Add task based commands to simplify the webdriverio api,compatible with v7
##Newest Features: Updated for module compatibility with webdriver 8
Update to async mode in webdriverio
-- may get some tsc warnings
Update typescript types for webdriverio 7.25
Remove moment.js
Typescript package which provides aggregated webdriver.io commands to perform complex actions This package adds the following commands to the WebDriverIO Element:
setCheckBox: (state: boolean) => Element;
isDisplayedWithin: (timeout: undefined | number) => boolean;
waitForExistAndClick: (timeout: undefined | number) => Element;
waitForDisplayedAndClick: (timeout: undefined | number) => Element;
waitForExistAndSetValue: (value: string, timeout: undefined | number) => Element;
waitForExistAndSelectByValue: (value: string, timeout: undefined | number) => Element;
waitForDisplayedAndSetValue: (timeout: undefined | number) => Element;
waitForNotExist: (timeout: undefined | number) => Element;
waitForNotDisplayed: (timeout: undefined | number) => Element;
waitUntilTextBecomes(text:string|RegExp , timeout?: number| undefined): boolean
to use add to wdio.conf.js:
import commands from "@rpii/wdio-commands" ;
add to the before hook:
commands.addCommands(browser) ;
in a page object:
$("//button[@id='submit-button']").waitForVisibleAndClick(2000) ;
The default Wait Time is 10 seconds if the timeout is omitted