React Hook for a simple pagination
A simple hook to paginate any dataset in JavaScript (TypeScript)
I missed a very simple hook that would make pagination from any collection in JavaScript. This library is not about styling but more about the controls that can be used with any library and adjusted to your needs. Personally, I used styled-components which I highly recommend, but you can use whatever you want
npm i @rpodwika/use-paginator
or yarn add @rpodwika/use-paginator
Sample code:
import React from "react";
import { usePaginator } from '@rpodwika/use-paginator'
const data = [
{ id: 1, anything: 'a'},
{ id: 2, anything: 'b'},
{ id: 3, anything: 'c'},
{ id: 4, anything: 'd'},
{ id: 5, anything: 'e'}
const pageSize = 2
const Component = () => {
const {
currentPage, // contains current page number
setCurrentPage, // sets a page (for example when someone clicks on a button with page number)
pageItems, // page items to display
totalPages, // total number of pages
nextPage, // function to move to the next page
prevPage // function to move to the previous page
} = usePaginator(data, pageSize)
return (
{pageItems.map(pi => <div id={`paged-element-${pi.id}`}>{pi.anything}</div>)}
<div onClick={nextPage}>go to the next page</div>
<div onClick={prevPage}>go to the previous page</div>
{Array.from({ length: totalPages }, (_, i) => i + 1).map((p) => (
onClick={() => setCurrentPage(p)}
data-is-active={p === currentPage}
Async calls, in case "data" prop changes you'll need to use useEffect function
useEffect(() => {
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [data])
Eslint exhaustive deps is needed because function reference is passed. Probably, in the next major version I'll make it work with references to make it more friendly
If you want to contribute, please open a pull request
If you found an issue, please create a ticket
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