.
Includes a number of abstract instructions that can be used to make manipulating assembly easier.
| Name | Size | Args | Info | |----------------------------------|------|---------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | JumpTarget | 0 | i32u | Target for PushConstanti32JumpTarget with same ID | | PushConstanti32JumpTarget | 5 | i32u i32s | Replaces PushConstanti32 before JumpRelative references JumpTarget with target and offset* | | BranchTarget | 0 | i32u | Target for CompareAndBranchIfFalseTarget and BranchAlwaysTarget with same ID | | BranchAlwaysTarget | 3 | i32u i16s | Replaces BranchAlways, with target and offset* | | CompareAndBranchIfFalseTarget | 3 | i32u i16s | Replaces CompareAndBranchIfFalse, with target and offset* | | PushConstantStringString | 3 | sp8n | Replaces PushConstantString with inline strings from string table | | GetThisMemberFunctionString | 3 | sp8n | Replaces GetThisMemberFunction with inline strings from symbol table | | GetThisMemberValueString | 3 | sp8n | Replaces GetThisMemberValue with inline strings from symbol table | | SetThisMemberValueString | 3 | sp8n | Replaces SetThisMemberValue with inline strings from symbol table | | GetMemberFunctionString | 3 | sp8n | Replaces GetMemberFunction with inline strings from symbol table | | GetMemberValueString | 3 | sp8n | Replaces GetMemberValue with inline strings from symbol table | | SetMemberValueString | 3 | sp8n | Replaces SetMemberValue with inline strings from symbol table | | GetGameVariableString | 2 | sp8n sp8n | Replaces GetGameVariable with inline strings from string table | | SetGameVariableString | 2 | sp8n sp8n | Replaces SetGameVariable with inline strings from string table | | CallGameFunctionString | 3 | sp8n sp8n i8s | Replaces CallGameFunction with inline strings from string table | | CallGameFunctionFromStringString | 2 | sp8n i8s | Replaces CallGameFunctionFromString with inline string from string table |
* Instructions that jump to targets include an offset to handle jumps to point between instructions (compensates for off-by-one error in some original code).
| Byte | Name | Size | Args | Stack | Info | |------|-----------------------------|------|---------------|-------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x00 | Nop | 1 | | | Do nothing | | 0x02 | DebugOn | 1 | | | Enable debug or fail if disabled in engine | | 0x03 | DebugOff | 1 | | | Disable debug or fail if disabled in engine | | 0x04 | LineNumber | 5 | i16u i16u | | Source line, possibly for assembly line and column | | 0x05 | LineNumberAlt1 | 5 | i16u i16u | | Source line, line number, source file index | | 0x06 | LineNumberAlt2 | 5 | i16u i16u | | Source line number, unknown | | 0x10 | SetMemberValue | 3 | i16u | -2 | Set object property by symbol index | | 0x11 | GetMemberValue | 3 | i16u | -1 +1 | Get object property by symbol index | | 0x12 | GetMemberFunction | 3 | i16u | -1 +1 | Get object method address by symbol index | | 0x13 | CreateObject | 3 | i16u | +1 | Create an object by class ID | | 0x14 | MemberFunctionArgumentCheck | 2 | i8s | +N | Check the arg count <= N and add N number of stack variables | | 0x15 | SetThisMemberValue | 3 | i16u | -1 | Set this property by symbol index | | 0x16 | GetThisMemberValue | 3 | i16u | +1 | Get this property by symbol index | | 0x17 | GetThisMemberFunction | 3 | i16u | +1 | Get this method address by symbol index | | 0x18 | GetMemberValueFromString | 1 | | -2 +1 | Get object property by string index | | 0x19 | GetMemberFunctionFromString | 1 | | -2 +1 | Get object method address by string index | | 0x1A | SetMemberValueFromString | 1 | | -3 | Set object property by string index | | 0x21 | GetVariableValue | 3 | i16u | +1 | Get variable by index (highest bit means global) | | 0x22 | SetVariableValue | 3 | i16u | -1 | Set variable by index (highest bit means global) | | 0x23 | CreateStackVariables | 2 | i8s | +N | Add N number of stack variables | | 0x24 | IncrementVariable | 3 | i16u | | Increment variable by index (highest bit means global) | | 0x25 | DecrementVariable | 3 | i16u | | Decrement variable by index (highest bit means global) | | 0x30 | Pop | 1 | | -1 | Pop a value off the stack | | 0x31 | PopN | 2 | i8s | -N | Pop N values off the stack | | 0x32 | Swap | 1 | | -2 +2 | Swap last 2 values on stack | | 0x33 | Pull | 2 | i8s | +1 | Duplicate stack value by index onto stack | | 0x34 | DupN | 2 | i8s | +N | Duplicate last stack value N times | | 0x35 | Dup | 1 | | +1 | Duplicate last stack value | | 0x40 | PushConstanti32 | 5 | i32s | +1 | Push constant integer value | | 0x41 | PushConstanti24 | 4 | int24s | +1 | Unimplemented | | 0x42 | PushConstanti16 | 3 | i16s | +1 | Push constant integer value | | 0x43 | PushConstanti8 | 2 | i8s | +1 | Push constant integer value | | 0x44 | PushConstantf32 | 5 | f32 | +1 | Push constant float value | | 0x45 | PushConstant0 | 1 | | +1 | Push constant integer value 0 | | 0x46 | PushConstantString | 3 | i16u | +1 | Push string from string table | | 0x47 | PushNothing | 1 | | +1 | Push the nothing type | | 0x48 | PushConstantColor8888 | 5 | i32u | +1 | Push constant color value | | 0x49 | PushConstantColor5551 | 3 | i16u | +1 | Push constant color value | | 0x50 | JumpRelative | 2 | i8s | -1 | Jump to popped address relative to file start | | 0x51 | JumpAbsolute | 2 | i8s | -1 | Jump to popped address in memory | | 0x52 | Return | 1 | | ?* | Return from current subroutine | | 0x53 | CompareAndBranchIfFalse | 3 | i16s | -1 | Jump N number of bytes from after instruction if false or i0 | | 0x54 | BranchAlways | 3 | i16s | | Jump N number of bytes from after instruction | | 0x60 | EqualTo | 1 | | -2 +1 | Compare last 2 values on stack | | 0x61 | LessThan | 1 | | -2 +1 | Compare last 2 values on stack | | 0x62 | GreaterThan | 1 | | -2 +1 | Compare last 2 values on stack | | 0x63 | LessOrEqual | 1 | | -2 +1 | Compare last 2 values on stack | | 0x64 | GreaterOrEqual | 1 | | -2 +1 | Compare last 2 values on stack | | 0x6A | And | 1 | | -2 +1 | Check last 2 values on stack are both true | | 0x6B | Or | 1 | | -2 +1 | Check last 2 values on stack are have true | | 0x6C | Not | 1 | | -2 +1 | Check last 2 values on stack are not true | | 0x6D | BitwiseAnd | 1 | | -2 +1 | Bitwise and last 2 values on stack | | 0x6E | BitwiseOr | 1 | | -2 +1 | Bitwise or last 2 values on stack | | 0x6F | BitwiseXor | 1 | | -2 +1 | Bitwise xor last 2 values on stack | | 0x70 | Add | 1 | | -2 +1 | Add the last 2 values on stack | | 0x71 | Subtract | 1 | | -2 +1 | Subtract the last 2 values on stack | | 0x72 | Multiply | 1 | | -2 +1 | Multiply the last 2 values on stack | | 0x73 | Divide | 1 | | -2 +1 | Divide the last 2 values on stack | | 0x74 | Power | 1 | | -2 +1 | Raise to power the last 2 values on stack | | 0x75 | Modulus | 1 | | -2 +1 | Modulus operator the last 2 values on stack | | 0x76 | BitwiseNot | 1 | | -1 +1 | Bitwise not last value on stack | | 0x77 | ShiftLeft | 1 | | -2 +1 | Bitwise shift left last 2 values on stack | | 0x78 | ShiftRight | 1 | | -2 +1 | Bitwise shift right last 2 values on stack | | 0x7A | Increment | 1 | | -1 +1 | Increment value of last value on stack by 1 | | 0x7B | Decrement | 1 | | -1 +1 | Decrement value of last value on stack by 1 | | 0x80 | GetGameVariable | 5 | i16u i16u | | Get variable by ns and name string index seems non-functional | | 0x81 | SetGameVariable | 5 | i16u i16u | | Set variable by ns and name string index seems non-functional | | 0x82 | CallGameFunction | 6 | i16u i16u i8s | ?* | Call native by ns and name string index, N args | | 0x83 | CallGameFunctionFromString | 6 | i16u i8s | ?* | Call native by ns string index and stack string, N args | | 0x84 | CallGameFunctionDirect | 6 | i32s i8s | ?* | Call native by address, N args (should only exist in memory) | | 0x90 | CreateArray | 1 | | +1 | Create array | | 0x91 | GetArrayValue | 1 | | -2 +1 | Get array or string table element | | 0x92 | ElementsInArray | 1 | | -1 +1 | Get array or string table length | | 0x93 | SetArrayValue | 1 | | -3 | Set array element | | 0x94 | AppendToArray | 1 | | -2 | Push array element | | 0x95 | RemoveFromArray | 1 | | -2 | Remove array element at index | | 0x96 | InsertIntoArray | 1 | | -3 | Add array element at index | | 0xA0 | SetRedValue | 1 | | -2 +1 | Set color red value | | 0xA1 | SetGreenValue | 1 | | -2 +1 | Set color green value | | 0xA2 | SetBlueValue | 1 | | -2 +1 | Set color blue value | | 0xA3 | SetAlphaValue | 1 | | -2 +1 | Set color alpha value | | 0xA4 | GetRedValue | 1 | | -1 +1 | Get color red value | | 0xA5 | GetGreenValue | 1 | | -1 +1 | Get color green value | | 0xA6 | GetBlueValue | 1 | | -1 +1 | Get color blue value | | 0xA7 | GetAlphaValue | 1 | | -1 +1 | Get color alpha value | | 0xB0 | ConvertToString | 1 | | -1 +1 | Convert last stack element to string | | 0xB1 | ConvertToFloat | 1 | | -1 +1 | Convert last stack element to float | | 0xB2 | ConvertToInteger | 1 | | -1 +1 | Convert last stack element to integer | | 0xB8 | IsInteger | 1 | | -1 +1 | Check if last stack element is integer | | 0xB9 | IsFloat | 1 | | -1 +1 | Check if last stack element is float | | 0xBA | IsString | 1 | | -1 +1 | Check if last stack element is string | | 0xBB | IsAnObject | 1 | | -1 +1 | Check if last stack element is an object | | 0xBC | IsGameObject | 1 | | -1 +1 | Check if last stack element is a game object | | 0xBD | IsArray | 1 | | -1 +1 | Check if last stack element is array | | 0xBF | GetObjectClassID | 1 | | -1 +1 | Get object class ID | | 0xFF | Halt | 1 | | +1 | Halt execution |
* Unclear how many values are pushed and/or popped under what conditions.