A continuation of the typedoc-storybook-theme package, which is no longer maintained.
TypeDoc theme to create technical documentation integrated within Storybook.
This theme will generate *.stories.mdx
files from your documentation and add the <Meta title='api reference/filename' />
tag to every file. In contrast to the original plugin it also generates a modules
folder containing the typescript modules.
The TypeDoc wiki for this project can be found on Gitlab pages.
You can install this package by running the following command.
npm install --save-dev @rwsdatalab/typedoc-storybook-theme
You will then need to change .storybook/main.ts
const storybookConfig: StorybookConfig = {
stories: [
+ "../docs/**/*.mdx",
+ "../docs/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|mjs|ts|tsx|svelte)",
You will also need to change your tsconfig.json
Please ensure that the name
and sourceLinkTemplate
options below are changed so that they reflect your own project.
"compilerOptions": {},
+ "typedocOptions": {
+ "name": "My project name",
+ "entryPointStrategy": "expand",
+ "entryPoints": [
+ "./src"
+ ],
+ "sourceLinkTemplate": "https://gitlab.com/organization/path/to/repository/-/blob/{gitRevision}/{path}#L{line}",
+ "readme": "./README.md",
+ "githubPages": false,
+ "exclude": [
+ "**/node_modules/**",
+ "./.eslintrc.cjs",
+ ]
+ },
typedoc --plugin @rwsdatalab/typedoc-storybook-theme"
Ensure that the docs are loaded by Storybook by adjusting the main.js
stories property.
Commandline arguments can be provided to the plugin to enable/disable or change certain plugin behaviours.
| argument name | description | default value |
| - | - | - |
| storybookPath
| The path under which the doc will be displayed in Storybook. E.g where it will display in the Storybook sidebar. | "api reference"
| hidePageTitle
| Hide the page title | false
| hideBreadcrumbs
| Hide the breadcrumbs at the top of the page | false
| hideInPageTOC
| Hide the table of contents | false
| objectLiteralTypeDeclarationStyle
| How to render type declarations. Can be "table"
or "list"
| "table"
Currently only typedoc > 0.25.0 is supported.