Web component for searching and comparing prices for medicines
RxGo widget
This project includes a sample component using LitElement with JavaScript.
Add link to component bundle with Lit which located in dist folder, just put this code in the end of your body tag, as needed correct relative path to file
<script type="module" src="../dist/rxgo-widget.bundled.js"></script>
Add <rxgo-widget> tag in you markup.
This sample use modern-web.dev's @web/test-runner for testing. See the modern-web.dev testing documentation for more information.
Linting of JavaScript files is provided by
ESLint. In addition,
lit-analyzer is used to
type-check and lint lit-html templates with the same engine and rules as
lit-plugin. The rules are mostly the recommended rules from each project, but
some have been turned off to make LitElement usage easier. The recommended
rules are pretty strict, so you may want to relax them by editing
Prettier is used for
code formatting. It has been pre-configured according to the Lit's style. You
can change this in .prettierrc.json
. Prettier has not been configured to run
when commiting files, but this can be added with Husky and and pretty-quick
See the prettier.io site for instructions.
Scripts usage
npm start
Run RxGo widget web dev server.
npm test:dev
Run tests for component in Lit's development mode.
npm test:prod
Run tests for component against Lit's production mode.
npm run build:module
Create module package build in dist folder in component directory based on vite.config.js file .
npm run build:bundle
Create bundled version with Lit in bundle folder in component directory based on vite.bundled.config.js file .
npm run docs:build
Creates documentation static site build in public folder in root directory based on eleventy.js file .
Go to npmjs.com. Click on your profile picture and go to Access Tokens. Generate a new token with publish permissions.
Go to gitlab.com.
Click on Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables.
Update the version number:
npm version patch
Push new version to the main branch.
Or push directly to npm:
echo "//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=${NPM_TOKEN}" > .npmrc
npm publish --access public