React hooks and bindings for rx-controller
This package contains React and React-Native bindings and hooks for @rx-controller/core.
Table of Contents
To install the library just run the command
npm install @rx-controller/core @rx-controller/react
or if you are using yarn
yarn add @rx-controller/core @rx-controller/react
During development it occured to me that I cannot predict every possible usecase, so I decided to add strategies that are to be specified in the provider. When I say strategies, I mean the way the useController
hook works.
For example, if you are creating a vanilla React project the default strategy specified will suffice. But, if you are developing a React Native project using react-navigation the default strategy till not work since it doesn't respect the library's lifecycle methods. In order to use this library with react-navigation
you need to use the @rx-controller/react-navigation-plugin.
You can create your own strategies by creating a class that implements the Strategy
class like this.
import { Controller, ClassLike, Emitter, State } from "@rx-controller/core";
import { Strategy, UseControllerOptions, useStore } from "@rx-controller/react";
export class MyStrategy implements Strategy {
useController<TController extends Controller<any, any>>(
symbol: ClassLike<TController>,
options?: UseControllerOptions<TController>
): [State<TController>, TController] {
const {
// This options specifies wether or not to subcribe to the state
subscribe = true,
// This callback will be called when the component mounts
onMount = (controller: TController) => null,
// This callback will be called when the component unmounts
onUnmount = (controller: TController) => null,
// This callback listens for events emitted by the controller and handles them.
// The listener must return a callback that removes the listeners it added.
listener = (emitter: Emitter) => () => null,
// This callback specifies the condition which must be me in order to update the component
shouldUpdate = (prev: TState, next: TState) => true,
} = { ...options };
return [state, controller];
Configure your Project
To integrate this library to your React or React-Native project you first need to configure it to support decorators and metadata emition. For React I suggest you take a look at craco or if anyone has a better way I would love to hear it.
For React-Native you need to either create or modify your babel configuration to use the babel-plugin-transform-typescript-metadata plugin. Since they explain its installation and configuration in such length I suggest you take a look at their page.
In order to use the hooks provided by this library you need to wrap your application in the provider passing the store and strategy like this
// store.ts
import { Store } from "@rx-controller/core";
export const store = new Store(...);
// App.tsx
import { Provider as StoreProvider } from "@rx-controller/react";
import { store } from "store";
export default App() {
return (
<StoreProvider store={store}>
Then in every component inside the provider you can use all the hooks this library provides.