Imperative modal dialog helper for React
Show Dialog
Application flows involving modal dialogs can be challenging to build well in React. This library is an attempt to change that.
Modal dialogs are often shown in response to user interactions. For example: the user presses a "Delete project" button. We then show a "Are you sure?" dialog to confirm the user does in fact want to delete their project.
This sequence is trivial to write in an imperative style. One thing leads to the next. However React code is best written in a declarative style, and in my experience it's non-obvious how to do this whilst keeping the code reusable and readable.
Using Show Dialog
First we need to write a modal dialog component:
import { type RequiredDialogProps } from '@s-oram/show-dialog'
export const ConfirmDialog = ({
}: { message: string } & RequiredDialogProps) => {
return (
<button onClick={() => onModalResult('OK')}>OK</button>
<button onClick={() => onModalResult('Cancel')}>Cancel</button>
Then we need to use the dialog:
import { useShowDialog } from '@s-oram/show-dialog'
import { ConfirmDialog } from './ConfirmDialog'
import { deleteProjectAction } from './api'
export const ProjectSettings ({ projectId }: { projectId: string }) => {
const showDialog = useShowDialog()
const handleResult = (modalResult: string) => {
if (modalResult === 'OK') {
return (
<h1>Project Settings</h1>
onClick={() => {
showDialog(ConfirmDialog, handleResult, { message: 'Are you sure?'})
Delete project
Finally we need to add the <ShowDialogProvider/>
to our application:
import { ShowDialogProvider } from '@s-oram/show-dialog'
import { ProjectSettings } from './ProjectSettings'
export default function App() {
return (
<ProjectSettings />
Show Dialog is a headless UI library. It works equally well with any styling solution. It will also work with prebuilt dialog components found in UI component libraries.