Safient CLI tool to run a Safien worker and interact with the safes on Safient protocol
Safient CLI
CLI tool to run a Safien worker and interact with the safes on Safient protocol.
Getting Started
npm i @safient/cli -g
Running the Safien worker on a testnet
safient safien worker --network testnet
Enter worker info when running for the first time
Interacting with the Safient protocol
Create a new user:
safient user create --name Safient1 --email [email protected] --network testnet
Create a new safe (Creator):
safient safe create --beneficiary did:key:z6MknvaZuK44SWdsK8m6t3mq7AWQ2Hj1zGhVTPywcPGS7qFf --data 'GM' --network testnet
Show a safe:
safient safe show 01fgbz287dvds1ft1e4tdbjqkp --network testnet
Claim a safe (Beneficiary):
safient safe claim 01fgbz287dvds1ft1e4tdbjqkp --network testnet
Recover the safe (Beneficiary):
safient safe recover 01fgbz287dvds1ft1e4tdbjqkp --network testnet
Building locally
Create an .env
and DB_FILE_NAME='./thread.config'
npm install
npm run build
Technologies used:
You are welcome to submit issues and enhancement requests and work on any of the existing issues. Follow this simple guide to contribute to the repository.
- Create or pick an existing issue to work on
- Fork the repo on GitHub
- Clone the forked project to your own machine
- Commit changes to your own branch
- Push your work back up to your forked repo
- Submit a Pull request from the forked repo to our repo so that we can review your changes