Hexadecimal color code & RGBa utility functions
Tiny, useful color functions.
This work is public domain (LICENSE), so feel free to use whatever you like.
npm i --save @rpearce/hex
This library's compilation target is ES2022
, but it only uses features from
and below. If you find you need to support older environments, run this
project through your build system.
import { rgbaToHex } from '@rpearce/hex'
rgbaToHex([]) // '#000000ff'
rgbaToHex([ 120, 55, 168 ]) // '#7837a8ff'
rgbaToHex([ 120, 55, 168, 1 ]) // '#7837a8ff'
rgbaToHex([ 120, 55, 168, 0.5 ]) // '#7837a87f'
rgbaToHex([ 120, 55, 168, 0 ]) // '#7837a800'
Blend together two R, G or B (red, green or blue) color numbers.
interface Blend {
(x: number, y: number, n?: number): number
import { blend } from '@rpearce/hex'
blend(120, 255, 0) // 120
blend(120, 255, 1) // 255
blend(120, 255, 0.7) // 223
blend(120, 0, 0.7) // 66
blend(120, 127, 0.5) // 124
Blend together two alpha values.
interface BlendAlpha {
(x: number, y: number, n?: number): number
import { blendAlpha } from '@rpearce/hex'
blendAlpha(0.1, 0.9, 0) // 0.1
blendAlpha(0.1, 0.9, 1) // 0.9
blendAlpha(0.1, 1, 0.7) // 0.73
blendAlpha(0.4, 0, 0.7) // 0.12
blendAlpha(0, 0.5, 0.5) // 0.25
blendAlpha(0, 1, 0.5) // 0.5
Blend two hexadecimal color values together, shifting from one color to the next
via a fraction between 0
and 1
. Hexadecimal equivalent to rgbaCssBlend
interface HexBlend {
(hexA: string, hexB: string, n: number): string
import { hexBlend } from '@rpearce/hex'
hexBlend('#7837A8', '#FFF', 0) // '#7837a8'
hexBlend('#7837A8', '#FFF', 1) // '#ffffff'
hexBlend('#7837A8', '#FFF', 0.7) // '#dfd7e8'
hexBlend('#7837A8', '#000', 0.7) // '#421e5c'
hexBlend('#7837A8', '#ff6602', 0.5) // '#c75277'
hexBlend('#7837A880', '#FFF', 0.7) // '#dfd7e8d8'
Convert hexadecimal color codes to an array of RGBa values.
interface HexToRgba {
(hex: string): [number, number, number, number]
import { hexToRgba } from '@rpearce/hex'
// hex-8
hexToRgba('0099ff80') // [ 0, 153, 255, 0.5 ]
hexToRgba('#0099ff80') // [ 0, 153, 255, 0.5 ]
// hex-6
hexToRgba('0099ff') // [ 0, 153, 255, 1 ]
hexToRgba('#0099ff') // [ 0, 153, 255, 1 ]
// hex-4
hexToRgba('09f9') // [ 0, 153, 255, 0.6 ]
hexToRgba('#09f9') // [ 0, 153, 255, 0.6 ]
// hex-3
hexToRgba('09f') // [ 0, 153, 255, 1 ]
hexToRgba('#09f') // [ 0, 153, 255, 1 ]
Convert hexadecimal color codes to rgba()
interface HexToRgbaCss {
(hex: string, alpha?: number): string
import { hexToRgbaCss } from '@rpearce/hex'
// hex-8
hexToRgbaCss('0099ff80') // 'rgba(0,153,255,0.5)'
hexToRgbaCss('#0099ff80') // 'rgba(0,153,255,0.5)'
hexToRgbaCss('#0099ff80', 0.3) // 'rgba(0,153,255,0.3)'
// hex-6
hexToRgbaCss('0099ff') // 'rgba(0,153,255,1)'
hexToRgbaCss('#0099ff') // 'rgba(0,153,255,1)'
hexToRgbaCss('#0099ff', 0.2) // 'rgba(0,153,255,0.2)'
// hex-4
hexToRgbaCss('09f9') // 'rgba(0,153,255,0.6)'
hexToRgbaCss('#09f9') // 'rgba(0,153,255,0.6)'
hexToRgbaCss('#09f9', 0.12) // 'rgba(0,153,255,0.12)'
// hex-3
hexToRgbaCss('09f') // 'rgba(0,153,255,1)'
hexToRgbaCss('#09f') // 'rgba(0,153,255,1)'
hexToRgbaCss('#09f', 0.45) // 'rgba(0,153,255,0.45)'
Parse various forms of hexadecimal colors.
interface Parse {
(hex?: string): string
import { parse } from '@rpearce/hex'
// hex-8
parse('0099ff80') // '0099ff80'
parse('#0099ff80') // '0099ff80'
// hex-6
parse('0099ff') // '0099ff'
parse('#0099ff') // '0099ff'
// hex-4
parse('09f8') // '0099ff88'
parse('#09f8') // '0099ff88'
// hex-3
parse('09f') // '0099ff'
parse('#09f') // '0099ff'
interface ParseRgba {
(rgba?: string): [number, number, number, number]
import { parseRgba } from '@rpearce/hex'
parseRgba('') // [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
parseRgba('rgb(120, 55, 168)') // [ 120, 55, 168, 1 ]
parseRgba('rgba(120, 55, 168, 1)') // [ 120, 55, 168, 1 ]
parseRgba('rgba(120, 55, 168, 0.3)') // [ 120, 55, 168, 0.3 ]
Blend two rgba()
color values together, shifting from one color to the next
via a fraction between 0
and 1
. RGBa equivalent to hexBlend
interface RgbaCssBlend {
(rgbaA: string, rgbaB: string, alpha: number): string
import { rgbaCssBlend } from '@rpearce/hex'
rgbaCssBlend('rgba(120, 55, 168, 1)', 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)', 0.7) // 'rgba(223,215,232,1)'
rgbaCssBlend('rgba(120, 55, 168, 1)', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)', 0.7) // 'rgba(66,30,92,1)'
rgbaCssBlend('rgba(120, 55, 168, 1)', 'rgba(255, 102, 2, 1)', 0.5) // 'rgba(199,82,119,1)'
Convert rgba()
to hexadecimal.
interface RgbaCssToHex {
(rgba?: string): string
import { rgbaCssToHex } from '@rpearce/hex'
rgbaCssToHex('') // '#000000ff'
rgbaCssToHex('rgba(120, 55, 168, 1)') // '#7837a8ff'
rgbaCssToHex('rgba(120, 55, 168, 0.5)') // '#7837a87f'
rgbaCssToHex('rgba(120, 55, 168, 0.3)') // '#7837a84c'
Convert an array of RGBa values to hexadecimal.
interface RgbaToHex {
(rgba?: [number?, number?, number?, number?] | []): string
import { rgbaToHex } from '@rpearce/hex'
rgbaToHex([]) // '#000000ff'
rgbaToHex([ 120, 55, 168 ]) // '#7837a8ff'
rgbaToHex([ 120, 55, 168, 1 ]) // '#7837a8ff'
rgbaToHex([ 120, 55, 168, 0.5 ]) // '#7837a87f'
rgbaToHex([ 120, 55, 168, 0 ]) // '#7837a800'
Convert an array of RGBa values to rgba()
interface RgbaToRgbaCss {
(rgba?: [number?, number?, number?, number?] | []): string
import { rgbaToRgbaCss } from '@rpearce/hex'
rgbaToRgbaCss([]) // 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'
rgbaToRgbaCss([ 120, 55, 168 ]) // 'rgba(120,55,168,1)'
rgbaToRgbaCss([ 120, 55, 168, 1 ]) // 'rgba(120,55,168,1)'
rgbaToRgbaCss([ 120, 55, 168, 0.3 ]) // 'rgba(120,55,168,0.3)'
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!