Keyboard key handler hook for react
Note: Future updates to this package have moved to the main package rooks. All hooks now reside in a single package which you can install using
npm install rooks
yarn add rooks
Rooks is completely treeshakeable and if you use only 1 of the 50+ hooks in the package, only that hook will be bundled with your code. Your bundle will only contain the hooks that you need. Cheers!
keypress, keyup and keydown event handlers as hooks for react.
npm install --save @rooks/use-key
Importing the hook
import useKey from "@rooks/use-key";
Basic example with keydown
function Demo() {
const inputRef = useRef();
function windowEnter(e) {
console.log("[Demo 1] Enter key was pressed on window");
function vowelsEntered(e) {
console.log("[Demo 1] You typed a vowel");
function capitalVowelsEntered(e) {
console.log("[Demo 1] You typed a capital vowel");
// window is the target
useKey(["Enter"], windowEnter);
useKey(["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"], vowelsEntered, {
target: inputRef
useKey(["A", "E", "I", "O", "U"], capitalVowelsEntered, {
target: inputRef
return (
<p>Press enter anywhere to trigger a console.log statement</p>
<p>Press a,e,i,o,u in the input to trigger a console.log statement</p>
<p>Press A,E,I,O,U in the input to trigger a different log statement</p>
<input ref={inputRef} />
render(<Demo />);
Multiple kinds of events
function Demo() {
const inputRef = useRef();
function onKeyInteraction(e) {
console.log("[Demo 2]Enter key", e.type);
useKey(["Enter"], onKeyInteraction, {
target: inputRef,
eventTypes: ["keypress", "keydown", "keyup"]
return (
<p>Try "Enter" Keypress keydown and keyup </p>
It will log 3 events on this input. Since you can listen to multiple
types of events on a keyboard key.
<input ref={inputRef} />
render(<Demo />);
Conditionally setting handlers
function Demo() {
const inputRef = useRef();
const [shouldListen, setShouldListen] = useState(false);
function toggleShouldListen() {
function onKeyInteraction(e) {
console.log("[Demo 3] Enter key", e.type);
useKey(["Enter"], onKeyInteraction, {
target: inputRef,
eventTypes: ["keypress", "keydown", "keyup"],
when: shouldListen
return (
Enter key events will only be logged when the listening state is true.
Click on the button to toggle between listening and not listening
states.{" "}
Handy for adding and removing event handlers only when certain
conditions are met.
<input ref={inputRef} />
<br />
<button onClick={toggleShouldListen}>
<b>{shouldListen ? "Listening" : "Not listening"}</b> - Toggle{" "}
render(<Demo />);