The easiest way to start using an asynchronous job queue with AdonisJS. Supports version 5 and 4.x
Credits to ROCKETSEAT for the original implementation
This documentation refers to the next version of Adonis Bull, which adds support to Adonis v5. If you are using Adonis 4.x, click here.
Table of Contents
Using Bull with Adonis shouldn't be hard. It shouldn't require dozens of steps to configure it. That's why adonis-bull exists. It provides an easy way to use queues when developing applications with AdonisJS.
Getting Started
Let's start by installing the package in our project.
yarn add @rowboat/adonis-bull@alpha
npm install @rowboat/adonis-bull@alpha
You can configure the project by running the following command:
node ace invoke @rowboat/adonis-bull
When prompted, you must choose between two start options: ace command
or http server
ps: If you don't know what option you should choose. Check the initialization session.
After executing the invoke
command the config/bull.ts
file will be created, where you can define the Redis connections. A local connection already exists by default.
To add more connections it is important to make sure that it is also defined in the contracts.
An important step is to set the environment variables in your .env
and validate them in the env.ts
BULL_REDIS_HOST: Env.schema.string({ format: 'host' }),
BULL_REDIS_PORT: Env.schema.number(),
BULL_REDIS_PASSWORD: Env.schema.string.optional(),
The bull can be started in two different ways and this was defined by you in the setup session.
ace command
The bull will be in a separate instance from the HTTP server. To initialize it you can execute the command:
node ace bull:listen
You can define a port with the --port
flag and you can initialize the bull-board with the --board
http server
When selecting this option a startup file will be created at start/bull.ts
. The bull will be started together with its server and will share the same instance.
The start/bull.ts
file will look like this:
import Bull from '@ioc:Rocketseat/Bull'
import Env from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env'
const PORT = 9999
const isDevelopment = Env.get('NODE_ENV') === 'development'
if (isDevelopment) {
The bull board will start in the development environment on port 9999
Creating your job
Create a new job file by executing the following ace command:
node ace make:job userRegisterEmail
# ✔ create app/Jobs/UserRegisterEmail.ts
This command will generate a file at app/Jobs
and add the created job at start/jobs.ts
const jobs = ['App/Jobs/UserRegisterEmail']
export default jobs
This is an example of how to implement a job for sending emails:
import { JobContract } from '@ioc:Rocketseat/Bull'
import Mail from '@ioc:Adonis/Addons/Mail'
export default class UserRegisterEmail implements JobContract {
public key = 'UserRegisterEmail'
public async handle(job) {
const { data } = job // the 'data' variable has user data
await Mail.send('emails.welcome', data, (message) => {
.subject('Welcome to yardstick')
return data
You can override the default configs
import { JobsOptions, QueueOptions, WorkerOptions, Job } from 'bullmq'
export default class UserRegisterEmail implements JobContract {
public options: JobsOptions = {}
public queueOptions: QueueOptions = {}
public workerOptions: WorkerOptions = {}
public concurrency = 1
The package has support for all events triggered by bull.
To define an event you must prefix it with "on" and add the event name (e.g., onCompleted()
, onActive()
, onWaiting()
and etc).
export default class UserRegisterEmail implements JobContract {
public onCompleted(job, result) {}
public onActive(job) {}
Processing the jobs
Simple job
You can share the job
of any controller
, hook
or any other place you might like:
import User from 'App/Models/User'
import Bull from '@ioc:Rocketseat/Bull'
import Job from 'App/Jobs/UserRegisterEmail'
export default class UserController {
store({ request, response }) {
const data = request.only(['email', 'name', 'password'])
const user = await User.create(data)
Bull.add(new Job().key, user)
Scheduled job
Sometimes it is necessary to schedule a job instead of shooting it imediately. You should use schedule
for that:
import User from 'App/Models/User'
import ProductOnSale from 'App/Services/ProductOnSale'
import Bull from '@ioc:Rocketseat/Bull'
import Job from 'App/Jobs/UserRegisterEmail'
import parseISO from 'date-fns/parseISO'
export default class HolidayOnSaleController {
store({ request, response }) {
const data = request.only(['date', 'product_list']) // 2020-11-06T12:00:00
const products = await ProductOnSale.create(data)
Bull.schedule(new Job().key, products, parseISO(data.date))
This job
will be sent only on the specific date.
If a date has already passed, an error will occur.
Other ways of using schedule
Bull.schedule(key, data, new Date('2019-11-15 12:00:00'))
Bull.schedule(key, data, 60 * 1000) // 1 minute from now.
Using schedule with a third party lib
import humanInterval from 'human-interval'
Bull.schedule(key, data, humanInterval('2 hours')) // 2 hours from now
Advanced jobs
You can use the own Bull
configs to improve your job:
Bull.add(key, data, {
repeat: {
cron: '0 30 12 * * WED,FRI',
This job
will run at 12:30 PM, on Wednesdays and Fridays.
To have better control over errors that can occur in jobs, events that fail can be handled by creating an ExceptionHandler
node ace bull:exception
A BullHandler.ts
file will be generated at App/Exceptions
You can change this file to handle job errors as you prefer. Here is an example using Sentry:
import BullExceptionHandler from '@ioc:Rocketseat/Bull/BullExceptionHandler'
import { Job } from '@ioc:Rocketseat/Bull'
import Env from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env'
import Logger from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Logger'
import Sentry from 'App/Services/Sentry'
const isDevelopment = Env.get('NODE_ENV') === 'development'
export default class JobExceptionHandler extends BullExceptionHandler {
constructor() {
public async handle(error: Error, job: Job) {
if (isDevelopment) {
this.logger.error(`key=${job.name} id=${job.id} error=${error.message}`)
} else {
Sentry.configureScope((scope) => {
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