React hooks and utilities for building SaaS applications with Next.js, designed to work seamlessly with @saaslib/nestjs.
Next.js SaaS Library
React hooks and utilities for building SaaS applications with Next.js, designed to work seamlessly with @saaslib/nestjs.
"peerDependencies": {
"@stripe/stripe-js": "^5.5.0",
"jsonwebtoken": "^9.0.2",
"next": "^15.1.6",
"react": "^19.0.0",
"react-dom": "^19.0.0"
Authentication Hooks
: Get the currently logged-in user from local storageuseSignIn()
: Handle user sign-in with email/passworduseSignUp()
: Handle user registrationuseSignOut()
: Handle user logoutuseOAuthSignIn()
: Handle OAuth authentication flowsusePasswordReset()
: Handle password reset flow
User Management
: Fetch current user detailsusePatchMe()
: Update user profileuseDeleteAvatar()
: Remove user avatar- Type-safe user operations with generics
Subscription Management
: Create Stripe checkout sessionsuseChangeSubscription()
: Handle subscription plan changesuseCancelSubscription()
: Handle subscription cancellationsuseResumeSubscription()
: Resume cancelled subscriptionsuseGetBillingUrl()
: Get Stripe billing portal URL
Newsletter Management
: Handle newsletter subscriptionsuseNewsletterTokenSubscription()
: Handle token-based subscriptionsuseNewsletterSubscriptionStatus()
: Check subscription status
Resource Management
: Fetch user-owned resourcesuseFetchOwnableItem()
: Fetch single owned resourceuseCreateOwneableItem()
: Create new owned resourceuseUpdateOwnableItem()
: Update owned resourceuseDeleteOwnableItem()
: Delete owned resource
npm i @saaslib/nextjs @stripe/stripe-js@^5.5.0 jsonwebtoken@^9.0.2 next@^15.1.6 react@^19.0.0 react-dom@^19.0.0
Basic Usage
import { useLoggedInUser, useSignIn } from '@saaslib/nextjs';
function LoginComponent() {
const { user, loading } = useLoggedInUser();
const { signIn, error } = useSignIn();
const handleSubmit = async (email: string, password: string) => {
await signIn({ email, password });
return // your component JSX
User Management
import { useGetMe, usePatchMe } from '@saaslib/nextjs';
function ProfileComponent() {
const { data, loading } = useGetMe();
const { patchMe, success } = usePatchMe();
const handleUpdate = async (userData: Partial<User>) => {
await patchMe(userData);
return // your component JSX
Subscription Management
import { useCreateCheckoutSession } from '@saaslib/nextjs';
function SubscriptionComponent() {
const { createSession, loading } = useCreateCheckoutSession();
const handleSubscribe = async (priceId: string) => {
const { sessionId } = await createSession({
type: 'basic'
// Redirect to Stripe checkout
return // your component JSX
Resource Management
import { useFetchOwnableItems, useCreateOwneableItem } from '@saaslib/nextjs';
function ResourceComponent() {
const { data: items, loading } = useFetchOwnableItems('resources');
const { createItem } = useCreateOwneableItem('resources');
const handleCreate = async (data: CreateResourceDto) => {
await createItem(data);
return // your component JSX
The library requires some environment variables to be set in your Next.js application:
Advanced Usage
Custom Hook Options
All fetch hooks support retry options:
const { data } = useGetMe({
retries: 3,
initialRetryDelay: 1000,
backoffMultiplier: 2,
maxRetryDelay: 30000
Type Safety
The library is built with TypeScript and supports generic types for all hooks:
interface CustomUser extends BaseUser {
customField: string;
const { user } = useLoggedInUser<CustomUser>();
const { data } = useGetMe<CustomUser>();
Authentication Middleware
The library provides Next.js middleware for authentication:
// middleware.ts
import { authRequiredMiddleware } from '@saaslib/nextjs';
export async function middleware(req: NextRequest) {
return await authRequiredMiddleware(req);
export const config = {
matcher: ['/protected/:path*']
Form Actions
Type-safe form actions for auth flows and user management:
import { signInAction, signUpAction } from '@saaslib/nextjs';
// Server-side form actions
async function onSignIn(data: FormData) {
'use server';
return await signInAction(data);
async function onSignUp(data: FormData) {
'use server';
return await signUpAction(data);
Security Utilities
The package includes utilities for token management and security:
import { isAccessTokenExpired, getUserIdFromToken } from '@saaslib/nextjs';
// Check if JWT is expired
const expired = isAccessTokenExpired(token);
// Extract user ID from token
const userId = getUserIdFromToken(token);
Hooks API Reference
useLoggedInUser<T>(): {
user: T | null;
loading: boolean;
useSignIn(): {
signIn: (credentials: { email: string; password: string }) => Promise<void>;
error: Error | null;
loading: boolean;
useSignUp(): {
signUp: (data: { email: string; password: string }) => Promise<void>;
error: Error | null;
loading: boolean;
useOAuthSignIn(): {
signInWithGoogle: () => void;
signInWithLinkedIn: () => void;
error: Error | null;
loading: boolean;
User Management
useGetMe<T>(): {
data: { user: T } | null;
error: Error | null;
loading: boolean;
usePatchMe<T>(): {
patchMe: (data: Partial<T>) => Promise<void>;
error: Error | null;
loading: boolean;
useDeleteAvatar(): {
deleteAvatar: () => Promise<void>;
error: Error | null;
loading: boolean;
Subscription Management
useCreateCheckoutSession(): {
createSession: (options: {
priceId: string;
type: string;
}) => Promise<{ sessionId: string }>;
error: Error | null;
loading: boolean;
useChangeSubscription(): {
changeSubscription: (options: {
subscriptionId: string;
priceId: string;
}) => Promise<void>;
error: Error | null;
loading: boolean;
useCancelSubscription(): {
cancelSubscription: (subscriptionId: string) => Promise<void>;
error: Error | null;
loading: boolean;
Resource Management
useFetchOwnableItems<T>(entityKey: string): {
data: T[] | null;
error: Error | null;
loading: boolean;
useCreateOwneableItem<CreateDto, T>(entityKey: string): {
createItem: (data: CreateDto) => Promise<T>;
error: Error | null;
loading: boolean;
useUpdateOwnableItem<UpdateDto>(entityKey: string): {
updateItem: (itemId: string, data: UpdateDto) => Promise<void>;
error: Error | null;
loading: boolean;
Resource Management
The library provides hooks and utilities for working with ownable resources from the @saaslib/nestjs backend.
Resource Hooks API
// Fetch all resources owned by the current user
const { data: items, loading, error } = useFetchOwnableItems<T>(entityKey: string, options?: {
retries?: number;
initialRetryDelay?: number;
credentials?: RequestCredentials;
// Fetch a single resource
const { data: item, loading, error } = useFetchOwnableItem<T>(
entityKey: string,
itemId: string,
options?: FetchHookOptions
// Create a new resource
const { createItem, loading, error } = useCreateOwneableItem<CreateDto, T>(entityKey: string);
await createItem({
name: 'My Resource',
description: 'Details here'
// Update an existing resource
const { updateItem, loading, error } = useUpdateOwnableItem<UpdateDto>(entityKey: string);
await updateItem('resource-id', {
name: 'Updated Name'
// Delete a resource
const { deleteItem, loading, error } = useDeleteOwnableItem(entityKey: string);
await deleteItem('resource-id');
Type-Safe Resource Management
interface Project {
id: string;
name: string;
description?: string;
createdAt: Date;
interface CreateProjectDto {
name: string;
description?: string;
interface UpdateProjectDto {
name?: string;
description?: string;
function ProjectList() {
// Fully typed responses
const { data: projects, loading } = useFetchOwnableItems<Project>('projects');
const { createItem } = useCreateOwneableItem<CreateProjectDto, Project>('projects');
const handleCreate = async (data: CreateProjectDto) => {
const newProject = await createItem(data);
// newProject is typed as Project
return (
// Your JSX
Server Actions Integration
// app/actions.ts
'use server'
import { createOwnableItem, updateOwnableItem, deleteOwnableItem } from '@saaslib/nextjs';
export async function createProject(data: CreateProjectDto) {
return await createOwnableItem<CreateProjectDto, Project>('projects', data);
export async function updateProject(id: string, data: UpdateProjectDto) {
return await updateOwnableItem<UpdateProjectDto, Project>('projects', id, data);
export async function deleteProject(id: string) {
return await deleteOwnableItem('projects', id);
Error Handling
function ProjectManager() {
const { createItem, error, loading } = useCreateOwneableItem<CreateProjectDto, Project>('projects');
return (
{error && <ErrorAlert message={error.message} />}
{loading && <LoadingSpinner />}
<form onSubmit={async (e) => {
try {
await createItem({
name: 'New Project'
} catch (e) {
// Handle specific error cases
if (e.status === 403) {
// Resource limit exceeded
{/* Form fields */}
Advanced Options
All resource hooks support the standard fetch options plus additional configuration:
const { data: projects } = useFetchOwnableItems<Project>('projects', {
// Retry configuration
retries: 3,
initialRetryDelay: 1000,
backoffMultiplier: 2,
maxRetryDelay: 30000,
// Authentication
credentials: 'include',
// Custom headers
headers: {
'Custom-Header': 'value'
Development and Testing
// Set up testing environment
jest.mock('@saaslib/nextjs', () => ({
useLoggedInUser: () => ({
user: { id: 'test-user' },
loading: false
// Test component
describe('Protected Component', () => {
it('renders with user', () => {
const { getByText } = render(<ProtectedComponent />);
MIT License - see LICENSE file for details.