EVM Gateway Contract
Router EVM Gateway contracts
The Router EVM Gateway contract will bridge EVM chains with the Router Chain. We can deploy this gateway contract on any EVM-compatible chain. The gateway contract validates all incoming requests coming from the router chain using the validator set signatures. These signatures should have at-least 2/3 validator power. The current validator set(valset) can update the validator set to a new valset by invoking the updateValset function.
The Gateway contract has a function iSend to send request to other chains, a function iReceive to receive requests from another chain and iAck to receive acknowledgments back from destination chain.
For more details, please check here.
Please use the following instruction to setup, test and deploy the project
To run any command you need to have .env in your local
cd router-gateway-contracts/evm
cp .env.test .env
then update the value in .env file.
Compile Project
cd router-gateway-contracts/evm
npm install
npx hardhat compile
Run Tests
Use the following commands to run the test cases:
npx hardhat test
Deploy Gateway Contract on live network
cd router-gateway-contracts/evm
npx hardhat deploy:Gateway --network <network> --chaintype <chainType> --valsetnonce <valsetNonce> --validators <validators> --powers <powers>
Upgrade Gateway Contract on live network
cd router-gateway-contracts/evm
npx hardhat upgrade:Gateway --network <network>
Verify GateWay Contract on a network
cd router-gateway-contracts/evm
npx hardhat verify --constructor-args <args-file-path> <gateway-contract-address> --network <network-name>
npx hardhat verify --constructor-args scripts/arguments.js 0x610aEe9387488398c25Aca6aDFBac662177DB24D --network polygonMumbai
Generate ABIs, BIN and GO bindings of the Gateway Contract
cd router-gateway-contracts
npm install
sh scripts/createBinding.sh