Create a JSON index of files within one or more folders.
Library indexes all the files within one or more folders and maps the folder structure. It can be extended with modules to index specific types of files and collect metadata information. The API filters, sorts and paginates your files and anything modules add.
- How to use
- Index data structure
- Modules
- Compressing index files
- Indexing files from command line
- Loading index from command line
- Indexing files with NodeJS
- Using the index with NodeJS
How to use
You can clone the project and run it from a command line:
$ git clone https//github.com/royalarchives/library
$ cd library
$ node scanner.js /path/to/files
It can work with multiple paths:
$ node scanner.js /path/to/files /optional/second/path
And load modules from the command line:
$ node scanner.js @royalarchives/library-music /path/to/files
Or use it as a module in NodeJS to support your project:
const Library = require('library')
const musicLibrary = await Library.load('@royalarchives/library-music', '/path/to/music')
Index data structure
This is the data structure of the index. Files can be sorted, filtered and paginated. The tree maps the folder nesting structure.
files [{
type file
id string
file string
path string
size integer
tree: {
type folder
id string
folder string
path string
items array [{folder|file}]
Library modules
| Module name | Description |
| ------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| @royalarchives/library-music | Indexes library files for MP3
and FLAC
media and adds songs, albums, genres, and credited persons to your library |
Compressing index files
JSON is very verbose and can be heavily-compressed by setting an environment variable:
$ export GZIP_LIBRARY_DATA=true
You can configure this permanently in Ubuntu:
$ echo "GZIP_LIBRARY_DATA=true" >> ~/.bashrc
Specify it when scanning or loading libraries:
$ GZIP_LIBRARY_DATA=true node scanner.js /path/to/music
$ GZIP_LIBRARY_DATA=true node library.js /path/to/music
Indexing files from the command line
The command line arguments are module names and then paths:
$ node scanner.js module1 module2 moduleN path1
$ node scanner.js /path/to/folder
$ node scanner.js @royalarchives/library-music /path/to/music
Loading files from the command line
The command line arguments are module names and then paths:
$ node library.js @royalarchives/library-music /path/to/music /path/to/more/music /path/to/other/music
Indexing files with NodeJS
const Library = require('@royalarchives/library')
In NodeJS you specify modules and paths using a string or arrays:
const Library = require('@royalarchives/library')
await Library.scan('/path/to/files')
await Library.scan('@royalarchives/library-music', '/path/to/music')
await Library.scan('@royalarchives/library-music', [
Load your library by passing the same parameters that built it:
const Library = require('@royalarchives/library')
const fileLibrary = await Library.load('/path/to/files')
const musicLibrary = await Library.load('@royalarchives/library-music', '/path/to/music')
const bigMusicLibrary = await Library.load('@royalarchives/library-music', [
Using the API with NodeJS
File information can be retrieved with an ID:
const Library = require('@royalarchives/library')
const fileLibrary = await Library.load('/path/to/files')
const file = await fileLibrary.api.files.get(fileid)
data: {
type string
id string
file string
size integer
The files array can be sorted, filtered and paginated:
const Library = require('@royalarchives/library')
const fileLibrary = await Library.load('/path/to/files')
const response = await fileLibrary.api.files.list({
sort string
sortDirection string asc|desc
offset integer
limit integer
keyword string
keywordMatch string equal|start|end|exclude|contain
<property> string
<property>Match string
offset integer
limit integer
total integer
data: [{
type file
id string
file string
size integer