Hook for listening to window message event and posting message back to source
React hook: Message event
React hook to monitor messages incoming and also allow you to post out. Utilising and simplifing the WebAPI for Window.postMessage() and Window: message event
npm i @rottitime/react-hook-message-event
The two functionalities of this this hook.
- Listening for messages from other windows or frames
- Send a message to parent window/iframe
Just ensure you first import your hook into your component.
import useMessage from '@rottitime/react-hook-message-event'
Listening for messages
The hook takes usage of the Window: message event to allow a component to listen for messages from other windows, iframes or tabs
The hook useMessage
takes two arguments. The first is the name of the event you want to listen to. The second is a optional callback which can be fired once a message has been recieved
The callback provides two arguments. As per the example below
can be used to ping a message back to the sourcepayload
gives you the data that was sent by the source
const ExampleComponent = () => {
//Listen for the message 'authenticate' and then fire a callback
useMessage('authenticate', (send, payload) => {
console.log('I just received : ', payload)
//send back to sender a boolean payload
send({ type: 'authenticate', payload: { success: true } })
return <div>Hellow world</div>
Send a message to parent window/iframe
The hook also takes usage of the Window.postMessage() to allow you to post messages to the parent window/tab/iframe.
In the example below, we are sending the message 'Hellow world' to the parent window
const ExampleComponent = () => {
//Listen for the message 'authenticate' and then fire a callback
const { sendToParent } = useMessage('authenticate')
sendToParent({ type: 'authenticate', payload: { messahe: 'hello world' } })
return <div>Hello world</div>