Realtime Web Suit is a web-component powered, MS FAST powered fullstack-oriented framework that you can use to create domain-agnostic modular asynchoronous components with intershared authorized states.
Realtime Web Suit client setup and configuration guide
Realtime Web Suit is a web-component powered, MS FAST powered fullstack-oriented framework that you can use to create domain-agnostic modular asynchoronous components with intershared authorized states.
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Key Components: RWSClient & RoutingService
- Component Initialization
- DI
- Frontend routes
- Backend Imports
- Utilizing APIService
- Notifier
- Service Worker
- Example: WebChat Component
- Other configs
- Plugins
- Links
The RWS Frontend Framework is designed to create dynamic and responsive web applications. It integrates seamlessly with the backend and provides a robust set of tools for developing comprehensive web solutions.
Getting Started
To get started with the RWS Frontend Framework, ensure you have the necessary environment set up, including Node.js and any other dependencies specific to the framework.
from your project dir do:
Initiate cfg files and webpack build:
rws-client init
to install once and then to build after preparing components:
yarn build
or to watch for dev
yarn watch
or to just start server
yarn server
then start engine in the site javascript (can be inline):
window.RWS.client.start(CFG); // it is async function
or for initial setup then start on certain event (example)
window.RWS.client.setup(CFG).then(() => { // it is async function
$.on('loaded', function(data){
const optionalNewCfg = { backendRoutes: data.backendRoutes };
default config for RWS:
//Build configs
dev: false,
hot: false,
report: false,
publicDir: './public',
publicIndex: 'index.html',
outputFileName: 'client.rws.js',
outputDir: process.cwd() + '/build',
//Frontend RWS client configs
backendUrl: null,
wsUrl: null,
partedDirUrlPrefix: '/lib/rws',
partedPrefix: 'rws',
pubUrlFilePrefix: '/',
//Universal configs
transports: ['websocket'],
parted: false,
The options description:
| Option | Description | Default | |--------------|-----------------|---------------| | backendUrl | Url for backend integration (API calls) | null | | wsUrl | Url for backend integration (Websocket calls) | null | | backendRoutes | Backend routes object imported from backend node for integration with API calls | null | | apiPrefix | Prefix for API calls | / | | routes | Routes for frontend routing | {} | | transports | Websockets transports method | ['websockets'] | | user | User object for backend auth / frontend data source | null | | ignoreRWSComponents | Do not declare base RWS components (uploader, progress) | false | | pubUrlFilePrefix | the url for accessing files from browser URL | / | | pubUrl | the url for accessing public dir from browser URL | / | | outputDir | build dir | ./build | | outputFileName | output file name | rws.client.js | | publicDir | public dir for HTML serving | ./public | | tsConfigPath | tsconfig.json path | ./tsconfig.njson | | entry | default TS entry for transpilation | ./src/index.ts | | parted | "Parted" mode if enabled. "Monolith" if disabled. Parted mode outputs every component as separate js file and asynchronously adds them to browser. Monolith is single file js build. | false | | partedPrefix | parted file prefix ([prefix].[cmp name].js) | rws | | partedDirUrlPrefix | URL for generated js parted files directory | / | | copyAssets | An option for defining structure that will be copied after build | {} |
copyAssets example
"copyAssets": {
"./public/js/": [ // target directory
"./build/", // copy this directory to target
"./src/styles/compiled/main.css" //copy this file to target
The FRONT config TS interface:
interface IRWSConfig {
defaultLayout?: typeof RWSViewComponent
backendUrl?: string
wsUrl?: string
backendRoutes?: any[]
apiPrefix?: string
routes?: IFrontRoutes
transports?: string[]
user?: any
ignoreRWSComponents?: boolean
pubUrl?: string
pubUrlFilePrefix?: string
partedDirUrlPrefix?: string
dontPushToSW?: boolean
parted?: boolean
partedFileDir?: string
partedPrefix?: string
routing_enabled?: boolean
_noLoad?: boolean
The FRONT webpack config:
const path = require('path');
const RWSWebpackWrapper = require('@rws-framework/client/rws.webpack.config');
const executionDir = process.cwd();
module.exports = RWSWebpackWrapper({
tsConfigPath: executionDir + '/tsconfig.json',
entry: `${executionDir}/src/index.ts`,
publicDir: path.resolve(executionDir, 'public'),
outputDir: path.resolve(executionDir, 'build'),
outputFileName: 'jtrainer.client.js'
Key Components
is the heart of the framework, managing configuration and initialization. It sets up routes, backend connections, and other essential framework services.
handles the navigation and routing within your application. It ensures that URL changes reflect the correct component rendering.
Depreciation Notice
RoutingService will be moved to @rws-framework/browser-router near future
handles Websockets messenging to the backend.
Depreciation Notice WSService will be moved to @rws-framework/nest-interconnectors in near future
handles API requests to the backend.
Implementing the Framework
Main File:
The main file (index.ts
) is where you initialize the RWSClient. Here, you configure your routes, backend routes, and component initializations.
Following is example of full usage of the framework
async function initializeApp() {
const theClient = RWSContainer().get(RWSClient);
theClient.onInit(async () => {
// For single file output:
initComponents(theClient.appConfig.get('parted')); // start components for monolith mode
theClient.defineComponents(); // start RWS conponents
//custom outside components registering
// Service worker code
// const swFilePath: string = `${theClient.appConfig.get('pubUrl')}/service_worker.js`;
// await theClient.swService.registerServiceWorker();
// theClient.pushUserToServiceWorker({...theClient.getUser(), instructor: false});
theClient.setNotifier((message: string, logType: NotifyLogType, uiType: NotifyUiType = 'notification', onConfirm: (params: any) => void, notifierOptions: any = {}) => {
case 'notification':
let notifType = 'success';
if(logType === 'error'){
notifType = 'error';
if(logType === 'warning'){
notifType = 'warning';
return alertify.notify(message, notifType, 5, onConfirm);
case 'alert':
const alertObj = alertify.alert('Junction AI Notification', message, onConfirm);
Object.keys(notifierOptions).forEach(key => {
const optionValue = notifierOptions[key];
if(key === 'width'){
alertObj.elements.dialog.style = `max-width: ${optionValue};`;
alertObj.set(key, optionValue);
return alertObj;
case 'silent':
if(logType == 'warning'){
}else if(logType == 'error'){
Component Initialization
In application/_initComponents.ts
, you initialize the custom components used in your application. If components added in here will include other components they dont need to be listed here. A component imported in this mode needs to be imported once.
This should be conditioned not to execute imported code when using parted mode.
Default component structure
WARNING All html templates refer to variable "T" as to FASTElement templating html scope. It contains all the functions FAST templates uses in html. F.e: T.html, T.when, T.repeat
<div class="convo-area-wrap">
<div class="header-inner"></div>
${T.when(x => x.noChoose === 'false', (item, index) => T.html`<div>
<chat-convo-models :chosenModel="${x => x.chosenModel}"></chat-convo-models>
<h2>${ x => x.chatContext ? x.chatContext.label : 'loading...' }</h2>
<h3><strong>${ x => x.messageList.length }</strong> messages in total</h3>
<div class="scroll-area">
<div class="scroll-content">
${T.repeat(x => x.messageList, (item, index) => T.html`
<chat-convo-message :contentReturn="${item => item}" :item="${item => item}"/>
${T.when(x => !x.messageList.length, (item, index) => T.html`
<p class="no-chat">No messages</p>
Only if parted mode is false.
import { ChatNav } from '../components/chat-nav/component';
import { DefaultLayout } from '../components/default-layout/component';
import { RWSIcon } from '../components/rws-icon/component';
import { LineSplitter } from '../components/line-splitter/component';
import { WebChat } from '../components/webchat/component';
export default (partedMode: boolean = false) => {
RWS Decorators
Component needs to extend RWSViewComponent and use @RWSView decorator:
import { RWSViewComponent, RWSView, observable, attr } from '@rws-framework/client';
const options?: RWSDecoratorOptions;
@RWSView('tag-name', options)
class WebChat extends RWSViewComponent {
@attr tagAttr: string; //HTML tag attr
@ngAttr fromNgAttr: string; //HTML attr from angular template
@externalAttr fromExAttr: string; //HTML attr with change observation
@sanitizedAttr htmlAttr: string; //HTML attr that's sanitized with every val change
@observable someVar: any; //Var for templates/value change observation
@externalObservable someExVar: string; //Var for templates/value change observation with external watch
The decorator options type:
interface RWSDecoratorOptions{
template?: string, //relative path to HTML template file (default: ./template.html)
styles?: string //relative path to SCSS file (./styles/layout.scss)
fastElementOptions?: any //the stuff you would insert into static definition in FASTElement class.
Dependency Injection
Default service usage:
import { RWSViewComponent, RWSView } from 'rws-js-client';
class YourComponent extends RWSViewComponent {
someMethod(url: string): void
A default service can be used in legacy like this:
Default services: https://github.com/papablack/rws-client/blob/7d16d9c6d83c81c9fe470eb0f507756bc6c71b35/src/components/_component.ts#L58
Custom service usage:
import {
RWSView, RWSViewComponent, RWSInject,
DateService, DateServiceInstance
} from 'rws-js-client';
import DateService, {DateServiceInstance} from '../../my-custom-services/DateService';
class YourComponent extends RWSViewComponent {
//usage in props:
private @RWSInject(ServiceFASTDIPointer) serviceProperty: ServiceClassType;
//usage in constructor:
private @RWSInject(DateService) protected dateService: DateServiceInstance
) {
someMethod(url: string): void
Custom service needs to export .getSingleton() as default export and have service class exported as classic export for TS typing:
import { RWSService } from '@rws-framework/client';
class DateService extends RWSService {
static _IN_CLIENT: boolean = true //If set engine will let legacy use the service through RWSClient.get method
export default DateService.getSingleton(); // Fast DI service pointer (it points to instanced service in DI container)
export { DateService as DateServiceInstance }; // the custom service class type
Custom service for legacy
If service has static _IN_CLIENT set for true you can use it like this:
Frontend routes
if you are passing routes this is example routing file for frontend:
export default {
'/': renderRouteComponent('Home page', WebChat),
'/the/path': renderRouteComponent('Component title', ComponentClassName),
Router tag:
Backend Imports
consolidates various backend interfaces, routes, and models, allowing for a synchronized frontend and backend from package https://github.com/papablack/rws
import IBook from '../../backend/src/models/interfaces/IBook';
import {
} from '../../backend/src/interfaces/IBookInfo';
import backendRoutes from '../../backend/src/routing/routes';
export {
import { backendRoutes} from '../../backendImport';
const theClient = new RWSClient();
Utilizing APIService
is used for making HTTP requests to the backend. It simplifies the process of interacting with your API endpoints.
after control method we have dynamic types those are: <ResponseType, PayloadType>
Example Usage by controller route
const apiPromise: Promise<ITalkApiResponse> = this.apiService.back.post<ITalkApiResponse, IApiTalkPayload>('talk:models:prompt', {
message: msg,
model: this.chosenModel,
Example Usage by url
const apiPromise: Promise<ITalkApiResponse> = this.apiService.post<ITalkApiResponse, IApiTalkPayload>('/api/path/to/action', {
message: msg,
model: this.chosenModel,
The Notifier feature in the RWS Client is a versatile tool for handling notifications within the application. It allows for different types of user interface interactions like alerts, notifications, and silent logging, with varying levels of visibility and user interaction. Usage
Setting the Notifier
theClient.setNotifier((message: string, logType: NotifyLogType, uiType: NotifyUiType = 'notification', onConfirm: (params: any) => void) => {
// Implementation based on uiType
This function allows setting a custom notifier in the RWS Client. It handles the logic based on uiType
Alert, Notify, and Silent
- alert: Displays an alert dialog with the message.
- notify: Shows a notification with the message.
- silent: Silently logs the message to the console.
Each method can be configured with a message
, logType
, and an optional onConfirm
callback function.
Ensure that a notifier is set in the RWS Client to use the NotifyService
effectively. If no notifier is set, it will default to a warning in the console.
Service Worker
If you pass {serviceWorker: 'service_worker_class_path.ts'}
to RWS Webpack wrapper function param, the code will build ServiceWorker to pubDir.
example ServiceWorker class:
import SWService, { ServiceWorkerServiceInstance } from '@rws-framework/client/src/services/ServiceWorkerService'
import {TimeTracker} from '../services/TimeTrackerService';
import RWSServiceWorker from '@rws-framework/client/src/service_worker/src/_service_worker';
import { RWSWSService as WSService } from '@rws-framework/client/src/services/WSService'
declare const self: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope;
class MyServiceWorker extends RWSServiceWorker {
public tracker: { currentTracker: TimeTracker | null };
public trackersToSync: TimeTracker[];
protected regExTypes: { [key: string]: RegExp } = {
SOME_VIEW: new RegExp('.*:\\/\\/.*\\/#\\/([a-z0-9].*)\\/route\\/action$')
ignoredUrls = [
new RegExp('(.*(?=.[^.]*$).*)/#/login'),
new RegExp('(.*(?=.[^.]*$).*)/#/logout'),
super(self, RWSContainer());
checkForbidden(url: string): boolean {
if (!url) {
return true;
console.log('[SW] Check forbidden', url);
return this.ignoredUrls.some((item) => url.match(item));
isExtraType(id: string){
let result: string | null = null;
const _self = this;
if(result === null && _self.regExTypes[key].exec(id) !== null){
result = key;
return result;
startServiceWorker(regExTypes: { [key: string]: RegExp }, forbiddenUrls: RegExp[]): JunctionServiceWorker
this.tracker = { currentTracker: null };
this.ignoredUrls = forbiddenUrls;
this.trackersToSync = [];
this.regExTypes = regExTypes;
return this;
async onInit(): Promise<void>
const _self: JunctionServiceWorker = this;
let THE_USER: IJunctionUser | null = null;
const toSync: TimeTracker[] = [];
let WS_URL: string | null;
console.log('Initiating ServiceWorker');
this.workerScope.addEventListener('message', (event: MSGEvent) => {
// console.log(event);
console.warn('[SW] Got empty message');
if (event.data.command){
console.log('[SW] OP Message:', event.data.command);
switch (event.data.command) {
case 'SET_WS_URL':
WS_URL = event.data.params.url;
case 'SET_USER':
THE_USER = event.data.params;
_self.checkWs(WS_URL, this.getUser());
_self.checkWs(WS_URL, this.getUser());
if(!this.wsService.socket() && this.getUser()){
_self.trackActivity(event.data.asset_type, event.data.params.page_location, event.data.params, toSync);
const { clientId, tracker } = event.data.params;
_self.sendMessageToClient(clientId, { message: 'TRACKER_SAVED_RESPONSE', data: tracker });
async onActivate(): Promise<void>
console.log('Activated ServiceWorker');
this.startServiceWorker(this.regExTypes, this.ignoredUrls);
private checkWs(WS_URL: string, THE_USER: IJunctionUser): boolean
if(!this.wsService.socket() && WS_URL){
this.wsService.init(WS_URL, THE_USER);
return true;
return false;
We point to this file in webpack / .rws.json "service_worker" option
Example: WebChat Component
The WebChat component demonstrates a practical use of APIService
in a real-world scenario. It shows how to send and receive data from the backend.
WebChat Component Implementation
import { RWSViewComponent, ApiService, NotifyService, RWSView, WSService } from '@rws-framework/client';
import { observable, css } from '@microsoft/fast-element';
import './children/convo-footer/component';
import WebChatEvents from './events';
import { IContext } from './children/left-bar/component';
import { IMessage } from '../chat-message/component';
import { ITalkApiResponse, BedrockBaseModel, IHyperParameter,
class WebChat extends RWSViewComponent {
static fileList: string[] = [
@observable messages: IMessage[] = [];
@observable hyperParameters: { key: string, value: any } | any = {};
@observable bookId: string = null;
@observable chapterNr: string = null;
@observable chosenModel: BedrockBaseModel = null;
@observable chatContext: IContext = { label: 'Book chat' };
@observable bookModel: IBook = null;
@observable minified: boolean = true;
@ngAttr custombookid: string = null;
@ngAttr customchapternr: string = null;
@observable customTemperature: number = 0.7;
@observable customTopK: number = 250;
@observable customMaxTokensToSample: number = 1024;
@observable customTopP: number = 0.7;
@ngAttr hTemperature?: string = '0.7';
@ngAttr hTopK?: string = '250';
@ngAttr hMaxTokensToSample?: string = '1024';
@ngAttr hTopP?: string = '0.7';
@observable convoId: string;
@observable wsId: string;
@ngAttr dev: PseudoBool = 'false';
@ngAttr opened: PseudoBool = 'false';
@ngAttr userImage: string | null = null;
@ngAttr initials: string | null = 'U';
handlers: (this: WebChat) => IWebChatHandlers = assignHandlers;
streamCall: (msg: IMessage) => Promise<void> = callStreamApi;
getDefaultHyperParams = getDefaultParams;
setHyperParam = setHyperParam;
public msgOptions: IConvoMsgOptions = {
headerEnabled: false,
dateEnabled: false
connectedCallback() {
if (this.routeParams?.dev || this.dev === 'true') {
this.dev = 'true';
} else {
this.dev = 'false';
this.chosenModel = ClaudeModel;
const provider = this.chosenModel?.providerName?.toLowerCase() || null;
const defParams = this.getDefaultHyperParams(provider);
const defaultParams: { [key: string]: any } = {};
Object.keys(defParams).forEach(paramKey => {
if (defParams[paramKey]) {
defaultParams[paramKey] = this.setHyperParam(paramKey, defParams[paramKey]);
this.hyperParameters = { ...defaultParams, ...this.hyperParameters };
this.wsId = uuid();
this.on<{ item: IMessage }>(WebChatEvents.message.send, (event: CustomEvent<{ item: IMessage }>) => {
if (this.routeParams?.opened || this.opened === 'true') {
this.minified = false;
if (this.hTemperature) {
this.hHandlers.hTemperature(null, this.hTemperature);
if (this.hMaxTokensToSample) {
this.hHandlers.hMaxTokensToSample(null, this.hMaxTokensToSample);
if (this.hTopK) {
this.hHandlers.hTopK(null, this.hTopK);
if (this.hTopP) {
this.hHandlers.hTopP(null, this.hTopP);
checkForBookId() {
this.bookId = this.routeParams.bookId || this.custombookid || null;
if (this.bookId) {
this.apiService.back.get<IBook>('train:get:book', { routeParams: { bookId: this.bookId } }).then((data: IBook) => {
this.bookModel = data;
checkForBookChapter() {
this.chapterNr = this.routeParams.chapterNr || this.customchapternr || null;
custombookidChanged(oldVal: string, newVal: string) {
if (newVal) {
this.custombookid = newVal;
} else {
this.custombookid = null;
customchapternrChanged(oldVal: string, newVal: string) {
if (newVal) {
this.customchapternr = newVal;
} else {
this.customchapternr = null;
devChanged(oldVal: string, newVal: string) {
if (oldVal !== newVal) {
this.dev = newVal === 'true' ? 'true' : 'false';
hHandlers: IHyperHandler = getParamChangeHandlers.bind(this)();
hTemperatureChanged: ChangeHandlerType<string> = this.hHandlers.hTemperature;
hMaxTokensToSampleChanged: ChangeHandlerType<string> = this.hHandlers.hMaxTokensToSample;
hTopKChanged: ChangeHandlerType<string> = this.hHandlers.hTopK;
hTopPChanged: ChangeHandlerType<string> = this.hHandlers.hTopP;
userImageChanged(oldVal: string, newVal: string) {
if (newVal && oldVal !== newVal) {
this.userImage = newVal;
initialsChanged(oldVal: string, newVal: string) {
if (newVal && oldVal !== newVal) {
this.initials = newVal;
convoIdChanged(oldVal: string, newVal: string) {
if (newVal && oldVal !== newVal) {
this.convoId = newVal;
export { WebChat, IContext };
Controller route
The route ApiService.back.get|post|put|delete methods can be found in backend controllers:
@Route('talk:models:prompt', 'POST')
public async modelTalkAction(params: IRequestParams): Promise<ITalkApiResponse>
// (...)
and src/config/config
const http_routes = [
prefix: '/prefix',
routes: [
name: 'action:route:name',
path: '/path/to/action'
name: 'action:route:name',
path: '/path/to/action'
name: 'home:index',
path: '/*', //if no routes detected pass request to frontend
noParams: true, //do not read params from the request leave it to the front
Socket route
Socket route from
WSService.sendMessage<PayloadType>('send_msg', {
modelId: this.chosenModel.modelId,
prompt: msg.content
are defined in backend/src/config/config
const ws_routes = {
'send_msg' : ChatSocket,
'process_book' : TrainSocket,
Other configs
example tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "../",
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"target": "ES2018",
"module": "es2022",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"strict": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"outDir": "dist",
"strictNullChecks": false,
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"lib": ["DOM", "ESNext", "WebWorker"],
"paths": {
"include": [
"../node_modules/@rws-framework/client/declarations.d.ts", //TEMPORARILY NEEDED TO WORK
"exclude": [
Remember to have lib field set in tsconfig.json
"lib": ["DOM", "ESNext"]
Plugin system
- https://www.fast.design/docs/fast-element/getting-started ( Base FAST documentation, mostly valid not considering passing styles and templates as RWS handles it with Webpack loaders )
- https://www.webcomponents.org (open-source WebComponents repository)