Lightweight, no nonsense, 2x faster uuid.v4. 0 deps, of course.
About Lightweight, no nonsense, 2x faster uuid.v4. 0 deps, of course.
Just for node. Pre-allocates crypto.randomBytes()
to achieve insane speeds
without increasing the complexity. The only possible downside is that it uses a
constant 31*128 bytes of memory, but this is offset by the fact that there's
far less garbage collection.
npm install --save @root/uuid
var UUID = require("./uuid.js");
// f6d40277-1e32-4905-8fe6-82f40dc03b73
This is started out as a curiosity, pasted as a gist but now, years later, I've come back to it because it's easy to read and understand (for me, at least).
There are too many of these uuid modules out there and they're too complicated.
node-uuid vs crazy-uuid vs fast-uuid
Everybody knows about node-uuid and that it's pretty fast, right?
And everybody knows about 140byte-uuid and that it's insanely small, but really slow, right?
Well, while I was looking at all that math in node-uuid, I wondered to myself: Is that really all that more efficient than just accessing strings? (BTW, I was totally looking at the wrong function)
So I set out on a mission to make 'if' blocks and strings faster than bitwise operations, and I did! Over 2x faster! (generally in the range of 550,000/s instead of 250,000/s)
How is it 2x faster!?!?
Note that the huge time saver here is actually pooling
ahead of time. If we were to implement the same thing in
we might see an even bigger increase.
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Copyright 2015-2021 AJ ONeal
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