Game library with phisics and graphics engine that helps you to create your own games in javascript very quickly.
GameScript: Game livbrary for javascript !
Game library with phisics and graphics engine that helps you to create your own games in javascript very quickly.
This repo will be updated when i will have time to do it!
How to use
an example of a server working with the game library can be foudn under the branch: rt-add-example-server
Clone this repo in your project folder and import it in your javascript file.
Gamescript provides a Game class from which you will be able to create your own game by adding the scenes to it. It is a singleton class so you will only have one instance of it. get it with GetInstance method.
create an instance of the game, add the scene and start it.
Extends your scene class from the gamescript.Scene class and override the methods you want to use.
Extends your gameObject and add existing component or create your own component. overrides the methods to create your own gameobject.
Extends your component and override the methods you want to use. Gamescript provides some components that you can use like colliders or renderers.
Gamescript provides a Game class from which you will be able to create your own game by adding the scenes to it. It is a singleton class so you will only have one instance of it. get it with GetInstance method.
create an instance of the game, add the scene and start it.
Extends your scene class from the gamescript.Scene class and override the methods you want to use.
Extends your gameObject and add existing component or create your own component. overrides the methods to create your own gameobject.
Extends your component and override the methods you want to use. Gamescript provides some components that you can use like colliders or renderers.