Rubin Observatory Education & Public Outreach team React scientific and educational widgets.
React widgets for Rubin Observatory Education & Public Outreach projects
Install from npm.
yarn add @rubin-epo/epo-widget-lib
EPO React Library has 5 peer dependencies required to pull it in to your application.
yarn add react react-dom styled-components i18next react-i18next
After installing the package library, the global styles from epo-react-lib
will need to be added to your application
import { GlobalStyles } from "@rubin-epo/epo-react-lib/styles";
### Translations
Import `localeStrings` from `@rubin-epo/epo-widget-lib`, it contains individual locales that can be added to your project's i18next setup.
## Build
### Vite
This project uses Vite in library mode to package the contents of `/packages/epo-widget-lib/src` into modules located in `/packages/epo-widget-lib/dist/epo-widget-lib.[es|umd].js` and TypeScript typings in `/packages/epo-widget-lib/dist/index.d.ts`
To build from source:
cd packages/epo-widget-lib yarn yarn build # production build
yarn dev # development server
### Storybook
Storybook is used to create an interactive display of the components in the EPO React Library.
Stories from component folders following the `\*\*.stories.[t|j]sx will be included in the Storybook bundle.
To run Storybook:
yarn build yarn storybook
## Test
Each component in EPO Widget Library contains a Jest unit test. Tests should be co-located with component code and their stories and follow the `**.test.[t|j]sx` naming format.
yarn test
yarn test:generate-output # will save to .jest-test-results.json for Storybook
To add a unit test to it's Storybook page add the filename of the unit test to the `parameters` property of the story
export const Primary: ComponentStoryObj = { args: { disabled: false, children: "Hello", }, parameters: { jest: "DemoButton.test.tsx", }, };