Rownd CLI tool
Rownd CLI (MVP)
A command-line interface for managing your Rownd applications, configurations, and demos.
npm install @roundrobtest/rownd-cli -g
Authentication & Configuration
To use the Rownd CLI, you'll need to authenticate and configure:
- Log in to your Rownd Dashboard
- Navigate to Settings > API Keys
- Create a new API key or copy an existing one
- Set up your tokens:
# Set authentication tokens
rownd config set-token <your-jwt-token>
rownd config set-refresh-token <your-refresh-token>
# Set analyzer configuration (contact [email protected] for credentials)
rownd config set-analyzer-url <analyzer-url>
rownd config set-analyzer-key <analyzer-key>
rownd config set-analyzer-secret <analyzer-secret>
# Verify configuration
rownd config show
Quick Start: Create a Demo
Create a complete demo from any website:
rownd bootstrap-demo -w https://example.com -n "My Demo App" --logo
This will:
- Create a new Rownd app
- Analyze the website
- Configure the app based on analysis
- Create a demo site
- Upload detected logo (if --logo flag is used)
Website Analysis
Analyze a website and configure your Rownd app:
rownd analyze -w https://example.com -n "My Analysis" --logo
Demo Creation
Create a demo using an existing Rownd app:
rownd create-demo -w https://example.com
in .env
file or environment.
Account and App Management
# Account management
rownd account list # List available accounts
rownd account select # Interactive account selection
# App management
rownd app create "My New App" # Create new app
rownd app list # List apps in account
rownd app select # Interactive app selection
rownd app pull # Pull app config
rownd app deploy [-j config.json] # Deploy config
Logo Management
Upload logos to your Rownd app:
rownd upload-image <path> -t <type>
: Local file path or URL-t, --type
: Required - one of: light | dark | email
rownd upload-image ./logo.png -t light
rownd upload-image https://example.com/logo.svg -t dark
Configuration Management
Analyzer Configuration
The website analyzer requires specific credentials. Contact [email protected] to obtain your analyzer credentials.
# Set analyzer endpoint
rownd config set-analyzer-url <url>
# Set analyzer credentials
rownd config set-analyzer-key <key>
rownd config set-analyzer-secret <secret>
# Verify configuration
rownd config show
rownd config set-analyzer-url "https://website-analyzer.fly.dev"
rownd config set-analyzer-key "your-analyzer-key"
rownd config set-analyzer-secret "your-analyzer-secret"
Pull Configuration
Download your app's configuration:
rownd pull
Deploy Configuration
Deploy your local configuration:
rownd deploy
API Keys
Create new API keys:
rownd key create [name]
Configuration File (rownd.toml)
Example structure:
allow_unverified_users = true
show_app_icon = false
email = true
phone = false
apple = false
google = false
crypto_wallet = false
passkeys = false
anonymous = true
rounded_corners = true
visual_swoops = true
blur_background = true
dark_mode = "auto"
enabled = false
app_store_url = ""
bundle_ids = []
team_id = ""
app_ids = []
enabled = false
play_store_url = ""
package_name = ""
sha256_cert_fingerprints = []
trusted = "localhost:3000,example.com"
For additional support:
- Visit our documentation
- Contact us at [email protected]
[License information to be added]