The RPS Lotto SDK is a react package that makes it easy to gamify dApps.
📦 rps-labs/lotto-sdk
The RPS Lotto SDK is a react package that makes it easy to gamify dApps.
Effortlessly incorporate engaging and interactive gamification elements into your dApps without the need to start from scratch. Our prebuilt React components offer a variety of features, including Pot Widget, Past Winners, Leaderboard, Activities, and Modals. By using our SDK, you not only save valuable development time but also ensure a rich, and immersive experience for your users.
Follow us @rps_labs or visit rpslabs.io
🚧 Under active development. Expect breaking changes until v1.0.0.
🏃 Getting started
npm install rps-labs/lotto-sdk
yarn add rps-labs/lotto-sdk
pnpm install rps-labs/lotto-sdk
For detailed documentation on using RPS Lotto SDK, check our docs