> Provide a first-class way to render children into a DOM node that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component. ([doc](https://reactjs.org/docs/portals.html))
Provide a first-class way to render children into a DOM node that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component. (doc)
$ npm install @s-ui/react-hook-use-portal
Basic usage
// Array destructuring
const Foo = props => {
const [Portal] = usePortal()
return (
This content is rendered on the propper VDOM tree.
<Portal>This content added at the end of the document.body</Portal>
// Object destructuring
const Foo = props => {
const {Portal} = usePortal()
return (
This content is rendered on the propper VDOM tree.
<Portal>This content added at the end of the document.body</Portal>
Target Configuration
Target is the DOM place where the Portal might the appended. By default it is document.body. To set a different element, just add it to the hook configuration option arguments object:
const Foo = props => {
const portalContainer = useRef()
const {Portal} = usePortal({target: portalContainer.current})
return (
This content is rendered on the propper VDOM tree.
This content added at the end of the portalContainer element
<div ref={portalContainer} /> {/** <-- this is the container where the portal children will be rendered **/}
Open and Close
Portals can be opened and closed.
// Statefull (uncontrolled)
const Foo = props => {
const {Portal, open, close, isOpen} = usePortal()
return (
{!isOpen && <button onClick={open}>open</button>}
This is added at the end of the document.body
<button onClick={close}>close</button>
// Stateless (controlled)
const Foo = props => {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(true)
const {Portal} = usePortal()
return (
{!isOpen && <button onClick={() => setIsOpen(true)}>open</button>}
<Portal isOpen={isOpen}>
This is added at the end of the document.body
<button onClick={() => setIsOpen(false)}>close</button>