[N]ode.js [R]edis [Q]ueue. Work with CLI / required module / npx
nrq: [N]ode.js [R]edis [Q]ueue. Work with CLI / required module / npx. Rebrand from [@royalgarter/r-queue]
NPX Mode. One-shot without Installing
Details at CLI Mode with replacing "nrq" to "npx -y nrq"
npx -y nrq --help
NodeJS Module
const redis = require('redis').createClient(process.env.REDIS_URL);
const nrq = require('nrq').create({
options: {
debug: true,
const event = new EventEmitter();
const resume = nrq.listen(QUEUE, {keepAlive:true, pause: true}, (e, task) => {
if (e) return event.emit('error', e);
event.emit('task', task);
event.on('error', console.log);
event.on('done', (task) => nrq.del(QUEUE, task._tid, (e, r) => console.log('task.deleted', e, r)));
nrq.push(QUEUE, {data: 'a simple data'}, (e, r) => console.log('pushed', e, r));
CLI Mode & Lazy Documentation
Usage: task [options]
-e, --execute Run as CLI-EXECUTE mode
-d, --debug DEBUG mode
-n, --enclosure ENCLOSURE mode
-c, --cmd <cmd> Command to execute
-r, --redis <redis> Redis connection string
-q, --queue <queue> Queue name
-p, --prefix <prefix> Prefix name
-v, --var <var> Rest variables according to command (default: [])
-h, --help display help for command
Commands (-c):
* push: (cli, qs, tsk, cb){// Push task to queue. The callback is returned with task id (_tid) >[ID, WAIT]
* pull: (cli, q, cb){// Standard pulling task from WAIT queue and push to WORK queue. The task should be deleted when finished
* cpull: (cli, q, cb){// Circular pulling task from WAIT and repush to WAIT
* ppull: (cli, qs, cb){// Pulling task from many queues as once
* lpull: (cli, q, t={times:30, interval:1e3}, cb){// Long pulling from queue with retry option
* fpull: (cli, q, ms=1e3, cb){// Return a stop function & setup forever pulling task from queue until pulled or the returned stop function is called
* listen: (cli, q, o={keepAlive:true, interval:1e3, pause:false}, cb){// Listen on specific queue and callback whenever received a task
* len: (cli, qs, cb){// Get total tasks in queue >[WAIT, WORK]
* del: (cli, qs, tid, cb){// Delete specific task by ID when you finish it >[TASK, WAIT, WORK]
* state: (cli, qs, tid, cb){// Check the state of task by ID >[WAITING, WORKING]
* reset: (cli, qs, tid, cb){// Reset specific task by ID in queue to WAIT >[WAIT, WORK, ID]
* resetAll: (cli, qs, cb){// Reset all tasks in specific queue to WAIT
* flush: (cli, qs, cb){// Flush all tasks in specific queue (both WAIT & WORK)
* status: (cli, cb){// Get status of every queues
* wipe: (cli, wildcard, cb){// Wipe all queues & data
* pushAsync: fn(...args) { // return Promise
* pullAsync: fn(...args) { // return Promise
* cpullAsync: fn(...args) { // return Promise
* ppullAsync: fn(...args) { // return Promise
* lpullAsync: fn(...args) { // return Promise
* fpullAsync: fn(...args) { // return Promise
* listenAsync: fn(...args) { // return Promise
* lenAsync: fn(...args) { // return Promise
* delAsync: fn(...args) { // return Promise
* stateAsync: fn(...args) { // return Promise
* flushAsync: fn(...args) { // return Promise
* statusAsync: fn(...args) { // return Promise
* wipeAsync: fn(...args) { // return Promise
* resetAsync: fn(...args) { // return Promise
* resetAllAsync: fn(...args) { // return Promise
Examples: exec=(node task.js / nrq )
node task.js -e -q QTEST -c push -v "{"a":1}"
node task.js -e -q QTEST -c pull
nrq -e -q QTEST -c len
nrq -e -c status